Wednesday, August 4, 2010

California Morning Report - Update on the fire activity in the West

Latest Update: 08/04 810 hours

Type I IMT - National Rotation
2 hr California
8 hr: Northern Rockies
24 hr: California

Type II IMT - Regional Rotation
2 hr: NC
8 hr: CS Cooper

    Type I IMT - Regional Rotation
    2 hr: Dietrich
    8 hr: McGowan
    24 hr: Pincha-Tulley
      Type II IMT - Local Rotation
      2 hr: Wakoski
      8 hr: Joseph

      News and Notes: OSCC GACC: Effective 0800 hrs today OSC / CSR has downgraded to PL 2 from PL 3.

      California Wildland Fires: 

      Buzzard CA-SHU is 20 acres contained.

      Crown (CA-LAC-10169202) 13,918 acres 100% contained. Transitioned to a Type 3 organization (Claus). This will be the last report on this incident.
      Bar Fire CA-PNF is 900 acres and 60% contained.
      Significant Events: All burnout operations completed with no control issues.

      Observed Fire Behavior: Interior unburnt islands consumed assisted by aerial ignition.
      Planned Actions: Continue to hold control lines. Mop up 50'from control lines. Continue to monitor fire spread to the east towards the old Rich fire.

      Dutch Fire CA-KNF is 371 acres and 90% contained.
       Significant Events: Significant progress in containment and mop up. Begin repair work.
      Remarks: Cost did not change due to better accounting. Tentative transition back to home unit on 8/5/2010 at 0600.
      Observed Fire Behavior: smoldering and stump holes.
      Planned Actions: Continue to hold and mop up. Complete suppression repair phase one.

      Cow Fire CA-MEU is 293 acres and 97% contained
      Significant Events: Significant progress on fireline construction and improvement as well as mop-up activities. 
      Observed Fire Behavior: Isolated hot spots burning in the interior.
      Planned Actions: Complete fireline improvement and mop-up. Continue fireline suppression repair activities.

      Annie Fire CA-NOD is contained.
      Significant Events: extended hand and dozer line

      Observed Fire Behavior: line held last night, some heat in the stringers of timber in the draws
      Planned Actions: Tie in containment lines and extend mopup further into burn.

      McDonald (W-23)CA-NOD-3688 9,408 ACRES, 95%
      Observed Fire Behavior: Smoldering stump holes
      Planned Actions: continue mop up and suppression repair.

      Weather Discussion: 

      Valid For Today
      Valid For Tomorrow

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      ****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

      "I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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