News and Notes:
Hawaii: HI-CNTY Kekaha 12 Fire. 750 acres. 0% containment. The fire is burning in an abandoned cane field overgrown with native brush on Kauai. Existing roads are washed out and offer poor access to engines.
MAFFS: Four MAFFS C-130 aircraft and support personnel from the 302nd Airlift Wing, Colorado Springs (US Air Force Reserve), and the 153rd Airlift Wing, Cheyenne (Wyoming Air National Guard) are supporting wildland fire suppression operations out of Boise, ID. One MAFFS from the 145th Airlift Wing, Charlotte (North Carolina Air National Guard), along with one MAFFS from the 146th Airlift Wing, Channel Islands (California Air National Guard) are supporting wildland fire suppression operations out of Sacramento, CA.
National Fire Activity
Initial attack activity: Light (102 new fires)
New large fires: 7 (*)
Large fires contained: 8
Uncontained large fires: ** 35
Area Command Teams committed: 1
NIMOs committed: 2
Type 1 IMTs committed: 11
Type 2 IMTs committed: 13
** Uncontained large fires include only fires being managed under a full suppression
Weather: No current Red Flag Watches or Warnings
NWS Current Fire Weather Watches / Warnings
California Wildfires Today:
OSCC - Southern California Operations
Southern California Area (PL 3)
New fires: 13
New large fires: 0
Uncontained large fires: 3
Type 1 IMTs committed: 1
Type 2 IMTs committed: 2
Jawbone Complex; 12,0128 acres, 98%.
Basic Information:
GPS: Latitude: 35° 20´ 31" Longitude: 118° 14´ 18"
Est Contain:
Costs to Date: $8,074,234
Structures Threatened: 0 OUTB , 0 PRIM , 0 COMM
Structures Destroyed: 19 COMM
Resources Committed:
Total Personnel: 394 Aug 18, 2012 1800
Significant Events: Completed line construction today, conducted IR flight to identify remaining hot spots.
Remarks: Anticipate turning fire over to Type 3 command team on 8-20-12 @ 06:00.
Hawaii: HI-CNTY Kekaha 12 Fire. 750 acres. 0% containment. The fire is burning in an abandoned cane field overgrown with native brush on Kauai. Existing roads are washed out and offer poor access to engines.
MAFFS: Four MAFFS C-130 aircraft and support personnel from the 302nd Airlift Wing, Colorado Springs (US Air Force Reserve), and the 153rd Airlift Wing, Cheyenne (Wyoming Air National Guard) are supporting wildland fire suppression operations out of Boise, ID. One MAFFS from the 145th Airlift Wing, Charlotte (North Carolina Air National Guard), along with one MAFFS from the 146th Airlift Wing, Channel Islands (California Air National Guard) are supporting wildland fire suppression operations out of Sacramento, CA.
National Fire Activity
Initial attack activity: Light (102 new fires)
New large fires: 7 (*)
Large fires contained: 8
Uncontained large fires: ** 35
Area Command Teams committed: 1
NIMOs committed: 2
Type 1 IMTs committed: 11
Type 2 IMTs committed: 13
** Uncontained large fires include only fires being managed under a full suppression
Weather: No current Red Flag Watches or Warnings
NWS Current Fire Weather Watches / Warnings
California Wildfires Today:
OSCC - Southern California Operations
Southern California Area (PL 3)
New fires: 13
New large fires: 0
Uncontained large fires: 3
Type 1 IMTs committed: 1
Type 2 IMTs committed: 2
Jawbone Complex; 12,0128 acres, 98%.
Basic Information:
GPS: Latitude: 35° 20´ 31" Longitude: 118° 14´ 18"
Est Contain:
Costs to Date: $8,074,234
Structures Threatened: 0 OUTB , 0 PRIM , 0 COMM
Structures Destroyed: 19 COMM
Resources Committed:
Total Personnel: 394 Aug 18, 2012 1800
Significant Events: Completed line construction today, conducted IR flight to identify remaining hot spots.
Remarks: Anticipate turning fire over to Type 3 command team on 8-20-12 @ 06:00.
Jawbone Fire is 1987 acres at 100% containment.
Rim Fire is 10031 acres at 95% containment.
Land ownership is approximately 75% private or 9053 acres, 24% BLM or 2916 acres, and less than 1% SRA or 49 acres.
Observed Fire Behavior: Smoldering
Planned Actions: Patrol and monitor
CA-MVU-Vallecito Lighting Complex; 22,828 acres, 100%
Observed Fire Behavior: Smoldering
Planned Actions: Patrol and monitor
CA-MVU-Vallecito Lighting Complex; 22,828 acres, 100%
Basic Information
Location: Eastern San Diego County
GPS: Latitude: 33° 22´ 18" Longitude: 116° 44´ 50"
Costs to Date: $7,400,000
Structures Threatened: 0 PRIM
Structures Destroyed: NONE
Resources Committed:
Total Personnel: 1,070
Significant Events: Heavy demobilization continues, Transition back to MVU planned for 8-20-12 @1000 hrs.
Remarks: Heavy demob today.
Observed Fire Behavior: No appreciable fire behavior occurred on this incident today.
Planned Actions: Mop up and tactical patrol of all fire lines. Heavy demobilization continues.
CA-STF- Ramsey Fire; 1,155 acres, 80%.
Basic Information
Est Contain: 08/19/2012
Location: 8 miles east of Dorrington
Location: Eastern San Diego County
GPS: Latitude: 33° 22´ 18" Longitude: 116° 44´ 50"
Costs to Date: $7,400,000
Structures Threatened: 0 PRIM
Structures Destroyed: NONE
Resources Committed:
Total Personnel: 1,070
Significant Events: Heavy demobilization continues, Transition back to MVU planned for 8-20-12 @1000 hrs.
Remarks: Heavy demob today.
Observed Fire Behavior: No appreciable fire behavior occurred on this incident today.
Planned Actions: Mop up and tactical patrol of all fire lines. Heavy demobilization continues.
CA-STF- Ramsey Fire; 1,155 acres, 80%.
Basic Information
Est Contain: 08/19/2012
Location: 8 miles east of Dorrington
GPS: Latitude: 38° 22´ 37" Longitude: 120° 9´ 59"
Costs to Date: $3,500,000
Structures Threatened: NONE
Structures Destroyed: NONE
Resources Committed:
Total Personnel: 430
Significant Events: Significant mop-up and fire suppression repair continue on all Divisions. Fire suppression repair of indirect dozer lines continues on Division A, contingency dozer line on Division Y has been completed. Chipping of fuels generated by line construction along Hwy 4 was postponed due to lack of traffic control. Traffic on Hwy 4 is still a concern for the chipping operation. Demobilization of excess crews and equipment continued throughout the day.
Remarks: Demobilization of excess crews continued today, heavy demob of crews is expected tomorrow as fire continues to cool. Crews will start working deeper into Division A with the intent of safely transitioning to the Type 3 organization. A glide path has been developed for the transition to a type 3 organization on Monday August 20th. A Type 3 organization will shadow the incident tomorrow.
Observed Fire Behavior: Activity in Division A is ground fire with some areas of intense heat deeply imbedded in thick pockets of duff. All other Divisions continue to cool off.
Planned Actions: Two crews will be spiked on Divisions A; All other Divisions will be un-staffed.
Costs to Date: $3,500,000
Structures Threatened: NONE
Structures Destroyed: NONE
Resources Committed:
Total Personnel: 430
Significant Events: Significant mop-up and fire suppression repair continue on all Divisions. Fire suppression repair of indirect dozer lines continues on Division A, contingency dozer line on Division Y has been completed. Chipping of fuels generated by line construction along Hwy 4 was postponed due to lack of traffic control. Traffic on Hwy 4 is still a concern for the chipping operation. Demobilization of excess crews and equipment continued throughout the day.
Remarks: Demobilization of excess crews continued today, heavy demob of crews is expected tomorrow as fire continues to cool. Crews will start working deeper into Division A with the intent of safely transitioning to the Type 3 organization. A glide path has been developed for the transition to a type 3 organization on Monday August 20th. A Type 3 organization will shadow the incident tomorrow.
Observed Fire Behavior: Activity in Division A is ground fire with some areas of intense heat deeply imbedded in thick pockets of duff. All other Divisions continue to cool off.
Planned Actions: Two crews will be spiked on Divisions A; All other Divisions will be un-staffed.
ONCC - Northern California Operations
Northern California Area (PL 4)
New fires: 20
New large fires: 5
Uncontained large fires: 12
NIMOs committed: 1
Type 1 IMTs committed: 5
Type 2 IMTs committed: 2
HI-CNTY Kekaha 12 Fire.
750 acres. 0% containment. The fire is burning in an abandoned cane field overgrown with native brush on Kauai. Existing roads are washed out and offer poor access to engines.
CA-NOD Nelson (W-1) Fire. 2,000 acres. 90%.
Mop up continues.
CA-MEU Pass Fire. 1,000 acres. 5%.
Rapid rate of spread, sustained crown runs, torching andlong range spotting have been observed fire behavior.
Acres Burned:
Containment 1000 acres - 5% contained
Pass 1 Fire - 990 acres-0% contained
Pass 2 Fire - 10 acres - 5% contained.
Pass 2 Fire - 10 acres - 5% contained.
Conditions: Pass Complex is 2 separate fires in same area. Pass 1 Fire is 990 acres but anticipating significant growth because of hot, dry, windy weather. Pass 2 Fire is holding at 10 acres. Fire is projected to move in northeast direction toward the Mendocino National Forest and Middle Eel Wilderness.
Basic Information:Last Updated: August 19, 2012 8:00 am
Date/Time Started: August 18, 2012 2:47 pm
Administrative Unit: CAL FIRE Mendocino Unit
County: Mendocino Co.
Location: Mendocino Pass Rd, northeast of Covelo
Cause: Lightning
Cooperating Agencies: CAL FIRE, USFS Mendocino, BIA, Covelo Fire, CDCR, California National Guard.
Cooperating Agencies: CAL FIRE, USFS Mendocino, BIA, Covelo Fire, CDCR, California National Guard.
Total Fire Personnel: 173 (140 CAL FIRE)
Total Fire Personnel: 173 (140 CAL FIRE)
Injuries: 3 Injuries sustained are all minor.
Engines: 35 (34 CAL FIRE)
Fire crews: 11 CAL FIRE
Airtankers: 3 CAL FIRE
Helicopters: 3 CAL FIRE
Dozers: 8 (2 CAL FIRE)
Water tenders: 6 water tenders
CA-NOD Rush Fire. 249,578 acres. 45%.
Northern California District, BLM. IMT 1 (Turman) and IMT 2 (Molhoek). Fifteen miles southeast of Ravendale, CA. Juniper and brush. Extreme fire behavior. Structures, power plant and Army depot threatened.
Evacuations in effect.
The fire is located on Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Northern California District (BLM-CA-NOD,) Eagle Lake Field Office, approximately 15 miles southeast of Ravendale, California. The fire is burning near a major natural gas line and transfer station, and power transmission lines that supply the Reno area and adjacent to Highway 395
Creeping and smoldering fire behavior were observed. Some hot spots with individual tree torching in the juniper and sagebrush fuel model.
Line construction and burning operations will continue along the north eastern edge of the fire along the Buckhorn Road. The fire remains active along this edge. Burning operations on the southern edge of the fire will continue on the west side of Skedaddle Mountain towards Wendel Road. Crews will mop up today along the inactive edges of the fire, primarily on the western flank and progressing east on both the north and south. Crews will continue to scout the eastern flank of the fire to determine the extent of the fire's spread and started constructing fire containment line where possible.
Incident Command Note: NorCal Team 2 will be transferring the command of the Rush Fire to the Northern Rockies National Management Team. The incoming team will shadow NorCal Team 2 today and assume command of the fire on August 20 at 6:00 am.
A more typical weather pattern is forecast for northern California with sunny, warm, dry conditions and gusty winds up to 20 miles per hour.
Area and Road Closures in Effect: On August 17, the BLM issued a closure order for public lands in the fire area to protect public health and safety. The closed area is bounded by Highway 395 on the west, the Sand Pass Road on the east, and the Wendel Road on the south. The new northern boundary for the public land closure is the Juniper Ridge, Tuledad, Stage Road, Marr Road, and Buckhorn Road extending to Nevada Highway 447 in Washoe County. Routes closed within this closure area include the Ramhorn Springs, Rye Patch Road, Buckhorn, Shinn Ranch, Stoney, Deep Cut, Smoke Creek, Skedaddle Ranch, Dry Valley, and Brubeck roads. The Ramhorn Springs Campground and the Dodge Reservoir Campground also is closed.
Remarks: Fire officials remind residents and visitors that fire restrictions are in effect for public lands and national forests in northeast California. Campfires are permitted only in posted recreation sites. Chainsaws may not be used after 1:00pm daily.
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Basic Information:
Name: Rush Fire
County: Lassen County
Location: 15 miles SE of Ravendale, California
Administrative Unit: Bureau of Land Management - Northern California Resource Area
Date Started: August 12, 2012 6:42 pm
Basic Information
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Lightning
Date of Origin Sunday August 12th, 2012 approx. 06:42 PM
Location 15 miles SE of Ravendale, California
Incident Commander Molhoek
Current Situation
Total Personnel 630
Size 249,578 acres
Percent Contained 45%
Estimated Containment Date Wednesday August 22nd, 2012 approx. 12:00 AM
Fuels Involved - Grass, sagebrush, junipers (5 Brush - 2 Feet)
Fire Behavior - Creeping ans smoldering where lines are secure, some hot spots with individual tree torching in the juniper and sagebrush models.
Significant Events: Crews made significant progress as the weather conditions moderated somewhat. Containment lines have been established and fire spread was held along the Buck Horn area and will progress to the south on the north east side of the fire as conditions permit. Burn out operations are progressing on the west side of Scedaddle Road towards Wendel Road.
Outlook / Planned Actions: Hold and secure divisions that have containment lines and continue to flank the northern and southern edges of the fire with dozers and handcrews. Mop up and patrol contained portions of the fire.
Growth Potential - Extreme
Terrain Difficulty - High
CA-PNF Chips Fire. 44,739 acres. 38%.
The fire was active until late evening, with spotting across the North fork of the Feather River at the confluence with the Ohio.
Twenty miles northwest of Quincy, CA. Timber and brush. Moderate fire activity with spotting. Numerous structures and power lines threatened. Voluntary evacuations in effect.
Precipitation occurred over the fire area yesterday.
Fire Status: Wind increased fire activity, causing multiple spot fires in the Clear Creek drainage to the east of and parallel to Butt Valley Reservoir this afternoon. The fire made a run to the east, burning 450 acres. Firefighters continued to build fireline along the east flank of the fire with air support from one air tanker and four helicopters. On the west perimeter, crews picked up three spot fires, while lines were reinforced and mop-up continued in other sectors of the fire.
Evacuations: A voluntary evacuation for Canyon Dam, Big Meadow, and Rocky Point remains in effect. A Sheriff's advisory is in effect for West Almanor, Almanor and Prattville. Total burned acres are at 44,793. Plumas NF burned acres 25, 504, Lassen NF 17, 003, SRA burned acres 4, 191.
For Plumas County evacuation information go to this link: AID=529
Basic Information
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Under Investigation
Date of Origin Sunday July 29th, 2012 approx. 01:57 AM
Location 2 miles NW of Belden, CA
IC: Plumas NF. IMT 1 (Opliger). T
Incident Commander: Rocky W. Opliger
Current Situation
Total Personnel 1,063
Size 44,793 acres
Percent Contained 38%
Estimated Containment Date Friday August 31st, 2012 approx. 12:00 AM
Fuels Involved - 10 Timber (litter and understory) low brush with numerous dead and down large, 1000 hour logs and standing snags.
Fire Behavior - The Fire was active until evening with spotting.
Significant Events: The fire spotted across the North for of the Feather River at the confluence with the Ohio at approximately 2130. Due to this, we are re-evaluating the evacuation orders and may expand the evacuations dependent on the access to and size of the spot.
Outlook / Planned Actions: Scouting for containment opportunities in Branch I on the western flank. some opportunities have been identified but insufficient resources are available to implement the plan. Resources in Branch II will be improving contingency lines, mop-up and patrol. In Branch III,scout the spot in the North Fork of the Feather and contain if possible. Construct direct line in the Clear Creek area, impprove contingency and mop-up. Secure, mop-up and improve fire lines in Branch IV.
Growth Potential - Extreme
Terrain Difficulty - Extreme
Remarks: Type 1 helicopters ar essential to minimize fire spread and support ground troops in direct line construction. PG&E crews continue to restore damaged power poles feeding the Red Hill communication site. The communication site is currently operation off of emergency power. PG&E representatives continue to work closely with the fire management team, and are prepared to de-energize transmission lines as needed for firefighting efforts.
CA-LNP Reading Fire. 27,849 acres. 51%.
Minimal fire behavior with smoldering was observed last night. A Temporary Flight Restrictions, 2/8455, is in effect over the Reading Fire. Other TFRs exist in the immediate area.
Lassen Volcanic NP. IMT 1 (Pincha-Tulley). Fourteen miles south of Old Station, CA. Timber.
Moderate fire activity with short-range spotting. Structures threatened. Area closures in effect.
Closures - Lassen Volcanic National Park Campgrounds: · Butte Lake · Crags · Lost Creek · Summit Lake North · Summit Lake South Roads:
Roads: Visitors wanting to access Lassen National Volcanic Park from the north, can drive the Lassen Volcanic National Park Highway from the north entrance to Manzanita Lake. Visitors wanting to access the park from the south entrance, the road is open to Summit Lake. The Lassen Volcanic National Highway is closed from Manzanita Campground to Summit Lake Campground.
Basic Information
Engines: 35 (34 CAL FIRE)
Fire crews: 11 CAL FIRE
Airtankers: 3 CAL FIRE
Helicopters: 3 CAL FIRE
Dozers: 8 (2 CAL FIRE)
Water tenders: 6 water tenders
CA-NOD Rush Fire. 249,578 acres. 45%.
Northern California District, BLM. IMT 1 (Turman) and IMT 2 (Molhoek). Fifteen miles southeast of Ravendale, CA. Juniper and brush. Extreme fire behavior. Structures, power plant and Army depot threatened.
Evacuations in effect.
The fire is located on Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Northern California District (BLM-CA-NOD,) Eagle Lake Field Office, approximately 15 miles southeast of Ravendale, California. The fire is burning near a major natural gas line and transfer station, and power transmission lines that supply the Reno area and adjacent to Highway 395
Creeping and smoldering fire behavior were observed. Some hot spots with individual tree torching in the juniper and sagebrush fuel model.
Line construction and burning operations will continue along the north eastern edge of the fire along the Buckhorn Road. The fire remains active along this edge. Burning operations on the southern edge of the fire will continue on the west side of Skedaddle Mountain towards Wendel Road. Crews will mop up today along the inactive edges of the fire, primarily on the western flank and progressing east on both the north and south. Crews will continue to scout the eastern flank of the fire to determine the extent of the fire's spread and started constructing fire containment line where possible.
Incident Command Note: NorCal Team 2 will be transferring the command of the Rush Fire to the Northern Rockies National Management Team. The incoming team will shadow NorCal Team 2 today and assume command of the fire on August 20 at 6:00 am.
A more typical weather pattern is forecast for northern California with sunny, warm, dry conditions and gusty winds up to 20 miles per hour.
Area and Road Closures in Effect: On August 17, the BLM issued a closure order for public lands in the fire area to protect public health and safety. The closed area is bounded by Highway 395 on the west, the Sand Pass Road on the east, and the Wendel Road on the south. The new northern boundary for the public land closure is the Juniper Ridge, Tuledad, Stage Road, Marr Road, and Buckhorn Road extending to Nevada Highway 447 in Washoe County. Routes closed within this closure area include the Ramhorn Springs, Rye Patch Road, Buckhorn, Shinn Ranch, Stoney, Deep Cut, Smoke Creek, Skedaddle Ranch, Dry Valley, and Brubeck roads. The Ramhorn Springs Campground and the Dodge Reservoir Campground also is closed.
Remarks: Fire officials remind residents and visitors that fire restrictions are in effect for public lands and national forests in northeast California. Campfires are permitted only in posted recreation sites. Chainsaws may not be used after 1:00pm daily.
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Basic Information:
Name: Rush Fire
County: Lassen County
Location: 15 miles SE of Ravendale, California
Administrative Unit: Bureau of Land Management - Northern California Resource Area
Date Started: August 12, 2012 6:42 pm
Basic Information
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Lightning
Date of Origin Sunday August 12th, 2012 approx. 06:42 PM
Location 15 miles SE of Ravendale, California
Incident Commander Molhoek
Current Situation
Total Personnel 630
Size 249,578 acres
Percent Contained 45%
Estimated Containment Date Wednesday August 22nd, 2012 approx. 12:00 AM
Fuels Involved - Grass, sagebrush, junipers (5 Brush - 2 Feet)
Fire Behavior - Creeping ans smoldering where lines are secure, some hot spots with individual tree torching in the juniper and sagebrush models.
Significant Events: Crews made significant progress as the weather conditions moderated somewhat. Containment lines have been established and fire spread was held along the Buck Horn area and will progress to the south on the north east side of the fire as conditions permit. Burn out operations are progressing on the west side of Scedaddle Road towards Wendel Road.
Outlook / Planned Actions: Hold and secure divisions that have containment lines and continue to flank the northern and southern edges of the fire with dozers and handcrews. Mop up and patrol contained portions of the fire.
Growth Potential - Extreme
Terrain Difficulty - High
CA-PNF Chips Fire. 44,739 acres. 38%.
The fire was active until late evening, with spotting across the North fork of the Feather River at the confluence with the Ohio.
Twenty miles northwest of Quincy, CA. Timber and brush. Moderate fire activity with spotting. Numerous structures and power lines threatened. Voluntary evacuations in effect.
Precipitation occurred over the fire area yesterday.
Fire Status: Wind increased fire activity, causing multiple spot fires in the Clear Creek drainage to the east of and parallel to Butt Valley Reservoir this afternoon. The fire made a run to the east, burning 450 acres. Firefighters continued to build fireline along the east flank of the fire with air support from one air tanker and four helicopters. On the west perimeter, crews picked up three spot fires, while lines were reinforced and mop-up continued in other sectors of the fire.
Evacuations: A voluntary evacuation for Canyon Dam, Big Meadow, and Rocky Point remains in effect. A Sheriff's advisory is in effect for West Almanor, Almanor and Prattville. Total burned acres are at 44,793. Plumas NF burned acres 25, 504, Lassen NF 17, 003, SRA burned acres 4, 191.
For Plumas County evacuation information go to this link: AID=529
Basic Information
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Under Investigation
Date of Origin Sunday July 29th, 2012 approx. 01:57 AM
Location 2 miles NW of Belden, CA
IC: Plumas NF. IMT 1 (Opliger). T
Incident Commander: Rocky W. Opliger
Current Situation
Total Personnel 1,063
Size 44,793 acres
Percent Contained 38%
Estimated Containment Date Friday August 31st, 2012 approx. 12:00 AM
Fuels Involved - 10 Timber (litter and understory) low brush with numerous dead and down large, 1000 hour logs and standing snags.
Fire Behavior - The Fire was active until evening with spotting.
Significant Events: The fire spotted across the North for of the Feather River at the confluence with the Ohio at approximately 2130. Due to this, we are re-evaluating the evacuation orders and may expand the evacuations dependent on the access to and size of the spot.
Outlook / Planned Actions: Scouting for containment opportunities in Branch I on the western flank. some opportunities have been identified but insufficient resources are available to implement the plan. Resources in Branch II will be improving contingency lines, mop-up and patrol. In Branch III,scout the spot in the North Fork of the Feather and contain if possible. Construct direct line in the Clear Creek area, impprove contingency and mop-up. Secure, mop-up and improve fire lines in Branch IV.
Growth Potential - Extreme
Terrain Difficulty - Extreme
Remarks: Type 1 helicopters ar essential to minimize fire spread and support ground troops in direct line construction. PG&E crews continue to restore damaged power poles feeding the Red Hill communication site. The communication site is currently operation off of emergency power. PG&E representatives continue to work closely with the fire management team, and are prepared to de-energize transmission lines as needed for firefighting efforts.
CA-LNP Reading Fire. 27,849 acres. 51%.
Minimal fire behavior with smoldering was observed last night. A Temporary Flight Restrictions, 2/8455, is in effect over the Reading Fire. Other TFRs exist in the immediate area.
Lassen Volcanic NP. IMT 1 (Pincha-Tulley). Fourteen miles south of Old Station, CA. Timber.
Moderate fire activity with short-range spotting. Structures threatened. Area closures in effect.
Closures - Lassen Volcanic National Park Campgrounds: · Butte Lake · Crags · Lost Creek · Summit Lake North · Summit Lake South Roads:
Roads: Visitors wanting to access Lassen National Volcanic Park from the north, can drive the Lassen Volcanic National Park Highway from the north entrance to Manzanita Lake. Visitors wanting to access the park from the south entrance, the road is open to Summit Lake. The Lassen Volcanic National Highway is closed from Manzanita Campground to Summit Lake Campground.
![]() |
Vacaville Fire Dept The entire compliment of Vacaville Fire Department personnel currently assigned to CAL EMA |
Basic Information
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Lightning
Date of Origin Monday July 23rd, 2012 approx. 05:09 PM
Location: Portions of the Lassen Volcanic National Park and Lassen National Forest.
Command: Interagency Incident Management Team 3 (Pincha-Tulley)
Cause Lightning
Date of Origin Monday July 23rd, 2012 approx. 05:09 PM
Location: Portions of the Lassen Volcanic National Park and Lassen National Forest.
Command: Interagency Incident Management Team 3 (Pincha-Tulley)
Location 14 miles south of Old Station
Start Date: July 23, 2012
Cause: Lightning
Acres: 27,849 NPS acres = 17,020 USFS acres = 10,750 Privately Owned Land 79 Percent
Containment: 51%
Start Date: July 23, 2012
Cause: Lightning
Acres: 27,849 NPS acres = 17,020 USFS acres = 10,750 Privately Owned Land 79 Percent
Containment: 51%
Structures Damaged: 0
Estimated Cost-to-Date: $12,202,631
Estimated Containment: August 21, 2012
Hand Crews: 15
Engines: 67
Helicopters: 4
Injuries: 1
Total personnel assigned to the incident: 744
Current Situation
Total Personnel 744
Size 27,849 acres
Percent Contained 51%
Estimated Containment Date Tuesday August 21st, 2012 approx. 12:00 AM
Fuels Involved - The fire is burning in mixed conifer and red fir overstory with pine mat manzanita and a variable understory fuel loading of dead and down materials.
Fire Behavior - Minimal fire beavior with smoldering was observed last night.
Significant Events: Crews continue to patrol from Hat Lake north towards Fantastic Lava Beds.
Outlook / Planned Actions: Hold, patrol and mop up from Hat Lake to the Fantastic Lava Beds following MIST tactics on all divisions. On the eastern perimeter completer direct line and prepare for firing operations. Contiue to prepare for potential structure protection and provide for initial attack in Lassen National Volcanic Park.
Growth Potential - Medium
Terrain Difficulty - Medium
Remarks: The Lassen Volcanic National Park Highway continues to be closed for seven miles from Manzanita lake to Summit Lake. Summit Lake, Butte Lake, Lost Creek and Crags Campgrounds remain closed. Numerous trails remain closed in the Park including the PCT, from Corral Meadows to the north boundary, Paradise Meadows, Terrace Lakes, Painted Dunes, Cinder Cone, Twin Lakes, Cluster Lakes, Butte Lake, Widow Lake, and trails west of Snag Lake south to Juniper Lake and Horsehoe Lake. All USFS roads, trails, and the area south of Highway 44 and east of Highway 89 in the vicinity of Old Station remain closed.
Estimated Cost-to-Date: $12,202,631
Estimated Containment: August 21, 2012
Hand Crews: 15
Engines: 67
Helicopters: 4
Injuries: 1
Total personnel assigned to the incident: 744
Current Situation
Total Personnel 744
Size 27,849 acres
Percent Contained 51%
Estimated Containment Date Tuesday August 21st, 2012 approx. 12:00 AM
Fuels Involved - The fire is burning in mixed conifer and red fir overstory with pine mat manzanita and a variable understory fuel loading of dead and down materials.
Fire Behavior - Minimal fire beavior with smoldering was observed last night.
Significant Events: Crews continue to patrol from Hat Lake north towards Fantastic Lava Beds.
Outlook / Planned Actions: Hold, patrol and mop up from Hat Lake to the Fantastic Lava Beds following MIST tactics on all divisions. On the eastern perimeter completer direct line and prepare for firing operations. Contiue to prepare for potential structure protection and provide for initial attack in Lassen National Volcanic Park.
Growth Potential - Medium
Terrain Difficulty - Medium
Remarks: The Lassen Volcanic National Park Highway continues to be closed for seven miles from Manzanita lake to Summit Lake. Summit Lake, Butte Lake, Lost Creek and Crags Campgrounds remain closed. Numerous trails remain closed in the Park including the PCT, from Corral Meadows to the north boundary, Paradise Meadows, Terrace Lakes, Painted Dunes, Cinder Cone, Twin Lakes, Cluster Lakes, Butte Lake, Widow Lake, and trails west of Snag Lake south to Juniper Lake and Horsehoe Lake. All USFS roads, trails, and the area south of Highway 44 and east of Highway 89 in the vicinity of Old Station remain closed.
For additional information, please visit:
· Lassen National Forest website:
· Lassen Volcanic National Park: or on Twitter@LassenNPS
For Reading Fire information call: 877-384-7026
· Lassen National Forest website:
· Lassen Volcanic National Park: or on Twitter@LassenNPS
For Reading Fire information call: 877-384-7026
CA-BTU Mill Fire. 1,610 acres. 35%
Fire behavior is being influenced by up canyon winds and the preheating of fuels. Higher-end ridge winds and gusts are causing torching and spotting.
Conditions: Fire is slowly moving cross canyon to the northeast. Topography and fuels are the main driver as they push the fire up canyon. Higher-end ridge winds and gusts are causing torching and spotting.
Until fully suppressed the Lassen National Forest has closed roads and trails surrounding the Mill Incident. Trail 410 and roads 28N20 to 27N21A. Archer deer season begins on 8/18/12. Signs and cancellation announcements have been posted by Fish and Game.
Incident Information:
Last Updated: August 19, 2012 6:30 am
Date/Time Started: August 13, 2012 6:46 pm
Administrative Unit: CAL FIRE Butte Unit
County: Tehama County
Location: Highway 32 in the Mill Creek drainage, northwest of Butte Meadows
Acres Burned: 1,610 acres
Containment 1,610 acres - 35% contained
Cause: Under investigation
Cooperating Agencies: CAL FIRE, USFS, CDCR, California National Guard, CHP, Sheriff's Office, Silver Dollar Fairgrounds
Total Fire Personnel: 1,279 (952 CAL FIRE)
Engines: 82 (23 CAL FIRE)
Fire crews: 36 (All CAL FIRE)
Helicopters: 9 helicopters
Dozers: 15 bulldozers (7 CAL FIRE)
Water tenders: 30 water tenders
CA-KNF Fort Complex. 4,918 acres. 41%.
Notes: Branch II will transition to a Type III organization from the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest on August 21 at 0700. Branch I will transition to a NIMO organization on August 21 at 1800
A lightning storm that moved through the Northern California and Southern Oregon area on August 5th, 2012, started mutiple fires on the Klamath National Forest and the Rogue River National Forest. Firefighters from both forests quickly contained many of the fires over several days. However three of the fires that were in steep and rugged terrain continued to grow. The Hello Fire in the Red Buttes Wilderness and the Lick Fire burning about five miles east of the Red Buttes Wilderness are in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest. Together with the Goff Fire, which is on the Klamath National Forest, the three fires are now managed as the newly named Fort Complex. Access into these fires has been slowed by the harsh terrain but crews have begun to fight the fires swiftly. The Southern California Interagency Incident Management Team 1 is managing the fire.
- Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Fire Prevention Public Use Restriction
- Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Trail and Road Closures
- Klamath National Forest Trail and Road Closures
- Pacific Crest Trail Closed Due to Goff Fire
Incident Type: Wildfire
Cause: Lightning
Date of Origin: Sunday August 05th, 2012 approx. 07:00 PM
Location: Complex of 3 fires in CA; the Goff Fire near Seiad; the Hello & Lick Fires-2 mi. SW of Applegate, 10 miles northwest of Happy Camp, CA
County: Siskiyou County
Administrative Unit: Klamath National Forest
Incident Commander: Norm Walker
Current Situation
Total Personnel: 600
Size: 4,918 acres
Percent Contained: 41%
Estimated Containment Date Thursday August 30th, 2012 approx. 12:00 AM
Fuels Involved - The Fort Complex Fires are burning in brush, timber and timber litter.
Fire Behavior - The Goff Fire made a short run with single tree torching and medium range spotting.
Significant Events
The Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest is lifting the area closure of the Red Butte Wilderness. The road and trail closure will continue.
Smoke: Note that a smoke advisory has been issued by the Public Health & Community Development Department of Siskiyou County: please refer to and look under Wildfire News and Smoke Hazard Information.
Outlook / Planned Actions: Continue to establish indirect line in areas that are safe for fire crews to work. Continue indirect attack on the Goff Fire. Continue mop-up and continue suppression repair on the Hello and Lick Fires.
Growth Potential - High
Terrain Difficulty - All three Fort Complex Fires are burning in extreme terrain.
Remarks: The Pacific Crest Trail is now closed from Seiad Valley north to Lily Pad Lake. The Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest is lifting the area closure of the Red Butte Wilderness. The road and trail closure will remain. Branch II will transition to a Type III organization from the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest on August 21 at 7 a.m. Branch I will transition to a NIMO organization on August 21 at 6 p.m. The Goff Fire made a short run in the early evening with single tree torching and medium range spotting.
CA-TGU Poderosa Fire. 7,000 acres. 0%.
Extreme fire behavior and rapid rate of spread has been observed. Crowning, major runs and whole area ignitions are control problems.
Road closures: Hwy 44 from Viola to McCumber. Manton Rd. and all roads leading out of Manton have been closed. Hwy 44 in Shingletown and Viola areas and all roads south are in controlled traffic mode.
Evacuation Information: The Red Cross has opened up an evacuation shelter at Big League Dreams - 20155 Viking Way - Redding.
Evacuations for the following areas:
Forward Rd at Graham to the C Line
Forward Mill Rd from Rock Creek Rd to Forward Camp Rd
Rock Creek Rd from Manton Rd to Long Hay Flat Rd
All of Long Hay Flat Rd and Woodcutter Way
Southside of Highway 44 from Wilson Hill Rd to Viola
Northside of Hwy 44 from Lake McCumber to Viola
Basic Information
County: Tehama / Shasta Counties
Location: Off Ponderosa Way, southeast of Manton
Administrative Unit: CAL FIRE Tehama-Glenn Unit
Date Started: August 18, 2012 11:37 am
Phone Numbers (530) 225-2510 (Fire Information)
Structures Destroyed: 4 structures destroyed
Threatened: 3000 residences, 20 commercial properties and 300 outbuildings
Cause: Under investigation
Cooperating Agencies: CAL FIRE, Tehama and Shasta Co. Sheriff, CHP, CDCR, CAL TRANS, SPI, PGE
Total Fire Personnel: 974 (710 CAL FIRE)
Engines: 105 (69 CAL FIRE)
Fire crews: 22 (18 CAL FIRE)
Helicopters: 3 helicopters
Dozers: 31 (17 CAL FIRE)
Water tenders: 20 water tenders
Conditions: The fire is spreading north-northeast from the Manton area toward the communities of Shingletown and Viola.
CA-SHU August Lightning Fires. 350 acres. 20%.
Several fires have been contained with minimal spread but others in alignment with wind and slope saw significant growth. Remote locations and limited access are control problems.
Name: SHU Lightning Fire
County: Shasta County
Location: Buckhorn Ranch, off Fern Rd. near Whitmore
Administrative Unit: CAL FIRE Shasta-Trinity Unit
Status/Notes: 350 acres - 20% contained
SHU Lightning Fire Information - (530) 225-2510
Date Started: August 18, 2012 10:50 am
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