Sunday, December 26, 2021

Open Letter From Adam Kokesh

 We can still take a stand! Last night I sent this letter to the emails listed in it:,,,,,

I would hate for my email to get buried under other emails from y'all encouraging Saguache County Government to enter negotiations with Captain Freebeard.


Dear Friends, People of Saguache County, District Attorney Alonzo Payne, Sheriff Dan Warwick, Chief Dale Meek, Sergeant Aaron

Fresquez, Sergeant Adam Fresquez, & Officer Christian Guaderamma,

Merry Christmas, Blessed Solstice, Happy Festivus, & Seasons Greetings to all! My name is Adam Kokesh & I recently spent 12 days in solitary confinement in the Saguache County Jail thanks to the actions of three officers of the Center Police Department on December 10th. The three officers involved showed reckless disregard for the law, my rights, & the best interests of the people they supposedly serve. Having now beaten the charges I was falsely accused of, I have a pack of rabid dog civil rights attorneys drooling over this case, ready to sue all of those involved for everything you’re worth. Even if I were to lose the cases for wrongful search & seizure, property damage, wrongful imprisonment, injuries sustained, rights violations, & many more possibilities,it would cost me nothing to pursue those cases & you would lose at least thousands of dollars worth of resources & labor hours fighting me off. I don’t want to go that way, so with this letter, I present an alternative. In exchange for sparing you this, I only ask that you:

1. Provide $2400 for the material damages done to my truck & logistics costs.

2. Provide me with all records regarding the case to which I am legally entitled under Rule 16 of Colorado Criminal

Procedure including body camera footage & all recorded related correspondence.

3. Return the remaining property you took from me, including the psilocybin capsules.

4. Have a motion granted to get the dismissal of my case upgraded to “WITH prejudice.”

5. Never jail anyone in the county for simple drug possession ever again & adjust policy everywhere relevant to ensure it never happens again. Yes, Saguache will be a “decrim county,” on par with policy in Oregon.

6. Get your act together when it comes to inmate requests at the jail for things like clothing, pencils, paper, hygiene products,& showers. Get your act together providing a decent library & exercise opportunities for inmates. Get your priorities straight & provide a greater portion of your jail budget for food for inmates.

7. Institute a compassionate booking process that ensures immediate access to everything inmates are entitled to, especially health care, mental health screening, & legal consultation.

8. Create a Veteran Liaison position to designate someone to consult with every military veteran who enters SaguacheCounty Jail as an inmate.

9. Immediately release everyone in the Saguache County Jail who is there for victimless crimes unless you have a specific reason to believe they are an immediate, clear & present threat to the community.

10. Adjust policy everywhere relevant in the County to reflect respect for all Americans’ right to travel without harassment bylaw enforcement & our 4th Amendment rights to privacy.

11. Have the 3 officers responsible make a personal written apology to my dogs, Thelma & Louise, for the abuse they experienced with a commitment to all dogs that it won’t happen again.

12. Adjust policy to ensure that animals “seized” by law enforcement in the County are treated humanely.

13. Send a copy of this letter to every law enforcement officer in the County & post a copy in the bulletin board/employee notice area in every government building in the County until every item on this list is completed.

If you have any questions, you know how to get a hold of me. If you do not have this letter mounted in every building by close of business on Monday, January 3rd, I will take it as a rejection of my magnanimous offer. If you choose to reject this offer, all

funds that I generate from lawsuits will be used to create an endowment for my nonprofit, Homefront Battle Buddies, to fund scholarships for veterans from Saguache County to experience psilocybin at our facility in Arizona. All of the policy adjustments thatI am requesting are compassionate, revenue-positive reforms that are in everyone’s best interests. I’m open to negotiation & revising this letter. I look forward to hearing from y’all one way or another, but if I don’t, you’ll be hearing from me.

Yours truly,

Captain Freebeard aka Adam Kokesh

Friend of Humanity February 1st, 1982

Brother to Freedom Lovers Former Sergeant of Marines

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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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