*VEHICLE IC* - Los Angeles - A CHP vehicle assisting a stalled motorist was rear ended by a 4 door sedan(Impala) and pushed into traffic lanes. It was subsequently struck by another vehicle. A total of 7 patients with 1 critical were treated at the scene. One patient was extricated and all 7 patients were transported to local hospitals. ; CHP Officer Spiker responded to a call of a solo vehicle accident in the center divider of the southbound Hollywood Freeway by Burbank Boulevard and was stopped in the carpool lane and was out of the car when his car was rear-ended by a Chevy Impala. Officer Spiker was not injured in the accident, thepassenger in the Impala was transported to a hospital.
Location: Southbound 170 Freeway x Burbank; MAP 56-H1; FS 60;
Comms: Ch:8,17 @3:07 PM
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