Sunday, June 16, 2013

CA-SNF-#CarstensFire #Wildland Fire CA-SNF-1261, Midpines, Mariposa County 1,708 acres 95% contained. #Cafire

Carstens Wildland Fire  CA-SNF-1261Midpines, Mariposa County

Evacuation orders lifted for: Jerseydale, Hites Cove, Clarks Valley and Triangle Rd. West

Carstens Wildland Fire  CA-SNF-1261Midpines, Mariposa County

Update OSCC 6-26 0800 Hrs: Carstens FireCA-SNF-1216/CA-MMU-009840Midpines, Mariposa County, Carstens Road near State Route 140. 1,708 acres 95% contained.
Update OSCC 6-25 0800 Hrs: Carstens FireCA-SNF-1216/CA-MMU-009840Midpines, Mariposa County, Carstens Road near State Route 140. 1,708 acres 95% contained.
Update OSCC 6-24 0800 Hrs: Carstens, Fire, CA-SNF-1216/CA-MMU-009840, Midpines, Mariposa County
1,660 acres, 90% contained.
Transitioning from a Type 2 to a Type 3 organization today.
Update OSCC 6-21 0800 Hrs: Carstens, Fire, CA-SNF-1216/CA-MMU-009840
Midpines, Mariposa County Carstens Road near State Route 140 
1,660 acres 80% contained,
Unified command between USFS Sierra N.F., CALFIRE,
Mariposa County Fire Department and Mariposa County
Sherriff Department. Central Sierra (Cooper)team will transition
the fire to the Sierra National Forest and a Type 3 Organization
Sunday morning. The incident will be in patrol status, with one strike team of engines monitoring the incident. Crews are continuing with suppression repair,
with road grading and back haul of hose and other equipment.
Update OSCC 6-21 0800 Hrs: Carstens, Fire, CA-SNF-1216/CA-MMU-009840, Midpines, Mariposa County
Carstens Road near State Route 140
1,660 acres 70% contained.
Update OSCC 6-20 1800 Hrs: Carstens, Fire, CA-SNF-1216/CA-MMU-009840, Midpines, Mariposa County Carstens Road near State Route 140

1660 acres 65% contained, Unified command between USFS Sierra N.F., CALFIRE,
Mariposa County Fire Department and Mariposa County
Sheriff Department.
  •  50 residences remain threatened.
  • Fire remains in steep inaccessible terrain.
  • All evacuation orders were lifted for the incident today at 1400.
  • Carter and Buckingham roads north of the incident remain
  • closed to all entry but residents.

Temp 48-53*, RH 42-48%, Wind NE 3 MPH
Update OSCC 6-20 0700 Hrs: Carstens CA-SNF-1216Carstens, Fire, CA-SNF-1216/CA-MMU-009840, Midpines, Mariposa County
Carstens Road near State Route 140
1660 acres 60% contained,
Acreage was revised due to ground GPS mapping.
Unified command between USFS Sierra N.F., CALFIRE,
Mariposa County Fire Department and Mariposa County Sheriff Department.
Update OSCC 6-19 1830 Hrs: Carstens CA-SNF-1216
Type: WF
Start: 06/16/2013 1214
Cause: H
Overhead Team Name: Cooper,Drozen,Middleton,Binnew
Organization: Unified Command
Local: 1
Size: 1,621 ACRES
% Cnt/MMA: 55 %
Est Contain: 06/24/2013
Latitude: 37° 33´ 3"
Longitude: 119° 55´ 24"
Location: 1 mile east of Midpines and Highway 140
$$ Costs to Date: $3,900,000
Structures Threatened: 50 PRIM
Structures Destroyed: NONE
Resources Committed:
Total Personnel: 1,663
Report Date: Jun 19, 2013 1800

Significant Events
: Evacuation orders for Jerseydale, Hites Cove, Clarks Valley and Triangle Road west have been lifted. Re-population of these areas will begin at 20:00 tonight, transition is expected to go smoothly with the cooperation of Mariposa County Sheriff, Cal Fire MMU and South Central Sierra Incident Management Team.
Remarks: Agency responsibility acres: State 386ac, Federal 1235ac. Acreage change is a result of on the ground GPS maping. Firing operation in Divisions Z and Y are expected to be completed today. Hard closures for Jersydale and Triangle Road have been lifted. Evacuation centers will remain in place for displaced residents, livestock and pets. Residential evacuation center is the Mariposa Elementary School, and animal evacuation center is at the Mariposa Fairground.

Observed Fire Behavior: Line improvement and Mop-up, 100 to 200 feet in, is progressing in Divisions A, M and O. Burnout operations in Divisions Z and Y continue to secure indirect lines in between Plumbar Creek, Triangle Road and the fires edge. Burning operations are expected to reach objectives by shift change today. Interior activity continues to be generated by deeply imbed heat within thick duff, stump holes and large fuels. Fuels continue to creep and smolder.

Planned Actions: Continued efforts in Divisions Y and Z to complete perimeter line around the Carstens incident. Continued line improvement and mop-up on all divisions. Fire suppression repair will begin tomorrow on Division M with the grading of roads and continue to adjacent Divisions.

Update OSCC 6-19 1800 Hrs: Carstens, Fire, CA-SNF-1216/CA-MMU-009840, Midpines, Mariposa County
Carstens Road near State Route 140
1621 acres 55% contained,
Unified command between USFS Sierra N.F., CALFIRE,
Mariposa County Fire Department and Mariposa County Sherriff Department.
Update OSCC 6-19 0700 Hrs: 
Carstens, Fire, CA-SNF-1216/CA-MMU-009840, Midpines, Mariposa County
Carstens Road near State Route 140
1621 acres 40% contained,
Unified command between USFS Sierra N.F., CALFIRE,
Mariposa County Fire Department and Mariposa County Sherriff Department.
Evacuation orders remain in effect for: Jerseydale, Hites Cove, Clarks Valley and Triangle Road west. Re-entry to Lushmeadows has been allowed.

Update CAL FIRE 6-18 2100 Hrs: 1,888 acres 40% contained

Carstens Fire Incident Information:
Last Updated:June 18, 2013 9:15 pm  
Date/Time Started:June 16, 2013 2:12 pm  
Administrative Unit:CAL FIRE Madera-Mariposa-Merced Unit / Sierra National Forest  
County:Mariposa County  
Location:off Carstens Road, east of 140 in the Midpines area.  
Acres Burned - Containment:1,888 acres  
Estimated Containment1,888 acres - 40% contained  
Structures Threatened:500 residences  
Evacuations:Evacuation orders are in effect for the areas of:
  • Hites Cove
  • Jerseydale
  • Clarks Valley
  • Mariposa Pines
  • Residents on the north side of Triangle Rd. from HWY 140 to Darrah Rd.

*** After 8 p.m. approx. 700 residents will be allowed back into the Lushmeadow area, ID required ***  
Cause:Human - unattended campfire 
Cooperating Agencies:CAL FIRE, US Forest Service, California Highway Patrol, National Park Service, Mariposa County, Mariposa County Fire, Mariposa County Sheriff.  
Total Fire Personnel:1,223  
Total Fire Engines:53  
Total Fire crews:43  
Total Helicopters:8  
Total Dozers:7  
Total Water Tenders:11  
There is a combination of hand and dozer line around the north end of the fire; firefighters are improving the line while mopup actions continue. The biggest growth for the fire has been in the Jerseydale and Hites Cove areas. Lowered temperatures overnight have helped with making progress. If temperatures are similar tonight, continued gains are expected. On the southwest side of the fire, the fire backed downslope toward the constructed dozer lines burning pockets of green fuel between the fire line and the fire. This is favorable for containment goals.
The fire has been determined to be human caused. An unattended campfire was not fully extinguished. Continued vigilance and fire safety during dry forest conditions is required. 
Evacuation centers have been established for displaced residents and livestock and pets. Residential evacuation center is the Mariposa Elementary School, and animal evacuation center is at the Mariposa Fairground.

Road Closures:
  • Triangle Rd at Hwy 140
  • Carlton Rd. at Triangle Rd.
  • Silva Rd. at Triangle Rd.
  • Triangle Rd. at Darrah Rd.
Phone Numbers (209) 966-1133 (Evacuation Information) 
Phone Numbers (209) 742-1523 (Media Information) 
Phone Numbers (209) 966-4784 (Fire Information) 
CA-SNF-#CarstensFire #Wildland Fire CA-SNF-1261, Midpines, Mariposa County 1,888 acres 40% contained #Cafire
CA-SNF- Carstens Wildland Fire 6-19-13
CA-SNF-1261, Midpines, Mariposa County 1,888 acres 40% contained 
Update OSCC 6-18 1800 Hrs: 1,888 acres 40% contained
Significant Events: Evacuation orders continue for JerseydaleHites Cove, Clarks Valley and Triangle Road west.
Remarks: Agency responsibility acres: State 581ac, Federal 1307ac. Maintain community protection for areas within and adjacent to the fire area. Hard closures for Jersydale and Triangle Road. Evacuation status of Lush meadows will be lifted at 20:00 tonight. Evacuation centers are still in place for displaced residents and livestock and pets. Residential evacuation center is the Mariposa Elementary School, and animal evacuation center is at the Mariposa Fairground.
Observed Fire Behavior: Green island of fuels inside the perimeter of Division O continued to burn out, spot fires continue to emerge on this division. Surface fires in Division Z continue to back down hill to indirect lines towards Plumbar Creek. Surface fires continue to back to indirect lines in Division Y towards Triangle road. Divisions A and M; hold and improve line mop-up 100 feet. Interior activity continues to be generated by deeply imbedded heat within thick duff, stump holes and large fuels.
Planned Actions: Continued suppression efforts in Divisions X and Y to stop forward spread and downslope spread in Division Z. Past nightly burning conditions have minimized suppression efforts. If nighttime winds subside suppression efforts will improve. 

Cause: caused by an escaped campfire that was not fully extinguished 
CA-MMU/SNF-Carstens fire hot-spot and perimeter map showing land ownership
Update OSCC 6-18 0800 Hrs: Carstens Fire, CA-SNF-1216, one mile east of Midpines, Mariposa County
Fire is at 1600 acres and 15% containment.
Hard closures are in effect for Jerseydale and Triangle Road.
Lush Meadows is in Evacuation status.
Update 2000: 1,600 acres 15% cont'd; 700 structures threatened; 825 firefighters & support personnel on scene3 immediate need Strike Teams & 2 Planned Need Type III engine Strike Teams XSA XED for tomorrow filled
Update OSCC 1715 Hrs per: Fire is at 1600 acres with 15% containment
Incident is in unified command with USFS Sierra National Forest, CALFIRE, Mariposa County Fire Department, and Mariposa County Sherriff office. 
Fire is at 1600 acres with 15% containment burning in grass, brush and timber and is located in steep and inaccessible terrain. Fire is spotting, torching and making runs.
Update 1300hrs 6/17/13: 4 fire crews from Sequoia NF sent to assist with
Update CAL FIRE Carstens Fire Incident Information:
Last Update: June 17, 2013 10:25 pm
Date/Time Started: June 16, 2013 2:12 pm
Administrative Unit: CAL FIRE Madera-Mariposa-Merced Unit / Sierra National Forest
County: Mariposa County
Location: off Carstens Road, east of 140 in the Midpines area.
Acres Burned - Containment: 900 acres
Estimated Containment 900 acres - 15% contained
Structures Threatened: Approx. 150 Residence
Evacuations: Evacuations for Hites Cove, Jerseydale, Clarks Valley, Triangle Rd. and Scott Rd.
Road Closures : Road Closures: Hwy 140 at Triangle Road, Carlton at Triangle Road , Silva at Triangle Road and Darrah at Triangle Road.
Cause: Under Investigation
Cooperating Agencies: CALFIRE, US Forest Service, Mariposa County
Total Fire Personnel: 700+
Total Fire Engines: 143
Total Fire crews: 11
Total Helicopters: 2
Total Dozers: 21
Total Water Tenders: 4


#CARSTENSFIRE Looking NE towards #Yosemite Valley From Crane ... on Twitpic
#CARSTENSFIRE Looking NE towards #Yosemite Valley From Crane Flat Lookout - Bald Mountain Helibase

@CalFireNews 6/17/2013, 11 AM Yosemitebear Mountain Farm @Dou... on Twitpic
6/17/2013, 11 AM Yosemitebear Mountain Farm @DoubleRainbow 
Credit: Bear Vasquez ‏@Yosemitebear62


Update 6/17/13 -  Carsten Fire Air Quality Report From Yosemite Daily Report for Monday, June 17, 2013
Last night, this fire lofted heavy smoke high in the air to our west, and webcams this morning show that smoke is now over the park and the Yosemite Valley, though monitors at the surface have yet to show its influence.  Expect some of this smoke to “mix down” to the surface today, with potential health impacts to air quality. More incident-related information on the Carstens Fire can be found at: (J. Chavez)

Update 6/17/13 1020: 900 acres, 15% contained. Approx 150 homes threatened. 
700+ personnel on scene: 143 engines, 11 crews, 2 helos, 21 dozers, 4 water tenders.

Good morning Yosemite - Fire in the Mountains
#CarstensFire burning through the night. From Mariposa's Sierra Sun Times.

CA-MMU-009840Midpines, Mariposa County

Bear Mountain Fathers Day Fire 13

Update 6-17 0800 Type 1 Helitanker 784 has been assigned.
OSCC Update 6-17 0800 CA-MMU-009840, Midpines, Mariposa County   Carstens Road near State Route 140 Fire 1000+ acres 0% contained, burning in grass, brush and timber   Central Sierra (Cooper) T/2 IMT has been mobilized to this incident as of 0700 today (6-17). Incident is transitioning the unified ordering point to the Sierra NF. The team will tentatively assume command at 1800 today - 10 hours ago 1000 acres were reported as burned. Evacuations of Jersey Dale began. At 13:30 last night CALFIRE initiated an evacuation order for the residents residing on the northeast side of Triangle Road between Highway 140 extending to Darrah Road.  At 1 AM, CALFIRE initiated an evacuation advisory notice for the residents of the Lushmeadows subdivision.
Carstens Wildland Fire - My backyard #carstensfire #midpines
Credit: Dana Tafoya ‏@gonzos_wife
OSCC Update 2000 Carstens Fire, CA-MMU-009840, Midpines, Mariposa CountyCarstens Road near State Route 140  
Fire 100+ acres 0% contained, burning in grass, brush and timber
Fire appears to have started on SRA, and is now burning on FRA
Values at risk:  Evacuations called for Hites Cove, Jerseydale & Scott Rd.
Currently the Jerseydale area is under evacuation orders. Red Cross station
is being set up at MES, Mariposa Elementary School, 5044 Jones street.
Threat to the community of Midpines,
Temp 86°, RH 19%,Wind 8 NW gusts to 20. 
Carstens Wildland Fire
Update 1945: 300 acres CALFIRE Now in Unified Command with USFS
Update 1900: 300 acres, Cooper's Type 2 team is on order. 
Update 1900: 300 acres, Established in the Drainage, Major Spotting, Potential for 1000+  acres. Aircraft ordered for tomorrow
Update 1800: IC and CalFire Division asking for USFS Rep, wildfire is one mile inside the Federal DPA FRA, SNF Sending Dozer 2, Entiat IHC, E11, E12 and H520 Type 2 Helo. The tankers on this fire are 76, 78, 80, 82, and 83. Tanker 81 went out of service mechanical at Columbia. reload is Columbia.
Update 1730: FKU dispatched 9431C immediate need, second S/T to MMU in the last two hours. Fresno Task Force 3's & 6 also inbound MMU
Update 1630: AA reporting 25-30 acres now and still spotting AT-76 AT-78 reloading, AT-81 out of service, dozer 4242 building line around toe of fire, four dozers will build line on ridge with old fuel break...

Carstens Wildland Fire
My front yard 6/16/13 4 PM 
Update 1617: Type D strike team inbound, Copter 404, 106 on scene, AA stated both fires were in YNP. reports of structure threats. 

Carstens Wildland Fire Overview

Date/Time Started: June 16, 2013 2:10 pm 
Administrative Unit: CAL FIRE Madera-Mariposa- Merced Unit 
Location: Mid Pines Area, Carsten Rd between Sweetwater Ridge  Rd. X FR 5524. Report of second fier in area. Mariposa County  ICP is set up at Mariposa Fairgrounds.
GPS: Lat. 37.549008, Long.-119.904299
Acres: 10-12
ROS: Moderate
ROC: Access Problems, Established in the Drainage, Major Spotting, 10 - 12 acres  Potential for 1000 + 
Structures: 150 Homes Currently threatened. [6-17-13 am]

Fuels:  extremely dry fuel comprised of brush, grass, oak and mixed conifers
Special Hazards:
700+ personnel on scene: 143 engines, 11 crews, 2 helos, 21 dozers, 4 water tenders.
ATs - 6 - Air Tankers AT-76, AT-78, AT-80,AT-82, and AT-83. working the fire AT-81 OOS reload Columbia.
Helos - 2 on Order
Engines - 6 MMU CalFire; 5 TCU CalFire; Numerous LG Engines; 3 SNF Engines
Dozers - 1 MMU Dozer; 1 SNF Dozer, 2 local contract dozers
Crews - 2 On Order
Radio Frequencies: (Switching to command 3 1617) Local - 151.460; Command 4 - 151.400, Air - 151.310 Air-to-Ground CDF Tac 18 159.345 Air Tactics heard- 
Weather Info:Maps:
Agency Website:
Online Scanner:;
Live Video:
Web Cam: - Select Midpines Cam



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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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