Thursday, May 8, 2008

Yosemite:Two School Buses in accident: 40 injured

Two school buses involved in a traffic accident: The buses were carrying 75 sixth-graders from Yolo Middle School in Newman on a day trip to Yosemite National park, When one bus ran into the rear of the other, No fatalities, 40 Minor to moderate injuries.
Update: 2:25 p.m: Yosemite National Park officials said 12 children and one adult were taken to three hospitals Thursday following a crash of two buses carrying sixth grade students from Yolo Middle School in Newman.

All of the injuries were minor, said Vickie Mates, a Yosemite spokeswoman.

The buses carried about 100 people, There were 76 students on board and the remainder were parents and teachers.

IA: School bus rear ended by School bus - 75+ occupants
Location: YNP - Yosemite National Park, On a downhill stretch near the junction between highways 140 and 120.
Response: YNP/MMU/Mariposa county - County Health Officer involved, Mariposa's MCI vehicle, and reported they would be using color tagging for triage. Later there were reports of 30 patients transported by bus to John C Fremont Hosp, and 10 C-Spines going by ambulance to 2 different hospitals. - Some 15 ambulances transported the victims to John C. Fremont Hospital in Mariposa
Comms: 164.425, 166.300
News Article: Two Newman school buses crash in Yosemite

Two school buses carrying sixth-graders from Yolo Middle School in Newman crashed this morning in Yosemite National Park, and 40 people are injured, according to park officials.

None of the injuries was listed as serious. About half were moderate back and neck injuries and half were minor, park spokesman Scott Gediman said. Some 15 ambulances transported the victims to John C. Fremont Hospital in Mariposa, he said.

Rick Fauss, superintendent of the Newman Crows Landing Unified School District, said the most serious injury school officials were informed of involved a girl with a bump to the chin.

He said the buses were carrying 75 sixth-graders who planned to spend the day hiking in Yosemite. The accident happened as the two buses contracted through First Student Bus Co. were on their way into the park at 10:53 a.m. The bus company was originally reported to be First Street Bus Co.

The accident happened on a downhill stretch near the junction between highways 140 and 120, when one of the buses rear-ended the other, Gediman said.

One bus had a broken windshield, and First Student dispatched two more buses to pick up the children, Fauss said. He said he expected the two buses to arrive in Yosemite between 1 and 1:30 p.m. and return the children to Newman between 3:30 and 4 p.m. this afternoon.

Source article: Modesto Bee - Link

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