Sunday, October 12, 2008

CA-MRN- Angel - Wildland fire - 400 acres. 90% contained.

Final Update: 10-15-08 07:00 hrs - 400 acres and 100% contained. No Injuries, No important structure losses.
Update: 10-14-08 07:00 hrs - 400 acres and 90% contained, Marin County's Angel Island fire is about 90 percent contained, two days after it burned more than half the landmark.
Many of the trees and brush are gone, The fire has not significantly harmed wildlife, a local environmental scientist said Monday.
Update: 1200hrs - 400 acres. 75% contained, which is more than half the land on the Island.
Update: 0814 hrs - Angel Island State Park Vegetation Fire
Summary: UPDATED 10/13/2008 - 0814 hrs 250+ acres.
Resources on scene or staging at 0800 hrs: As of 0800 10/13/0, there are approximately firefighting and overhead 200 personnel assigned to the fire. 8 Type 3 Engines, 2 CAL Fire helicopters and Helitack crews, 1 CA State Parks type-1 engine, Tamalpais Fire Crew, two strike-teams of CAL Fire Hand Crews . Battalion 1513, Angel Incident Commander (IC). Strike team 2140C arrived on the island between 0000 and 0300 10/13/08. Water tender 6191 arrived at 0100 10/13/08. Strike Team 9110C From CAL Fire arrived at Fort Baker for ferrying 0815, 10/13/08.
Additional resources requested by IC at 2230 hrs 10/12/08: 3 Strike Teams of Hand Crews (approx. 70 firefighters) 2 Water Tenders 2 additional Strike Teams of Type 3 Engines (approx 40 firefighters and 10 wildland "type-3" engines) Duplicate of the above resources requested for day shift October 14th, plus two CAL Fire copters and Helitack Crews ordered at daybreak.
No structures have burned, engine companies and crews are actively protecting cultural and historical resources and structures on the island. Structures are threatened. Approximately 40 campers have been evacuated from the island's State Park campsites

Angel Island Fire last night
Photo from:
The island's highest point is Mount Livermore at 781 feet, and it appeared to be involved in the blaze. The fire was facing the city, burning on the east side of the island, near the reservoir.
Update: 10-13-08 10:00hrs - CHP Helicopter H-30 on scene as Air attack with an CALFIRE captain on board.
Update: 10-13-08 07:30hrs - 250 acres 0%, ongoing threat to Historical buildings, aircraft on order, Angel Island is 740 acres total acreage.
Update: 10-13-08 03:30hrs -50 Acres reported at 2200hrs. Resources on scene 2200 hrs: 6 Type 3 Engine Crews, Tamalpais Fire (hand) Crew. Battalion 1513, Angel Incident Commander (IC). Additional resources requested by IC at 2230 hrs: 3 Strike Teams of Hand Crews 2 Water Tenders 2 Strike Teams of Type 3 Engines Significant cultural and historical resources threatened.
Update: 23:30hrs - Evacuations - Island Campsites and non-firefighting and non-essential State Parks personnel are asked to evacuate Angel Island or shelter in place at Ayala Cove.
Update: 21:30hrs - Fire is visible around the bay and is now 5 acres in heavy fuels with moderate to rapid rate of spread. Still waiting for landing craft to transport Type III engines. Tam Fire Crew at scene. Two Delta Crews enroute, San Francisco Fireboat 1 with Engine 8 and Batt. # 3 responding.
Google Map Link
Vegetation fire on Angel Island in San Francisco Bay. Park Ranger at scene reporting one acre of grass and brush. Will take Full Wildland fire SRA response from MRN including fireboats from Tiburon and Sausalito, fire is spreading in a narrow column up hill.

Initial report: - Ranger is reporting fire is 100 square feet and rapidly growing.
Current Sizeup: 21:00hrs - 2 acres in heavy fuel on the east side of the island, Per State Parks GOLD, fire has jumped the road and burning downhill towards camp sites 7, 8 and 9. Evacuating all campers from the island.
IC: Battalion 1513 assuming "Angel IC" Battalion 5 taking "Angel Operations" Angel IC was directing the fire from Tiburon and is now on the boat on the way to the island, Chief 769 on State Parks GOLD is the State Park ranger in charge, currently enroute from Marin.
Resources: Fire Boat Liberty (Sausalito), Fireboat Tiburon, E1565, E1566, ME11, ME10, Rescue 9, Battalion 5, Coast Guard is sending a boat, ETA 15 min.
one hour to shuttle Type III engines and crews from Tiburon and Sausalito., CDF LNU is sending 2 Delta crews, plus the Tam Fire Crew from Marin Co Fire.
Comms: MERA FD Dispatch, Control H2, Tactical H4, Command
H5, and Control G2. CA State Parks GOLD on 857.9375 DC 125.
VHF HI patch (BK)- Marin Local (MRN) - 151.04 - PL 146.2


  1. It's crazy, I can see it just outside my window.

  2. Send a photo to if you can and I will use it here.
    Bob Editor - Cal Fire News

  3. Prayers for all involved....

  4. photos here!

  5. ITS NOW 75 TO 100 ACRES NOW


  7. I was working in downtown tiburon, and this is crazy out of control. I hope it calms down, apparently everyone in the east bay can see it..


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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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