CA-BBB- Sheep Fire Incident Sizeup: 4,857 acres
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Sheep Fire Perimeter Map |
Incident Overview:
Infrared (IR) mapping on September 7th shows the Sheep Fire has grown to 4,857 acres (3,012 acres in Kings Canyon National Park, 1,845 acres on the Sequoia National Forest).
Fire growth is predominately to the west. The fire reached the valley floor on September 4th, and continues to burn along the King River's bank. Firefighters are patrolling the river and road corridor 24-hours a day to hold the fire south of the Kings River. Warmer temperatures over the past week have increased fire growth and behavior. Due to the heavy fuel loading of standing dead and downed trees the fire is visible from the roadway west of Cedar Grove. However, there are currently no threats to life or property.
Basic Information
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Lightning
Date of Origin Friday July 16th, 2010 approx. 12:00 AM
Location 1.5 miles southwest of Cedar Grove
Incident Commander Paul Gibbs
Current Situation
Total Personnel 115
Size 4,857 acres
Estimated Containment Date Sunday October 31st, 2010 approx. 10:00 PM
Fuels Involved
10 Timber (litter and understory), mixed conifer, brush
Significant Events
The US Forest Service has issued a temporary area closure for the Sheep Fire on the Hume Lake Ranger District between Horse Corral Meadow and the Kings River and from Horse Corral Meadow east to the boundary with Kings Canyon National Park. The Don Cecil Trail bewteen Cedar Grove and the park boundary is closed. The Kanawyer Trail is closed from park boundary onto Forest Service lands
CA-YNP-Slope WUF fire 1100 acres.
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Slope Fire Incident Map - Credit: YNP - GIS |
The Slope fire is approximately 1100 acres. The fire activity over the last few days was low to moderate in spread and growth. The most active part of the fire is to the south, with 50% of the perimeter active. Six Yosemite Crew 7 firefighters are assigned to this fire.
Closures: Park Wilderness and Fire Managers made a decision to close all trails to Pate Valley from the White Wolf campground trailhead and Harden Lake area are closed for hiker safety concerns. The safety issues to hikers and backpackers are due to: falling limbs, hot ash and stump holes, snags, and other fire hazards.
Smoke/air quality: Smoke production has been light with good air dispersion due to southwest winds mixing the smoke into the air. Air quality is in the "good" AQI range. Temperatures are predicted to increase in the next few days and that may diminish smoke dispersion into the air.
The fire effects are meeting forest restoration goals. The Slope fire began as a ligthning strike into a single tree on July 25, 2010. It is in Tuolumne County at the 6900' elevation. It is approximately 1 mile northwest of Harden Lake. (37 54.572 x 119 40.924) It is at the top of a north aspect slope that drops to the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir. The creeping surface fire is burning through a mixed conifer forest with white fir and some brush. The Slope fire area has a significant recorded fire history dating to: 1985; the 1996 Ackerson fire; 1999 Morrsion fire; 2002 White Wolf; 2005 and 2009 Harden Lake fires.
Cooperators: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, and the Tuolumne County Air Pollution Control District.
Basic Information
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Ligthning
Date of Origin Wednesday August 25th, 2010 approx. 02:00 PM
Location South rim of the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne River.
Incident Commander Singer, Ict 5
Current Situation
Total Personnel 6
Size 1,100 acres
Fuels Involved
Mixed conifer pine in open granite fields, on a north aspect.
Fire Behavior
Low to moderate fire activity in growth and spread. The south flank the most active. The fire is creeping and smoldering through surface fuels and dead and down vegetation. Some single tree torching has been observed.
Significant Events
Monitoring continues.
Outlook/Planned Actions
Monitoring continues.
Growth Potential
The fire continues to have moderate potential for growth.
Terrain Difficulty
Steep, as it drops into the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne River.
Fire is in Wilderness, and being managed for multiple objectives.
Current Weather
Wind Conditions 5-8 mph SW
Temperature 71-74 degrees
Humidity 16-21%
CA-YNP- Vernon WUF fire 405 acres.
This lightning caused fire was found on August 8, 2010, and is approximately 405 acres, with 75% of the perimeter active.
Fire activity: Low, as it continues to creep and smolder primarily to the northeast. The trail to Lake Vernon from the Tiltill junction to the south of the fire remains closed to hikers.
Location: This fire is in designated Yosemite Wilderness in a remote portion of the park. It lies south (1 mile) of Lake Vernon, and north of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir (3 miles), and near the Grand Canyon the Tuolumne River.
Fire Management: It is being managed for multiple objectives; primarily forest restoration. Although there have been many lightning caused fires in the area, the immediate fire area has no recorded fire history. The most recent fires are: the 2006 Frog fire, and the 1999 Le Conte fire.
Fire Impact: Firefighters will employ Minimum Management Impact Tactics, MIMT, utilizing natural barriers of granite, gravel, creeks, etc. to manage this fire. They will also collect weather and fuel moisture data to analyze the fire for potential growth, predicted fire behavior, and direction of spread.
Air Quality: Smoke production has been light and with southwest winds pushing the fire east. Air quality has been the "good" AQI range, as observed at all monitoring sites.
Personell: Four Yosemite Crew 7 firefighters are assingned to the Vernon fire.
Basic Information
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Lightning
Date of Origin Sunday August 08th, 2010 approx. 02:10 PM
Location Yosemite National Park Wilderness
Incident Commander Mitchell, Ict 5
Current Situation
Total Personnel 4
Size 405 acres
Fuels Involved: Red fire and Jeffery pine needle cast,dead and down vegetation, and duff.
Fire Behavior: The most active perimeter is to the northeast. Low fre behavior, with creeping and smolering.
Significant Events: The fire continues to be monitored.
Outlook/Planned Actions: Firefighters will manage this fire for multiple objectives,primarily for forest restoration.
Growth Potential: Good potential for continued growth.
Cooperators: Tuolumne County Air Pollution Control District and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.
Current Weather
Wind Conditions 2-4 mph SW
Temperature 71-74 degrees
Humidity 16-21%
CA-HUU- Buckeye Fire Incident Sizeup: 125 acres and 95 % contained.
Date/Time Started: September 6, 2010 9:36 am'
Administrative Unit: CAL FIRE Humboldt-Del Norte Unit
County: Humboldt County
Location: on Buckeye Mountain, east of Petrolia
Acres Burned: 348 acres
Containment: 348 acres - 60% contained
Structures Destroyed: 1 outbuilding
Injuries: 3
Cooperating Agencies: US Forest Service, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, & California Conservation Corps
Total Fire Personnel: 765 (746 CAL FIRE)
Engines: 37 (35 CAL FIRE)
Fire crews: 30 CAL FIRE
Helicopters: 2 (1 CAL FIRE)
Dozers: 1 CAL FIRE
Water tenders: 5
Conditions: The Buckeye Fire is burning in steep, rugged terrain near Buckeye Mountain east of Petrolia and north of Conklin Creek Road. Fire line has been completed around the fire perimeter. Crews will continue today with mop up and control of hot spots within the fire’s interior. Demobilization of some resources has begun. Although temperatures are expected to warm up today, conditions are still favorable.
CA-BTU- Windy Fire Incident Information: 348 acres and 60%
Date/Time Started: September 6, 2010 12:00 pm
Administrative Unit: CAL FIRE Butte Unit
County: Tehama County
Location: North of Hwy 32 at Windy Point, northwest of Windy Cut Lookout in the Deer Creek drainage
Acres Burned: 125 acres
Containment: 125 acres - 95% contained
Injuries: 2
Total Fire Personnel: 710 (695 CAL FIRE)
Engines: 25 CAL FIRE
Fire crews: 30 CAL FIRE
Water tenders: 6
Conditions: Precipitation occurred in the area yesterday afternoon and evening so no further fire spread is anticipated. Full containment expected by this evening.
Colorado: Four Mile Canyon Fire Incident Overview
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Four Mile Canyon Fire Perimeter Map - Inciweb |
Boulder, CO - The Four Mile Canyon Fire is burning in rugged, steep terrain 5 miles west and northwest of the Boulder City limits. Approximately 7,100 acres have burned. Multiple structures have been lost and many remain threatened.
The fire began on September 6, 2010 in Emerson Gulch located in Four Mile Canyon.
The fire cause remains under investigation.
Communities impacted by this fire include Four Mile Canyon, Sunshine Canyon, Gold Hill, Sugarloaf, Pinebrook Hills, and Boulder Heights. Approximately 3,500 residents are under manditory evacuation.
Cooler temperatures are expected today with wind speeds between 8-12 mph. Aviation resources will be assisting fire operations throughout the day. Over 200 firefighters are currently fighting the Four Mile Canyon Fire and have been joined by three Type 1 hotshot crews, 5 helicopters and 5 heavy air tankers. Multiple resources continue to arrive on the fire.
The Rocky Mountain Type II Incident Management Team is now managing the fire and will be working with the local units that have been working on the fire since it started.
Basic Information
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Vehicle accident involving propane tank
Date of Origin Monday September 06th, 2010 approx. 10:00 AM
Location 5 miles west of downtown Boulder
Incident Commander Todd Richardson
Current Situation
Total Personnel 550
Size 7,100 acres
Percent Contained 30%
Fuels Involved: 10 Timber (litter and understory) Heavy dead and down with bug mortality in Douglas-fir.
Fire Behavior; Fire activity diminished yesterday due to higher humidity, cooler temperatures, and light precipitation. Today fire activity is expected to increase with a Red Flag warning in effect beginning at 3:00 pm.
Significant Events: 20 subdivisions west of Boulder have been evacuated and 3 major County Roads closed. Residents in Boulder Heights, Carriage Hills, and Pine Brook Hills subdivisions will be allowed in to their homes today from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm to take care of needs they may have.
Outlook/Planned Actions:Structure protection and damage assessment is ongoing. Line construction will continue on the northeast flank and interior to the fire in preparation for this afternoon's wind event.
Growth Potential: High
Terrain Difficulty Extreme
Remarks:Transition from Type 2 Incident Management Team to Type 1 Incident Management Team will occur today at 1800.
Current Weather
Wind Conditions 10-17 mph SW
Temperature 75 degrees
Humidity 21%
Notes: 6:30 a.m. - Sept. 9, 2010 - no change to information posted overnight
A media briefing is scheduled for 9 a.m. at the Boulder Reservoir, 5565 51st St, Boulder. The location of the media briefings has changed to allow for closer proximity to the Incident Command Center and basecamp for firefighting operations.
Updated figures:
- Over 6,300 acres in the burn area
- 20+ miles of fire perimeter
- 500 personnel working either on scene or at the Incident Command Center
- 70+ engines
- 100,000 gallons of fire retardant dropped by air today
- $2.1 million has been spent on the fire already
9:15 p.m. - Sept. 8, 2010 - Some subdivisions to reopen at 10 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 9
The following subdivisions will reopen to residents at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning:
- Boulder Heights
- Pine Brook Hills
- Carriage Hills
The remaining evacuated areas remain highly volatile and therefore residents cannot return to their homes.
School information:
- Jamestown School will reopen tomorrow
- Gold Hill classes will be temporarily held at Foothills Elementary in Boulder.
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