Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SBSD: Dorner Standoff Sheriff Communications Transcript -

 San Bernardino County Sheriff Standoff with C. Dorner (February 12, 
Scanner audio captured during the standoff with Charles Dorner - fire begins approx. 25 mins in.

San Bernardino County Sheriff Standoff with C. Dorner (February 12, 2013)

Subject: Partial Dorner Standoff Transcript - Selected quotes from the recording
26:22 Seven burners deployed, and we have a fire. (Original CFN Breaking Report Link https://twitter.com/CalFireNews/status/301479740810866689 )
27:05 Guys, be ready on the #4 side. We have fire in the front and he might come out the back.
27:12 Ready.
27:20 On the four side, remember your backdrops.
28:30 The one side's fully engulfed; fire on the four.
28:16 10-4, engulfed
29:33 Contact fire to staging, have them bring an engine down here.
30:44 14, 10-5-0
30:56 Control, 61 Lincoln, sounds like one shot fired from inside the residence.
31:00 Copy: One shot fired from inside the residence. Confirm you still want fire to roll in?
31:04 Roll in at stage.
31:17 Copy. They're staged at [inaudible] and 38.
31:14 Fire will be staged at the first contact with the first armored unit down there.
31:26 61 Lincoln to all perimeter units: Stand by, maintain your discipline
31:51 12-61 Lincoln, 1-2 corner fully engulfed
31:55 Copy, 1-2 corner fully engulfed.
32:46 61 Lincoln, we have ammo exploding inside
32:52 Copy, ammo exploding inside.
36:09 [inaudible] Status check?
36:14 I'm code four. I'm on the four side. Over.
36:18 Copy. Do we have, uh, do we have fire back there yet?
36:24 [inaudible] I'm on the number four side, fully engulfed
36:34 [inaudible] Two and four side fully engulfed. Fire moving to three now.
36:37 Copy, number two and four fully engulfed.
38:36 [inaudible] Is there any propane cylinders or anything back there we need to be aware of?
38:47 No, not that I can see from my position
38:52 Copy. Thanks. Break. Guys on the #3 side: Any propane tanks visible?
39:02 [inaudible] We [inaudible] propane tanks on the backside
39:33 62-10-1 to control, confirming that fire's been notified to come down this way?
39:39 Fire was staging just a [inaudible]
39:57 Do you need them closer?
40:16 61-Lincoln, 61-Charlie.
40:20 Go ahead, [inaudible].
40:21 Do we want to have, uh, fire start putting water on it once the roof starts to settle down a bit, and, uh, like it's starting to collapse?
40:29 Affirm, uh, gimme me some time, here. We're not quite there. We still have the, uh, 2-3 corner, there, that's still vulnerable.
40:37 10-4, We're just bringing fire in about 200 yards out. Your call.
40:40 Copy.
40:46 [inaudible]
40:47 Go, Tim.
41:04 [inaudible] Is there still a lot of room on the 3-4 corner that's not engulfed yet?
41:11 Copy, thanks Tim. 3-4 corner, there's a lot of room left. I copy.
42:45 Control 61-Lincoln. We still have ammo going off in the fire.
42:49 61-Lincoln: copy.
46:10 [inaudible]
46:12 George-2.
46:22 [inaudible] Get everybody over here.
46:37 61-George-2
46:47 [inaudible] your status?
46:53 61-Lincoln [inaudible]
46:57 We just had open mike, it sounded like some time of commotion. Just checking your status.
47:04 [inaudible]
47:09 Okay.
47:33 [inaudible] Monroe
47:39 John, uh, how's that fire doing on the back west side?
47:43 It's taking its dear sweet time to get there. This thing's well-constructed. Uh, we don't even have any roof uh [inaudible] not ready for those reasons and I still have ammo popping here.
47:58 Fire
48:00 Monroe
48:02 Break. 61-Lincoln, 61-Charlie. You ready for fire?
48:08 61-Lincoln, 61-Charlie: That's negative. I still don't have adequate penetration on the 2-3 or the 3-4, and I still live ammo popping.
48:29 Lights off, please.
49:07 [inaudible] no way
49:09 Open mike.
49:27 61-Charlie, 61-Lincoln: [inaudible] from your vantage point, you can see how it's, uh, containing itself quite well. Can you see that I don't have adequate penetration on the 2-3 yet?
49:39 Yeah, I don't see that, uh, corner yet. I'm leaving it to your call, John.
49:42 Copy that.
50:14 [inaudible] Monroe
50:20 Go ahead, Jeff.
50:25 We got the, uh, Dodge truck [inaudible] slide down the hill. Did you want that cleared?
50:35 Let's, uh, hold until we start mop-up with fire.
50:42 I want to hold the permiter until, uh, 61-Lincoln makes the call.
50:50 Copy.
51:32 10-13
51:42 [inaudible] relay there's [inaudible] fire [inaudible] 3-4 corner
51:48 Fire on the 3-4 corner?
51:54 Yeah, that's [inaudible]
51:58 61-Lincoln, the fire is [inaudible] I'm still not ready for fire, um. Fire is moving [inaudible]... but we still have a lot of smoldering. So just stand by.
52:11 Copy.
53:05 [inaudible] How we doing back there?
53:13 Uh, [inaudible] the, uh, 1-4 corner.
53:22 [inaudible] down to the 3-4?
53:32 I can drive around that way if you want me to.
53:41 [inaudible]
52:49 Last traffic was unreadable at [inaudible]
53:56 Copy [inaudible]
53:58 Fully engulfed.
54:01 [inaudible] copy. 3-4 is fully-engulfed.
54:10 [inaudible] Luke?
54:14 More ammo going off.
54:16 Copy, more ammo going off.
54:23 Luke?
54:24 Go.
54:25 Hey, John, if these, uh, cabins have [inaudible] areas? Something to consider.
54:33 Affirmative, I'm told that there's basement in the cabin. So as a precaution, since the fire's self-containing itself I'm going to let that heat burn through that basement.
54:43 [inaudible] good call.
55:22 Lincoln [inaudible]
55:32 Battalion 1-31
55:50 Battalion 1-31, if you didn't copy, we're not ready for you yet. We've got live ammo going off.
56:00 Yeah, I did copy that. I just wanted to give some information, that, uh. [inaudible] I have a fire seargent that was raised in that building and uh he's familiar with [inaudible] suspect [inaudible]
56:21 61-Lincoln, did you copy that?
56:22 Negative [inaudible]
56:23 Batallion chief is advising there was a firefighter raised in that residence and he's advising the basement is 12 by 15.
56:33 The ceiling of the basement or the floor is wood or concrete?
56:48 10-5 Is the basement floor or ceiling wood or concrete?
56:57 Batallion chief, can you advise? If the basement floor or ceiling is wood or concrete?
57:29 Control 61-Lincoln. Did they advise?
57:30 They're advising on another channel, and that's affirmed, the ceiling of the basement is wood.
57:43 Control 61-Charlie. Which end of the house is the basement at? North, south, east, west?
57:53 North.
59:01 61-Lincoln, were you able to ascertain which end of the house that basement is in?
59:06 One of our deputies is checking with him now. I'm just waiting for the answer.
59:16 61-Lincoln, they're advising the west side.
59:21 That's the side that's not, uh, been penetrated by fire yet. Thank you.
59:28 10-4
00:41 61-Charlie, 61-Lincoln. The fire is doing quite well. [inaudible] penetrated the 2-3 or 3-4, where that basement is supposedly located.
00:54 [inaudible]
01:03 John, standing by for your, uh, request for Fire, whenever you're ready.
01:07 Okay, thank you.
01:18 [inaudible]
01:33 [inaudible]
01:36 [inaudible] go for dinner
01:45 [inaudible] basement on the 3-4 corner. Still smoke coming out of that window.
01:51 You guys with eyes on the back: If you, uh, see something that's catching fire that's not supposed to be, then let me know. But otherwise, let it go.
02:05 Control, 61-Charlie
02:06 61-Charlie
02:09 Whoever's talking to that firefighter who's familiar with this house: Can you also ask him if there'd be any, uh, reason for ammunition to have been in the cabin other than from the suspect?
02:23 That's affirm. Will check.
02:42 [inaudible]
02:50 61-Lincoln, we have, uh, green smoke or gas that just blew out of the burning structure deployed.
03:03 Copy. More smoke, gas, uh, deployed by suspect?
03:09 Uh, either it blew out of front or it was thrown out.
03:12 Copy.
03:26 61-Charlie That firefighter RP hasn't been in the residence in years, and he doesn't know.
03:33 10-4, thank you.
04:33 61-Lincoln, We've got, uh, good penetration with the fire at 2-3 corner. It's still doing quite well, self-containing itself. I'm gonna let it go.
04:48 The fire is self-contained, good penetration 2-3 corner.
05:35 61-Lincoln.
05:38 Go ahead.
05:39 We're getting information on 60 police band that there is a propane tank at the rear of the residence near the garage.
05:50 Copy. That's gonna be quite a ways from the fire. Should be code four.
05:57 Thanks.
05:58 Go, Tim.
06:01 [inaudible]
06:03 You're 10-1. Try again.
06:05 [inaudible] propane tank [inaudible]
06:10 Copy that.
06:44 61-Lincoln. Just info, we're gonna get on 21 with that batallion chief.
06:50 Just know the, uh, floor on the number 1-2 corner, which is the east side has collapsed. I don't know if that's where the basement is at, or [inaudible]
07:54 61-Lincoln, 61-Sam wants to know how many feet the fire is away from the propane tank.
08:00 [inaudible] can you answer that?
08:07 10-9?
08:12 Nickel. Enter. Can you answer that question?
08:14 [inaudible]
08:19 Confirming: 70 yard?
08:20 [inaudible]
08:23 Control, 61-Lincoln, Do you copy 70 yards?
08:28 That's affirm, 70 yards. Thank you.
09:05 [inaudible] our people are [inaudible] and
09:06 Open mike.
09:07 That one kid died.
09:09 Open mike!
09:11 How quick they get that crap out. It was quick. They were getting the news before we were getting it, so we--
09:21 Open mike!
09:28 mike
09:29 Open mike at the press conference.
Keywords: Charles Dorner Standoff; Police Audio
Creative Commons license: Public Domain Mark 1.0

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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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