Monday, September 8, 2008

CA-SHF-GULCH - Vegetation Fire - 2,847 acres - 80%

  • A-SHF-GULCH - Wildland Fire - West of Platina in Shasta County
Wildland Fire, Platina, Shasta County - geomacSHF Gulch fire general fire perimeter location map

Satellite photo of Gulch Fire Ice cappingSatellite photo of Gulch Fire Ice capping
Credit: California fire News/
Sat loop14:45 hrs to 17:00hrs 09-08-08

Update-1030 - 09-10-08 - 2,847 acres - 80%
Expected Full Containment: September 11, 2008
Current Resources: Crews: 14, Engines: 22, Helicopters: 3, Dozers: 3, Water Tenders: 19.
Total Current Resources Assigned:
-1330 - 09-08-08 - Air Attack reporting torching out in trees. Requested 2 additional helicopters due to current observed fire behavior and potential for long range spotting with the afternoon winds coming.
Update-1300 - 09-08-08 - Three Immediate need engines dispatched for structure protection. (Engines are part of S/T 9125C forming up at the incident)
Update-0800- 09-08-08 - 2,280 acres, Fire is threatening 30 homes and two commercial properties, The fire caused a precautionary evacuation order Sunday for 20 to 40 structures, mostly homes, in Harrison Gulch, he said. The Shasta County Sheriff’s Office lifted the order later Sunday.
1900 Update, Gulch Incident, CA-SHF. NorCal Team 2 (Kaage), a type 2 incident management team has been ordered.
Update- 1:53PM PER CDF, No ETA on road closures, 100 Acres both sides of roadway, MOVING FAST
Closures: Highway 36 is closed from Wildwood Road to .8 miles west of Platina.
Previous updates.
Evacuations canceled on Gulch Fire
Evacuation of Harrison Gulch Ranger Station in progress
IC requesting evacuations of Harrison Gulch
500 acres
AA Estimating 400 acres
IC requesting 4 additional water tenders
IC reporting 300 acres
SHF-DIV-2 reports potential to go 2-3 thousand acres, requesting a team.
Location: Highway 36E, three miles northwest of Platina in Shasta County,
IA: 100 acres rapid rate of spread, Four rate sepefire starts at about 11 a.m burning uphill toward an abandoned outlook on Knob Peak
IC: Unified command with SHF/SHU - Type 2 Team requested.
Size: 2,000 acres with 5%, brush and timber,
Potential: 2,000 acres - Fire has now spread onto SRA , Burning on both sides of Highway 36, the Gulch Fire is spreading to the east toward Platina and to the west toward Harrison Gulch.
Wx: Temperature 97, Humidity 15%, Wind expected to change in 2-3 hours pushing fire more towards SRA
ISO: 15KV lines in area have been affected, ISO in direct contact with SHF
Cause: Per CHP CAD Vehicle started fire while towing or dragging car.
IA: 4 fires total 2 small at 1-2 acres, 2 pushing 100 acres
Resources: IC placed order for 4- Strike team crews, 4- Strike team Engines, 4- Dozers, 4- DIVS, 4- Watertenders
LNF is sending a strike team, TGU is sending 2 strike teams of Fire Crews along with Copter 205. BTU sending a strike team of engines, CZU sent out a type III strike team.
Eight air tankers
CALFIRE resources committed: 11Engines, 2 Dozers, 4 Crews, 4 Overhead, 1 Air Tanker
Report to Platina fire station ASAP
Current Size: 2000+ acres
Percent contained: 5%
Structures Threatened: 20 residences, 2 commercial buildings - Major north/south railroad line threatened and closed.
Fire behavior: rapid rate of spread. Fire behavior included long range spotting.
Fuels : Dense brush and Timber

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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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