Candlelight Vigil for Amber's Safe Return - TONIGHT
Friday, March 13th at 6:00pm
Escondido High School
1535 N. Broadway, Escondido, CA
Reward for Information Announced: $60,000 Reward*
Tips 760-743-TIPS (8477)
*$50,000 for information leading to the safe return of Amber
$10,000 for information leading to the arrest of person(s) responsible for her disappearance
Amber Dubois is a 14 year old girl, Amber went missing in San Diego, California on 13th Feb.
Update: EXCLUSIVE: New details surface in Amber Dubois case

Missing Escondido teen's Web activity focus of search warrants
ESCONDIDO ---- Friends of missing Escondido teenager Amber Dubois told police last month that the girl had been chatting with boys online, a situation that drew concern from one of her friends, according to court records obtained Friday.
And a forensic probe of the computer used by Amber and her family revealed a bump in Internet activity in the week before the teen's disappearance, according to an affidavit Escondido police filed last week to get a warrant to look at the computer communications of Amber, who went by the screen name "wolfintheend."
Download the search warrant
"This is not unusual, and it doesn't change our opinion of the case," Escondido police Lt. Craig Carter said Saturday of the increased activity. "We are still classifying this as a missing juvenile, not a runaway or an abduction."
Family and friends have described Amber as a bookish, sheltered girl who loved animals, including wolves, and never spoke of running away. They believe the Escondido High School freshman was abducted.
Massive searches have been mounted to find Amber, and dozens of volunteers headed out this weekend to search for the girl.
Amber was last seen heading to school at 7:10 a.m. Feb. 13, with a $200 check in hand to purchase a lamb for her 4-H project. She was also toting Valentine's Day gifts for her friends as she headed along busy North Broadway Avenue close to the campus.
One witness saw her walking toward Escondido High with a tall, slender, dark-complexioned young male, according to court documents. Carter said police are hoping that person, who could have been a fellow student, will recognize himself in the description and come forward to help them.
Online chats?
In court documents obtained Friday by the North County Times, Escondido police state that two of Amber's friends told a police detective Feb. 19 that the teenager had told each of them she had been spending time online talking to boys.
One of her friends told officers she tried to dissuade Amber from doing so, "due to her type of conversations that Amber stated she was talking about and the dangers associated with this behavior," according to the search warrant affidavit from Escondido police Officer Damon Vander Vorst.
Amber's parents each said they were surprised to hear the revelation. Both raised doubts and concerns about what their daughter's friends had said.
"I hope police follow through with that and check it out," Maurice Dubois said. "We want them to follow upon any such leads.
"It makes me nervous about Internet predators," he said, adding that he was unaware that his daughter could have been taking part in online chats with boys. He said he routinely checked her computer communications when she was with him at his Orange County home.
Amber's mother, Carrie McGonigle, echoed those concerns and said she also monitored her daughter's Internet activity. She said Amber could have been lured by someone she may have known or somehow had been acquainted with.
The warrant affidavit also states that a probe of the computer revealed Internet activity on it had increased the week prior to her disappearance ---- and that activity stopped after Amber went missing.
The warrant obtained by police last week allows them to search the content and subscriber information of Amber's Yahoo account, on which she used the online name "wolfintheend."
With no solid leads, police said they are putting out feelers everywhere they can, looking into everything they can ---- including obtaining warrants to search Amber's Internet records.
The warrant for the Yahoo account is one of many police have sought and received to view the content of Amber's communications on various social networking or other Internet sites she may have been visited, Escondido police Lt. Robert Benton said.
The law requires that each social networking site, as well as Internet content providers like Yahoo, must be individually served with a search warrant in order for police to probe Amber's activity on those sites.
Searches of electronic communications are a standard investigating tool for police. In Amber's case, police said they are also looking through the teenager's cell phone calls and text messages.
"This is just a normal course of action in a case like this," Lt. Carter said. "We are going to make every effort in case there are any additional clues."
Search continues
Amber's father and mother, along with the mother's boyfriend, all voluntarily took and passed polygraph tests, Lt. Benton said last month. All have been ruled out as suspects.
The case has gained local and national media attention, with the family holding several press conferences and community searches for Amber.
On Friday, which marked exactly four weeks since Amber disappeared, about 100 people joined her family in front of Escondido High School for a candlelight vigil.
"She's very precious to me," Amber's grandmother Genie Dubois said Friday evening as she handed out blue ribbons for attendees to wear. "On a busy street like this, how can a girl just disappear?"
A few of her friends sobbed and hugged afterward as they sat in the grass and talked about Amber.
A reward of $50,000 has been offered for information leading to the teen's safe return. Another $10,000 is offered for information leading to the arrest of those responsible.
The search for the child continues, and her mother said about 90 volunteers showing up Saturday to help comb Escondido for signs of her.
A similar search is set for Sunday. Volunteers are asked to meet at 755 N. Quince St. in Escondido any time between 8 a.m. and noon to help. More information is available at www.bringamberhome.com.
Amber is described as 5 feet 5 inches tall, 130 pounds with medium-length brown hair and blue eyes.
Anyone with information about the case is urged to call Escondido police at (760) 743-8477.
Source: www.northcountytimes.com - Link
Update: Escondido, Calif.- Escondido Firefighters fill the boot campaign to collect donations to find Amber
Escondido firefighters used their boots Thursday morning to collect donations from passing motorists for the family of missing teen Amber Dubois.
Thursday's fundraiser occurred at Lincoln Parkway and Broadway. About a half-dozen firefighters, with their boots in hand, took turns running up to motorists' windows so people could toss their donations into the boots.
The idea came from an annual Give Burns the Boot fundraiser for burn victims that area firefighters participate in.
The fundraiser has ended, but people wishing to donate can still drop off money at any of the city's fire stations.
Updated post about Amber below:
Amber Dubois left her home in Escondido, CA at approximately 7:00 am. She carried with her a handful of Valentine's Day gifts for her friends which she was going to be giving out at school that morning. Her school is located less than one mile away from her home.
She never arrived at her school that morning.
The investigation is ongoing, however, we have been advised that local police and private investigators believe that a dangerous predator may currently be in this area, and we are trying to do everything we can to get the message out.
Right now, visibility is a most precious ally. Amber could be anywhere.
The family is desperate for any help that you may be able to offer at this time. All they want is their family reunited, and Amber's safe return home.
"Escondido Police announced receipt of tips as a result of Amber's story being told on America's Most Wanted"
Volunteers needed: for Flyer distribution
and Community Awareness
We are in continuous need of Volunteers, we will not stop until Amber is home safely.
8am - 5pm
Everyday until Amber is home safely
Organized Site Searches will Continue Every Weekend until Amber is home safely
Command Center location:
755 N. Quince Street
Escondido, CA 92025
(714) 883-6076
(Volunteers must be at least 18 and have valid ID)
Donations: for Search and Rescue efforts are gratefully received and held
in Trust for that sole purpose.
Mail to:
"Amber Leeanne Dubois Trust"
P.O.Box 1557
Paramount CA 90723-1557
Walk-in Deposits are Welcomed at:
Comerica Bank - Escondido Branch
260 West Grand Avenue
made payable to:
"Amber Leeanne Dubois Trust"
Message from family: Thank you for helping to break through the darkness by being one of the lights that will bring our Amber home.
Amber is an intelligent and loving young lady. Animals are important to her and she was excited to be getting her lamb as a school project at Escondido High School, Escondido, CA on the day she disappeared.
She is an avid reader, good with electronics and computers, loves wolves and collects them, and, she takes time to text with her Grandmom.
She is an excellent horsewoman, a good student and artist, and believes in God.
We cannot bear the thought of life without her.
Please help if you know anything by calling
Tips: 760-743-TIPS (8477)
Thank you.
* Ht: 5'5"
* Wt: 130
* Short medium brown hair - bright blue eyes.
* Date of Birth 10/25/1994
* Last seen wearing black pants, black hoodie and black sneakers
* Last seen 7:10am Feb. 13, 2009 on North Broadway in Escondido, CA - walking toward Escondido HS (believed to have been on west side of street)
missingamber@yahoo.com or call 760-743-TIPS (8477)
Please print Amber's Reward flyer to distribute and keep with you in your car:
(in English)
(en Español)
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