Sunday, May 24, 2009

Yosemite Lightning Fires – Update #2

On the afternoon of May 18, 2009 Yosemite National Park experienced an afternoon thunderstorm, a common occurrence for the Sierra Nevada Range during the summer.
It is relatively uncommon for May, and according to National Weather Service this monsoonal storm was more typical for August.
It resulted in many down strikes in Yosemite and three confirmed fires. It was accompanied by measurable precipitation at higher elevations.
Yosemite Valley received approximately 1/3 of an inch of rain. There is a possibility of continuing thunderstorms for the rest of the week particularly in the afternoon hours, which may result in other fires.

Suppression Zone:
West (37⁰40’24.24” 119⁰45’19.45”) - This lightning caused fire is in Mariposa County near the park boundary and north/west of the community of Yosemite West. It was necessary for crews to rappel into this fire due to steepness of the terrain. It is controlled and being mopped up. It was smoldering in pine needles and some down logs and was put out due to significant threats to the community of Yosemite West. It will be patrolled by air.

Cottonwood (37⁰54’13.68” 119⁰47’41.64”) – This lightning caused fire is in Tuolumne County and is burning within the 1996 Ackerson fire perimeter. It is 2.5 miles east of the Mather Ranger Station and near Cottonwood Meadow. It is actively burning in whitethorn and dead and down timber. As of 10:00 AM on May 20, 2009 about 15 acres had burned. Fifty firefighters, one Type 2 Helicopter and two Hot Shot teams: Groveland from the Stanislaus NF and Sierra NF Hotshots. Fire managers are considering all suppression options.

Wilderness Zone:
Mono (37⁰40’ 25.31” 119⁰33’ 56.89”) – This lightning caused fire is located in Mariposa County within the Illilouette Basin and in Yosemite’s wilderness. Approximately ¾ of an acre is burning in brush and dead and down logs within the 2004 Meadow Fire perimeter at about 7500’. This area has a considerable history of natural wildfire that has been managed for restoration of forest systems. Fire crews are currently monitoring the fire. This fire has moderate potential for spread.

The protection of human life and property is the top priority for Yosemite’s fire management staff, as well as the preservation of natural and cultural resources, and the preservation and restoration of fire-dependent ecosystems.
Each fire is managed individually to achieve one or more objectives in the safest, most efficient and cost-effective way possible.
In order to achieve this, strategies employed may include full suppression, containment line building, use of natural barriers, monitoring, and other management techniques or combination of techniques.

Smoke: Park staff will monitor smoke on a consistent basis. However, smoky conditions may exist within the park.
Residents and visitors are advised to take precautions to minimize smoke impacts to health. People with respiratory problems should use caution when exerting themselves in smoky areas.

Additional Information:
The park website,, has information about fire activity and smoke effects in Yosemite. To reach the Fire Information and Education Office please call 209/372-0480 or email us at:

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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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