Saturday, March 30, 2013

LACFD Crews Rescue 2 More Women in Eaton Canyon

Week After Death, Crews Rescue 2 Women in Falls on Hikes at Eaton Canyon
A woman was hoisted out of Eaton Canyon on Saturday after falling

On the day a girl who died in a hike in the San Gabriel mountains was remembered at a memorial service, two women had to be rescued after falling on the same trail.

Rescue crews worked on Saturday to rescue the women on the Eaton Canyon trail.
2 Wounded on Hikes at Eaton Canyon
A woman was wounded during a hike on an Eaton Canyon trail on Saturday, March 30, 2013. In this file photo, rescue crews tend to wounded hikers on Friday, March 22, 2013 on the same trail, which is in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, in Pasadena.

One woman in her 40s fell at the first waterfall at Eaton Canyon Park, said Lisa Derderian, a spokeswoman with the Pasadena Fire Department.

She had a minor nose injury and felt dizzy, so search and rescue crews called in a helicopter to hoist her out.

At same time, a call came in of a woman in her 20s who hurt her ankle closer to the Nature Center and parking lot.

She was taken to a hospital.

The trail was full on Saturday with hundreds of hikers during Easter Weekend.

The news comes after the death at the trail of Esther Suen on March 22 and a public safety message by police and fire agencies warning about the trails dangers.

Bernard Spencer, of the Los Angeles County Fire Department, said firefighters are dispatched to the trail up to 20 times a month.

“For us, it’s a normal thing to go out there,” he said.

Suen was with several other friends on a spring break hike when she died. An 18-year-old man who was with her was injured.

“Trying to climb a crumbling mountainside is not worth losing your life or risking serious injury to yourself and others,” said Capt. Danny Serna, of the Pasadena Fire Department, in the public safety message. “Don’t try it. It’s not worth losing your life.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Social Media Emergency Management Revolution -

 Google expands emergency alerts to millions of people
#SMEM Social Media Emergency Management News Alerts from police, fire and emergency management agencies will appear on Google maps and search pages beginning Friday as part of a growing Google public alert system.
  • When you do a Google search, alerts for your location will pop up
  • Alerts also pop up for any place you're searching for
  • Alerts will reach people who don't use smartphones or social media
Google has partnered with Nixle, a company that contracts with public safety agencies to send alerts via cellphones and social media. Police and sheriff's departments in Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles are among agencies using the service.

The alerts will appear when someone uses Google in an area with an active alert or searches for a place that has an active alert.

There are 6,500 police agencies that use Nixle. Those agencies serve more than 150 million people, but of that potential audience, only 2 million people subscribe to alerts, Nixle CEO Eric Liu says.

"It's not on a person's mind until you're in a crisis situation," Liu says. Working with Google, he says, will "change the equation."

Google says it has 100 billion searches per month.

"That's just a mind-boggling number," Liu says. "It will empower local police to access that base in the interest of public safety."

Access to Google's vast audience will help police send warnings, traffic reports, school lockdowns, missing children bulletins and other public safety alerts to more people, says Capt. Mike Parker, spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

LASD signed up for the free Nixle service — there's also a paid premium version — three years ago, Parker says. Although the department posts information on its website, Twitter and Facebook, not all residents use social media or have smartphones, he says.

About 30,000 people in a county of more than 10 million now subscribe to the department's Nixle alert system, he says.

The link to Google "is going to have a huge impact," Parker says. "We're going to get more information to more people sooner."

The new partnership expands Google's year-old alert system, which began Jan. 25, 2012, with warnings issued by the National Weather Service, the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration appearing on Google Maps, Google communications manager Kate Parker says. Google has since added the Japan Meteorological Agency and AMBER alerts for missing children. Nixle adds "hyper-local" police information, she says.

During Hurricane Sandy, which struck the East Coast in October, Google posted public alerts including evacuation routes, lists of shelters and other emergency information, Parker says.

"Increasingly," Parker says, "people are turning to the Internet when a disaster happens."

Source Article:

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Coffee Break Training: Establishing a Community Arson Watch Program

 Establishing a Community Arson Watch Program

No. FM-2011-0 April 15, 2011

Learning Objective: The student shall be able to identify the five required steps to establish a
Community Arson Watch program.

A neighborhood’s arson problem can range from youngsters setting nuisance fires to a full blown crisis with a serial arsonist. Following the successful Neighborhood Watch five-step program model provides an effective groundwork.

Step 1 - The first step is to analyze the specific local problem and collect related data. Strategies that address the problems in a given area must be mapped out. From the outset, it is essential that neighbors work together. This effort provides an opportunity for neighbors to meet and get to know each other, something that has become less common lately. It is crucial to include neighborhood involvement for the process to be successful. In addition to not being familiar with your neighbors, the dilemma is compounded by the fact that many adults in these neighborhoods work multiple jobs frequently with odd hours, making it extraordinarily difficult to schedule meetings and organize events.

Step 2 - Once the neighbors have a connection, the second step involves building a partnership between fire and emergency services, the police and other law enforcement agencies, and the residents. This is often the most difficult step to hurdle because there is usually angst between the residents and law enforcement for the existing crime problem that exists in their community.

Step 3 - The third step is to assess the needs of a given neighborhood and in the case of arson, how the fire and police departments can work with the residents. Neighborhood Watch states, “In many cases, law enforcement and community members do not have the same focus. An effective Neighborhood Arson Watch program will combine the needs of the fire and police departments with those of the neighborhood when determining which problems to focus on and the methods used to address them.

Step 4 - The penultimate step in setting up a Neighborhood Watch program is choosing and training a dynamic group of volunteers that are led by organized and motivated leaders. If the group leaders are devoid of motivation and organization, the volunteers may be uninspired to participate and quickly quit out of disappointment and frustration.

Step 5 - The fifth and final step is to develop meaningful projects specific to the identified problem. Often, after a Neighborhood Watch has addressed its original issue, members lose interest. It is important for leaders to remain passionate. One way to accomplish this is to design new projects so that there is always a goal towards which the team of volunteers is aspiring.

For more information regarding the U.S. Fire Administration’s Arson Awareness Week, go to

Coffee Break Training: Safeguarding Homes from Arson

 Safeguarding Homes from Arson
No. FM-2013-1 March 28, 2013

Learning Objective: The student shall be able to identify required steps community residents can take to safeguard their homes from arson.

Arson robs communities of its valuable assets — lives and property.  It destroys more than buildings: arson can devastate a community resulting in the decline of the neighborhood through increased insurance premiums, loss of business revenue and a decrease in property values.

Every year more than 25,000 intentionally set fires in homes result in an estimated 300 deaths, 700 injuries and $500 million in direct property damage. The average dollar loss for an intentionally set fire in a residential building is $21,320. The fatality rate for intentionally set residential fires is more than twice that of other residential building fires.

The fire service can help communities thwart the occurrence of arson and reduce its devastating effect by making residents aware of these measures to safeguard their homes.

Illuminate Exterior and Entrances
Install lights covering all sides of the house. Motion-activated lighting, which is inexpensive, should be placed near the entrances. Interior lights on timers give the illusion a residence is occupied.

Install Burglar and Fire Alarm Systems
Alarm devices can be inexpensively wired to transmit an alarm to the police or fire department. Check the cost of contracting with a security firm for response to alarms.

Trim or Remove Shrubbery That Obstructs the View of the House from the Street
Make sure that nothing blocks the view of the house. During the growing season, bushes and trees may need to be trimmed frequently.

Keep Doors and Windows Locked and Bolted
All external doors should be equipped with dead bolts. A simple locked door could be the deterrent that saves a house from arson. The hardware used to lock windows can sometimes be easily forced open with a credit card or other tool. The best type of window hardware has spring-loaded bolts that insert through the window frame into the wall frame.

Clean House
Oftentimes, arson is a crime of opportunity. Remove excess vegetation and piles of leaves. Clean around your house and garage, removing unused and unneeded paper, trash, cleaning supplies, partial cans of paint and other materials that could become kindling and fuel a fire for an arsonist.

Equip Homes with Smoke Alarms and a Fire Sprinkler System
The combination of working smoke alarms and home fire sprinklers reduces the likelihood of death from fire by more than 82 percent. The most effective fire loss prevention and reduction measure for both life and property is the installation and maintenance of fire sprinklers.

Establish a Community Arson Watch Program
Learn about the five required steps to establish a Community Arson Watch program. (See Coffee Break No. FM-2011-0.) Form a neighborhood program, and publicize your community’s efforts. Arsonists seldom strike when you are ready for them.

For more information regarding the U.S. Fire Administration’s Arson Awareness Week, go to



Your right to challenge clearance projects may be taken away

By Miriam Raftery
The California Board of Forestry and CalFire has released a proposal to target about 38 million acres (1/3rd of the entire state) to be burned, chewed-up, or sprayed with herbicides. This increases its habitat clearance program five times over current levels in what the California Chaparral Institute (CCI) calls a “major threat” to wildlife.
Robert S. Taylor Jr., a fire specialist with the National Park Service, has also blasted the proposal as a “very poor use of public funds” that would cause irreversible environmental damage. “I strongly recommend that Cal Fire withdraw the current proposal and produce a new one based on best available science," he wrote.  The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has also criticized the plan.
If approved, the proposal will exempt individual clearance projects from the citizen and independent scientific oversight that is currently required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The Los Angeles Times has called for Cal Fire to “withdraw the EIR and start over — consulting the experts who pointed out its flaws. If California is to have a comprehensive plan for surviving in a fire-prone region, it should be the strongest one possible.”
The comment period has now been extended to April 8, after originally closing February 25. East County Magazine was not notified of this proposal by Cal Fire, despite the fact that we are on Cal Fire’s media notification list and operate the Viejas Wildfire &  Emergency Alert service. East County Magazine editor Miriam Raftery asked Cal Fire to reopen the comment period be reopened because of the failure to notify ECM, which has 150,000 readers a month in the most fire-prone regions of San Diego’s East County. ECM operates the Viejas Wildfire & Emergency Alerts service and is on the media notification list for state and local Cal Fire news releases. We are pleased to announce that the comment period has been extended to April 8.
View the Cal Fire proposal here.
CCI submitted a detailed letter along with a petition with 3,080 signatures (with citizen comments) that called on the Board of Forestry to retract its proposed habitat clearance program and to instead to work with the California Natural Resources Agency and the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water to create a Comprehensive Fire Protection Program that:
- focuses on actual assets at risk rather than habitat clearance
- preserves the rights of citizens to object to destructive projects
- incorporates the most current science
- understands the difference between forests and other ecosystems

We are waiting to hear back from the Board of Forestry. To stay up to date on this matter please go to CCI’s CONTACT page and sign up for an email list.  You can sign a petition here.

To view the CCI’s proposal please go here: Vegetation Treatment Program Document and see CCI’s highlights of its proposal below:

1. We Requested the Board of Forestry to retract the Vegetation Treatment Program Program EIR (Environmental Impact Report) and create a program that will properly consider the entire fire environment, reflect regional differences, allow for independent oversight, and incorporate the most up to date science.
2. The Wrong Focus. This program focuses entirely on clearing vegetation, despite extensive scientific research that clearly indicates the best way to protect lives, property, and the natural environment from wildfire is by addressing the entire fire environment: ignitability of structures, community and regional planning, and science-based vegetation management within and directly around communities at risk. Leave the natural landscape alone! Concentrate where the actual risks are: in and around communities.
Additional details here: Protecting Your Home
3. Inadequate Alternatives. By law this document is required to offer reasonable alternatives to the proposed program. The only differences between the alternatives offered are different mixes of methods to clear vegetation. There is no alternative that looks at the entire fire environment (see #2 above).
4. Impossible to Determine Impacts. The Vegetation Treatment Program is so generalized that it is impossible to determine its environmental impacts on wildlife, plant communities, water and air quality, visual and aesthetic resources, recreation, soils, and invasive weed spread. There are no maps showing the location of clearance projects, only estimated number of acres per region.
5. Taking Away Citizen Rights. All projects within the scope of this Program will only be evaluated by a yet-to-be formulated checklist. They will not be reviewed through the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as they normally are now. This will prevent citizens and independent scientists from challenging a project under CEQA that they feel is environmentally damaging. Citizens have the right to have individual projects thoroughly evaluated under CEQA.
6. Underlying Bias. This proposal is based on the questionable, overly-broad assumption that past fire suppression efforts have allowed a buildup of unnatural amounts of vegetation across the landscape, thus creating a fire hazard. While it may be true that some forests have been negatively impacted by fire suppression, this is not true for many other ecosystems, especially the chaparral. The proposal takes a simplistic, forest-centric approach that attempts to make fire issues out as broadly similar across the region, when in fact they are very different.
Additional details here: Fire and Science
7. Ignored Contrary Views. By law this document is supposed to make an honest effort to review points of disagreement among experts. It failed to do so in areas such as the effectiveness of vegetation treatments, prescribed burns, and impact of fire severity in forests.
8. Cumulative Impacts Dismissed. The document only considers clearance programs conducted by other agencies and timber harvest activities in determining cumulative impacts. It does not include the impact of increased fire frequency on ecosystems, such as chaparral, already impacted by such a trend. Such an approach precludes a proper analysis of cumulative effects.

Original Source: East County Magazine

Printable EMS Information Sheet Post on Refrigerator

Emergency Medical Treatment Information Sheet 
(Post on Refrigerator)

Patient Information
Patient Name ( First, M.I. Last)___________________________________
Age: ___
Date of Birth: __-__-____
City: ___________
Zip Code _________
Phone Number: __________

Insurance Information (Select One or Multiple)
Primary Medical Insurance Name: ____________________________
Primary Insurance Number #___________________________
Secondary Medical Insurance Name: ____________________________
Secondary Insurance Number #___________________________
Medi‐Care #___________________________
Patient Medical History (Check All That Apply)
Cardiac ☐ - Stroke ☐ - Diabetes ☐ - Seizures ☐ - High B/P - ☐ Cancer ☐ - Psych ☐ - Dementia ☐ - Asthma ☐ - COPD ☐ - Dialysis ☐ - Other ☐
Other: ____________________________

Known Allergies To Medications? Yes ☐ No ☐
List Medication Allergies

Hospital Preference For Transport: ( Select 1st, 2nd, 3rd Choices )
1.) ____________________________
2.) ____________________________
3.) ____________________________

Family Member To Be Notified:
Phone Number: __________ Cell Phone: __________
Patient Dr's Name____________________________


CFN - California Fire News 2013 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

USGC Stands Down Response To Disabled Boat With Fatality


Luxury Catamaran Mouse Trap In Trouble 500 Miles Southeast Of Bermuda

PORTSMOUTH, Va. — The United States Coast Guard is standing down their response to a vessel with nine people aboard approximately 500 miles southeast of Bermuda, Wednesday.

Coast Guard 5th District Vessel in distress 
Coast Guard 5th District watchstanders initially received an emergency position-indicating radio beacon distress signal at 1:15 p.m. registered to the 109-foot catamaran, Mouse Trap.
The Mouse Trap’s crew had made contact with Rescue Coordination Center Gris Nez, France and reported that their vessel was in distress after losing their mast, and that one crew member was deceased. 
At approximately 4 p.m., watchstanders received notification from the International Emergency Rescue Coordination Center reporting that the Mouse Trap's crew were no longer in distress, had been able to get their engine started, and were currently en route to the Cayman islands.
An air crew from Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City aboard an HC-130 Hercules aircraft has returned to base while the two AMVER vessels have resumed their original courses.

SFFD: Two firefighters hurt in 4-alarm Bayview fire

 Two SF firefighters hurt in 4-alarm Bayview fire

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- A fast-moving fire forced people to run for their lives in the middle of the night Wednesday in San Francisco's Bayview District. It spread quickly to neighboring buildings, injured firefighters, and displaced nearly two dozen people.

Investigators say the fire, which caused millions of dollars in damage, could have been a malicious act. Firefighters admit it isn't a strong lead but they are following up after questioning someone who heard from someone else that they saw something.

The fire was aggressive. It traveled to three neighboring buildings before fire crews could get to the scene. People sleeping inside the building woke up feeling a mixture of fear and shock. "Oh my gosh, wow," Patricia Lunn said. "It was so big I could see it going billowing over to my window and it was just wow, humongous."

The fire caused significant damage to three buildings. Water from the firefighters' hoses flooded the first floor of two other buildings. Fire officials determined that the fire started in between two buildings on McKinnon Street at Third Street just before 1 a.m.

"There were 20 citizens displaced by this fire. American Red Cross has been working with the displaced residents," said SFFD Battalion Chief Tom Abbott.

"I've very upset about it. That's my baby and it's no longer existing so, we're going to try to maybe, possibly, put it back together," said Clarence Williams who owns the three buildings that were burned. As of 11 a.m. Wednesday, firefighters hadn't allowed Williams to enter the buildings due to concerns the structure could collapse so he couldn't say how badly the buildings were damaged, but he suspects they are a total loss.

Everyone got out safely but Williams is still worried about his tenants. "I'm relieved they're OK but I'm sorry they don't have a place to stay," he said. "After three days, Red Cross will no longer house them. So, where are we going to go from there?"

Two firefighters suffered minor injuries during the incident.

Government Gone Wild As Defense Contractors Tout UAV Wildfire Drones

 The Scary Part: The Company Touts Further Uses Such As Biological Warfare And Weather Modification!

A Spanish company NITROFIREX proposes a fleet of combat aircraft capable of nighttime wildfire firefighting launched from a mother-ship over a wildfire at night.

Besides the seemingly insurmountable problems and doubtful effectiveness the company is vying for government contracts.
  • WEATHER PHENOMENA (Chemtrails?)
  • HUMANITARIAN AID (conflict and/or inaccessible areas)
  • MILITARY (Future Offensive Air System / Storm Shadow)
  As reported by the company to Europa Press, the prototype unmanned NITROFIREX, which is currently under design, will bring "unique capabilities in the world" as far air assets dedicated to the work of firefighting.leveraging the current technological development of unmanned systems. Specifically, the project consists of unmanned glider containing the extinguishing agent and after being fired from the rear ramp of heavy transport aircraft to autonomously target source of fire to discharge its contents with great precision and flight and recovery to a airbase. 


During the first phase of the operation the “Autonomous Propulsed Glider Container” (APGC) is launched mechanically and/or extracted from the cargo hold of the mothership Launcher Aircraft (LA)
These APGC’s, containing a beneficial cargo, are capable of gliding (with engine at iddle position) and are equipped with a guiding system directing them automatically to the point of discharge.
Transition from APGC into UAV.
On reaching their target the APGC’s drop their load automatically and with great precision.
Then, by taking advantage of this important and sudden loss of weight, they climb rapidly and escape from the hostile zone. This manoeuvre is used as a transition for the following phase of recovery.
Once emptied and removed from the hostile zone, the APGC’s change into UAV’s by means of the power increase of a small engine. They are recovered and automatically land at the operation base of the mother ship

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fresno: School Arson Investigation Nabs Child Suspect

 Boy, 10, among suspects in arson at Farmdale Elementary School
 Merced, Calif. (KFSN) -- Merced police arrested three boys Tuesday afternoon. They're accused of intentionally setting a fire at an elementary school, one of the young suspects is a student at the campus

The fire broke out inside a classroom at Farmdale Elementary School on Winder and La Mesa. The three suspects authorities were looking for are younger than they anticipated. Two of them are 14, and one of them, a 10-year-old boy and a current student at the school.

Lt. Tom Trindad said, "They went inside and threw some graffiti up on the walls using paint that was in the classroom and of course they set a fire inside of it."

Firefighters were alerted to the flames when a burglary alarm went off around 1:30 in the morning, followed by a fire alarm.

Merced Fire Chief Mike Mclaughlin said, "Our crews initiated fire attack and it had been burning for a moderate amount of time."

The flames destroyed books and desks, water damaged nearby rooms and the incident forced the library, science and computer lab to close for the day.

Farmdale Elementary School Principal Kathy Moser said, "We had one class that had to be moved and a few other intervention classes, but business is going on as normal, the kids are flexible and the teachers have been very very cooperative."

Police say a security camera captured the three suspects break into the classroom, ransack it and light a small area on fire.

"Fortunately there was nobody on the campus which would have made it more serious, but still the property damage of course and then you have to think of first responders that go out there," said Lt. Tom Trindad. "There are firefighters that put their life on the line to stop the spread of that fire and of course we have a big concern for them."

Officials are also concerned for the students who may learn one of their classmates is accused of committing the crime at their campus.

Lt. Tom Trindad added, "Kids want to feel safe at school and somebody damages or breaks into a school that makes them feel less safe."

Officials are taking this very seriously. Firefighters say the fire caused $30 thousand in damages, but could've been much worse if it weren't for the sprinkler system.

The two 14-year-olds were booked into juvenile hall, and the 10-year-old was released to his parents. The school says a restoration company will work through spring break to clean up the campus.

Modified Source:
Twitter tweet:

WARNING-GRAPHIC CONTENT: Fire Captain Thrown Into Guardrail During Crash

UPDATE: DAYTON--Dayton Police released dash cam video showing a Dayton Fire Chief getting injured on U.S. 35.  

In the video, a car slams  into an  already disabled  pick-up truck on the side of the road,  which slams into  Captain Barry Cron,
and his body is tossed around like a rag doll.    

"When the car struck him, he left the ground and went about 15- 20 feet , airborne."  Dayton Fire Chief Herbert Redden said.

Captain Cron has serious injuries, but is thankfully is going to be okay.

Dayton Fire Fighters were on scene,  responding  to a  total of 11 crashes this morning on  35  

"The drivers hit the ice and lost control of their vehicles." Chief Redden said.

Chief  Redden said  this crash  proves just how important it is to slow down and pay attention
 when you see flashing lights along side any roadway. 

"With any emergency vehicles with lights blinking should automatically  tell you to slow down back off the accelerator  go to a crawl speed until  you have knowledge of what is going on."

Chief  Redden said  Cron has been with the Dayton  Fire Department  since 1992,  and was promoted to Captain in November of last  year.

"He goes out of his way for other individuals whether  he's on  duty or off duty.  He is what you would call the creme of the crop."

DAYTON -- Dayton Fire Capt. Barry Cron is in serious condition today after a spectacular series of crashes early this morning on a bridge along U.S. 35 near Gettysburg Avenue.

Dash cam video, provided by the Dayton Police Department, shows a pickup truck crash into another vehicle that had already crashed. Cron approached the truck, which ended up overturned on its passenger side, when another first responder yelled at him to get back because of another vehicle that had lost control and was about to hit the truck.

Cron tried to get away from the crash but the impact pushed the truck into Cron, which threw him onto the nearby guardrail

WATCHRaw video of crashes involving fire captain (WARNING: GRAPHIC LANGUAGE)
Tuesday, March 26 2013, 01:51 PM EDT
Source: WRGT-TV - Link

OCFA: We Need Your Blood - Arms Wanted to Save a Life! – Come Out and Donate Blood March 27th

 Orange County Fire Authority is hosting a Blood Drive 
We Need Your Blood - Arms Wanted to Save a Life! – Come Out and Donate 
Blood March 27th at The Orange County Fire Authority
Who: The Orange County Fire Authority is hosting a Blood Drive at its Headquarters 
facility in Irvine. We are asking the public to join us as we try and donate more 
than 50 pints of blood.

What: Firefighters and staff members are rolling up their sleeves to donate a pint of 
blood to help children and adults in need of life-saving blood and blood 

You can help out the cause by joining us and donating as well. If you want to signup visit and click on the Schedule a Donation Appointment link and use the code ocfire, in the sponsor code, to find our event. 

When: Wednesday, March 27th
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Where: OCFA Headquarters (RFOTC)
1 Fire Authority Road, Irvine
Corner of Jamboree and Tustin Ranch Road
Photo Opportunities Available!

For more information about the OCFA, call (714) 573-6200.
Visit our webpage, orfollow us on Twitter @OCFA_PIO

Contact: Lynnette Round, Supervisor (714) 290-7772 and
Captain Jon Muir, PIO (714) 357-7783 and

Twitter Buttons

****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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