Calgrove Fire Los Angeles County #LACoFD
Los Angeles County Firefighters are battling a two-alarm brush fire in the Stevenson Ranch area Wednesday afternoon. Los Angeles County Fire Department officials are urging Santa Clarita residents to follow media updates and prepare for evacuations.
*#CalgroveFire* AC3 now IC. Evacuations of the mobile home park have been ordered. COPT19 req 1 add'l Copter from Barton. #LACoFD
— LACoFireAlerts (@lacfd) June 24, 2015
Evacuation Center: West Ranch High School 26255 Valencia Blvd. Los Angelas County
A large animal shelter established at William S. Hart Park in Newhall
Livestock shelter established at Pierce College in Pierce Hills.
Road Closures: North and South bound I-5 have been reopened.
All lanes on the 5 Freeway just north of the interchange to State Route 14 are blocked as of 1:39 p.m
Wildwood area is the concern, Residents south of Calgrove and east of Railroad/Newhall ranch need to be ready to evacuate when fire hits determined trigger points
Threat to 66KV power lines remains.
WX: 99°, 16% RH Wind out of the North, Visibility is 10 miles.
Update 6-24-15 1700: 100 acres. It is a "Greater Alarm Brush Fire" w/ 300 firefighters w/ assistance from numerous agencies @LACoFDPIO
Update 6-24-15 1540: Fire impacting homes near Cross St x Agramonte Dr. Req immediate need Strike Team. ST1120-A from staging E/R. 16 aircraft fixed wing and rotor working the fire
Update 6-24-15 1530: IE3, E4, E27, E45, E118 & BC49 form up ST1103-A and stage at Camp 2. Also 1 FF (CDC Crew) injured, burns to the hand.
Update 6-24-15 1500: IC advises the fire is now approx 85 acres. IC advising approx 500 homes have been evacuated. Req 3 add'l Water Tenders.
Update 6-24-15 1430: DC1 O/S now IC. Req 5 Type I Strike Teams. Fire has slopped over the ridge. Tankers 73, 43 and Air Attack 310 E/R ETA less than 5 Min. Air Attack reports approx 65 acres. Req 2 Type II Tankers and 1 Type III Tanker. Weather: temp 89, relative humidity 18%, wind W at 4 mph, gusting to 21.
Old Road remains closed.
Update 6-26-15 1900: 415 Acres, 100% Contained. Fire in patrol status
WX: 91°, wind SE 8 Gust 18 RH 21%Update 6-26-15 0900: 415 Acres, 95% Contained
WX: 91°, wind SE 8 Gust 18 RH 21%Update 6-26-15 0900: 415 Acres, 95% Contained
No changes in condition
Fire area experienced very minimal fire behavior with a few isolated interior smokes
99°, wind SSW 4 Gust 17 RH 14%
Monitor, Mop-up, and Patrol operations will continue on the entire fire perimeter
Update 6-25-15 0900: 398 Acres, 60% Contained
Approximately 200 residences remain threatened
Mop up will continue
Communities, within Newhall, immediately adjacent to the fire line around Wildwood Canyon Rd, Calgrove Blvd, and Creekside Dr. Impacts will continue with traffic flow on the 5 and 14 freeways and within local communities as firefighting resources travel to and from the firefighters.
Update 6-24-15 1900: 200 acres, 25% containment., Streets that are closed will remain closed until at least 8:30PM, Los Angeles County Fire Department officials are urging Santa Clarita residents to follow media updates and prepare for evacuations.Currently 450 firefighters and 7 helicopters, 1 home sustained damage to garage eavesWildwood area is the concern, Residents south of Calgrove and east of Railroad/Newhall ranch need to be ready to evacuate when fire hits determined trigger points
Threat to 66KV power lines remains.
WX: 99°, 16% RH Wind out of the North, Visibility is 10 miles.
Update 6-24-15 1700: 100 acres. It is a "Greater Alarm Brush Fire" w/ 300 firefighters w/ assistance from numerous agencies @LACoFDPIO
Update 6-24-15 1540: Fire impacting homes near Cross St x Agramonte Dr. Req immediate need Strike Team. ST1120-A from staging E/R. 16 aircraft fixed wing and rotor working the fire
Update 6-24-15 1530: IE3, E4, E27, E45, E118 & BC49 form up ST1103-A and stage at Camp 2. Also 1 FF (CDC Crew) injured, burns to the hand.
Update 6-24-15 1500: IC advises the fire is now approx 85 acres. IC advising approx 500 homes have been evacuated. Req 3 add'l Water Tenders.
Update 6-24-15 1430: DC1 O/S now IC. Req 5 Type I Strike Teams. Fire has slopped over the ridge. Tankers 73, 43 and Air Attack 310 E/R ETA less than 5 Min. Air Attack reports approx 65 acres. Req 2 Type II Tankers and 1 Type III Tanker. Weather: temp 89, relative humidity 18%, wind W at 4 mph, gusting to 21.
Update 6-24-15 1420: 45 acres.
Update 6-24-15 1320: IC reports approx 5-10 acres. Req a 3rd Alarm. Structures in the path of fire. Setting up Structure Protection. Some progress being made.
IA: 1:12 p.m., Los Angeles County Fire Department.
Location: Santa Clarita Stevenson ranch area, along northbound 5 Freeway.
ROS: Rapid with extreme flames length, spot fires
Structure Threats: Yes but Initially, the fire department was not reporting that any structures are threatened.
Comms: Command - LAC V2 152.2400
LACoFireAlerts @lacfd 5m5 minutes ago
*#CalgroveFire* E8, E9, E236, E106, E164 & BC19-A form up ST1120-A and stage at Camp 2. #LACoFD
Location: Santa Clarita Stevenson ranch area, along northbound 5 Freeway.
ROS: Rapid with extreme flames length, spot fires
Structure Threats: Yes but Initially, the fire department was not reporting that any structures are threatened.
Comms: Command - LAC V2 152.2400
Primary Tac - LAC V9D 154.340
Secondary Tac (structure protection) LAC V10D 154.415
A/G 154.4000
Air Ops 131.425
Crew - Dozer U14D 453.725
LAC Blue 12 470.4875
LAFD Tac 17 857.7625
Resources: 228 Firefighters, 4 helicopters, 2 dozers on scene at 1400 hrs
#Angeles_NF is assisting @LACo_FD with the #CalGroveFire with (7) engines, (2) Type 1 Crews, chief officers, water tenders, and patrols.Resources: 228 Firefighters, 4 helicopters, 2 dozers on scene at 1400 hrs

*#CalgroveFire* E8, E9, E236, E106, E164 & BC19-A form up ST1120-A and stage at Camp 2. #LACoFD
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