Sunday, June 2, 2013

CA-LPF-Branch Los Padres Forest #BranchFire 500 acres, 90% contained. No further spread expected. [Final]

Branch, Vegetation Fire, CA-LPF-001535 San Luis Obispo County

OSCC Update: 6-3-13 2000 - Branch Fire, CA-LPF-001535 Vegetation Fire, San Luis Obispo County 5 miles Southeast of Branch Mountain Peak just south of Sulphur Springs
500 acres, 90% contained.
Update: 6-3-13 0800 - Branch Fire CA-LPF-001535, San Luis Obispo County,
5 miles Southwest of Branch Mountain Peak just south of Sulphur Spring
515 acres, 85% contained. No further spread expected.
Update: 6-2-13 2000 - 500 acres,  80% contained
Update: 6-2-13 0900 - 350 acres,  0% contained
High Tension power lines are 5 miles away
Update: 6-2-13 0200 - 350-400 acres, Slow-moderate rate of spread
Burning in grass and brush Six air tankers, an air attack and 4 helicopters provided aerial attack and surrounded approximately 50% 250 to 300 acres have burned.
CA-LPF-Branch  Los Padres Forest MODIS / GEOMAC
Start Date: 6/01/13 @ 1801 hours
IA: Air Attack is over the fire reporting 25 to 30 acres in the Los Padres Forest with potential for several hundred acres.
Approximate Location Los Padres Forest west of the Carrizo Plain - 5 miles Southwest of Branch Mountain Peak just south of Sulphur Spring FRA
GPS: 35.156 latitude, -120.039 longitude 

Incident Overview The fire started at approximately 5:30 pm on Saturday, June 1, 2013 between Branch Mountain and California Valley. Approximately 250 to 300 acres have burned. Six air tankers, an air attack and 4 helicopters provided aerial attack and surrounded approximately 50% of the fire with retardant and water drops. There are currently 125 resources fighting the fire, including resources from the US Forest Service and Cal Fire.
Basic Information  
Incident Type Wildfire Cause Under Investigation
Date of Origin Saturday June 01st, 2013 approx. 05:30 PM
Incident Commander Gary Helming
Total Personnel 125


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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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