Thursday, March 19, 2009

Forest Fires around the world today

Korea: Forest Fires prelude to War?: Forest Fire in DMZ Put out after 7 Hours

A forest fire on the North Korean side of the inter-Korean border that managed to spread to the South Korean side was put out after seven hours early Thursday.

The fire started within the North’s side of the demilitarized zone a little past dawn Thursday and spread to the South, where it then burned around 50 hectares of fields.

The Korea Forest Service and the South Korean military mobilized five helicopters and some 100 firefighters to put out the blaze.

Authorities at the forest service office estimate that more forest fires are likely to occur in the demilitarized zone and that preparations are being made to block the spread of fires to the South’s side.

Wildfire in Zanhuang County - Chinese wildland firefighting: Cammo Fatigues, Leaf blower and Red ball?

Some firefighters withdraw from the scene in Zanhuang County, north China's Hebei Province, March 19, 2008. The fire in Zanhuang County has been put out and no casualty has been reported. Soldiers and armed policemen participating the firefighting activity have withdrawn from the scene, while three professional firefighting teams, local officials and residents stayed there to prevent the extinguished fire from burning again.(Xinhua/Yang Shiyao)
Source: Link

Vietnam: 20,000 hectares of Mekong forest on fire alert - fire-risk level four
A view of the U Minh Ha cajuput forest in the Mekong Delta

Around 20,000 hectares of cajuput forest are in tinder-dry condition and face a serious threat of fire, the Forest Fire Prevention team reported March 18.

Nguyen Van The, director of the U Minh Ha National Park in the Mekong Delta province of Ca Mau, said 7,600 ha of the park have been affected by drought, with over 1,500 ha placed at fire-risk level four.

Another 6,500 ha are at levels 4-5.

Local teams including various forces are on 24-hour alert against fires, and forest management authorities have sought cooperation from local authorities, police, and local residents who have been posted on duty at high-risk areas.
Source: Link

Nepal: Over 80 yaks killed in wildfire today
Kantipur Report
SANKHUWASABHA, March 19 - More than 80 yaks were killed in a wildfire at Pawakhola VDC-7, Sankhuwasabha district on Thursday.
An unidentified cattle herder also went missing in the wildfire that started from Jumlingkharka area.
A team of police from nearby Num VDC was deployed to control the fire from spreading further.
Meanwhile, wildfire that started at Makalu VDC 13 days ago has still not come under control.
The fire has already destroyed over 1000 hectares of forestland, including the parts of Makalu Barun National Park.
Fire that broke out at Tinjure, Milkey and Jaljale region three days ago has also not been contained.
Seven persons sustained burn injuries while trying to douse the wildfire at Pakani forest of Goganey VDC-9.
The wildfire has destroyed a five kilometer long water pipeline rendering hundreds of villagers thirsty.
Source: Link

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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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