Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cal EMA News Blog

Cal EMA News Blog

Cal EMA and FEMA Sign Agreement Triggering Flow of Federal Disaster Assistance Funds

Posted: 24 May 2011 02:31 PM PDT

*The following news release was issued by Cal EMA and FEMA on Tuesday, May 24, 2011.*

Oakland, Calif. – The California Emergency Management Agency (Cal EMA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have signed an agreement that now makes federal Public Assistance (PA) funds available to supplement recovery efforts in Del Norte and Santa Cruz counties including Yurok Tribal facilities located in Del Norte.  Both counties are recovering from extensive damages from the Tsunami wave action on March11, 2011.

The agreement, which is signed by FEMA's Regional Director and the Governor after every Major Disaster Declaration, outlines the Federal programs that are included in the declaration, the understandings between FEMA and the State and the commitments of the State, including the promise to follow all federal requirements.  It also identifies the Governor's Authorized Representative.

President Barack Obama signed a Major Disaster Declaration on April 18 that authorizes the use of FEMA's Public Assistance program to provide grant dollars to eligible state, local and tribal governments and certain private-nonprofits for repairs on a cost share basis.

“The signing of the Federal-State Agreement is an important step in the recovery process," said State Coordinating Officer and Acting Cal EMA Secretary Mike Dayton.  "The federal and state reimbursements now available will help eligible entities in the declared counties save millions of dollars."

Under FEMA's PA program supplemental funding is made available to local, state, tribal governments and certain private nonprofit organizations to help them recover from disasters.  Eligible applicants are reimbursed for extraordinary costs incurred during the response/recovery efforts and costs related to permanently restoring damaged infrastructure such as roads bridges, parks and other public facilities.

“In a spirit of collaboration, FEMA will remain with our partners at Cal EMA every step of the way as these communities recover," said Federal Coordinating Officer Sandy Coachman.


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