Saturday, August 14, 2010

CA-PNF-Caribou Complex - Wildland Fire - 65 acres(Hot, Woody's, Rock, Belden fires)

CA-PNF-Caribou Complex  (Woody's, Hot, Beldon & Rock fires)
At 5 PM yesterday Plumas National Forest fire crews were dispatched to four separate fires located in the Feather River Canyon. Two (Woody's and Hot) are located near Woody's Hotsprings about 2 miles east of Twain. The other two fires (Belden and Rock) are between Belden and Caribou.
Numerous orders for resources were processed by NOPS at this time. 
Plumas EOC suffered sustained power outage during dispatch of these incidents 
Updates: 1930hrs - From CalTrans 1901hrs Hwy 70 closed from Greenville Wye to Jarbo Gap due to wildland fire.
Rock Incident hold in rocky broken fuel type for last hour. This is the historical pattern for fire near Rock Creek Dam.
Jumpers unable to jump the Rock incident. Will be landing in Chester and ground transport to fire.
Location: Two (Woody's and Hot) are located near Woody's Hotsprings about 2 miles east of Twain. The other two fires (Belden and Rock) are between Belden and Caribou.
Fuels/Terrain: Mixed fuels in very steep, rocky terrain

Resources: 0800 - LPF ST enroute

1930 - PNF Doz-2 committed to HOT fire, PNF Doz-3 committed to WOODY fire,

TNF sending an immediate need s/t 4660C.
1900hrs - Request just went in for A-11 and A-12 for two more tankers. Also, A-10 for a load of Jumpers from Redding. Shasta Trinity sending Strike time 3675c to the Hot fire., S/T 4660 C -Tahoe Engines 42, 31, 34, 73, 61.
1830hrs - Request for 2 additional air tankers for total of 8 and 2 heavy lift helicopters (helitankers).
From west to east on hwy 70 - west to east (down canyon to up canyon), Rock, Belden, Hot and Woody.

Rock Fire - 1830HRS 20 acres at  and no natural barriers to slow spread. Can not take action until power lines de-energized. Located near Rock Creek Dam has wind on it. Heavy fuels 1-2 acres moderate rate of spread, headed to the ridge helicopter drops may slow uphill runs.
Belden Fire - - located between Caribou Road and Belden down canyon.
Hot Fire

Woody fire - 1815hrs Estimate at 20 acres.
Communications: Command on 170.5500 and utilizing Tacs NIFC Tacs 1,2,3.
Notes: Request to close HWY 70 Greenville Wye to Jarbo Gap. No confirmation as to exact points. HWY 89/70 (Greenville Wye) and Hwy 70 at Jarbo Gap are traditional locations.

 More info and sources:
InciWeb: Link

 #CaFire #PNF

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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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