Due to the huge protests in Los Angeles, a MAJOR fire service event that supports YOU had to be canceled for the safety of those attending.
Tonight WAS the annual gala fund raiser for the Firefighter Cancer Support Network. Now I really don't care how right, middle or left you are, who you voted for or whatever-the fact is that the most MAJOR FIRE FIGHTER CANCER SUPPORT organization in North America was sucker punched and had it's wind knocked out this evening-and this impacts every one of us.
OUR REQUEST IS that you take 5 minutes and make a donation so we can help them make this huge loss up thru donations.
PLEASE GO TO: https://firefightercancersupport.org/ and click on top, the blue button marked DONATE.
If that link fails, click here: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/WebLink.aspx?name=E201016&id=1
So please-
If you voted for TRUMP-PLEASE DONATE
If you voted for anyone else-PLEASE DONATE
if you support the protesters-PLEASE DONATE
If you don't support the protesters-PLEASE DONATE
If you appreciate the time we put into THE SECRET LIST-PLEASE DONATE
If you belong to IAFF, IAFC, NVFC. ISFSI, NFPA-They all support the FCSN...SO PLEASE DONATE
Quite frankly, if you have a pulse-PLEASE DONATE
$10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00 or more...whatever you can do. PLEASE. If your Union local can-please donate. if your Volunteer association can-please donate.
MAYBE once a year we identify an "EMERGENCY" where all of your help is needed-and this would be it. The FIREFIGHTER CANCER SUPPORT NETWORK is a NON-profit with only TWO paid staffers-the rest are VOLUNTEERS supporting EVERY firefighter and their family dealing with cancer-and all the prevention work that goes along with it.
PLEASE GO TO: https://firefightercancersupport.org/ and click on top, the blue button marked DONATE.
Your help is more than just sincerely appreciated. It is urgently needed as this was their only annual fundraiser. And now it has been shut down for the safety of those attending due to the protesters.
Take Care. Be Careful. Pass It On. Please Donate.
The Secret List 11-12-2016-1945 Hours
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