Update #3:
The Reno Police Department and the FBI are continuing to investigate the disappearance of Brianna Denison and the following information is being provided as part of a request for additional assistance:
Evidence obtained from the scene of Brianna Denison’s disappearance included DNA genetic samples. After analysis by the Washoe County Crime Lab, a positive link has been established between this case and a Kidnap and Sexual Assault case that occurred at a nearby residence on December 16, 2007 @ 2:05 a.m. The victim in the December case was also the victim of a recent (1/19/08) attempted burglary at her residence in the 1400 block of N. Virginia St. On November 13, 2007 shortly after 5:00 p.m., an unknown suspect sexually attacked a UNR student who was walking to her home in the neighborhood. That case is also being investigated as being possibly connected to those already mentioned.
Additionally, detectives have learned of new information relative to these three mentioned cases which is being distributed to the public. This information is relative to a possible suspect vehicle and a suspect description which are as follows:
Suspect vehicle: Extended cab pick-up truck or SUV, dome light above the windshield, tall enough that it requires a step up to gain entry, floor-mounted console that was described as “fairly skinny” that opens in front, blue and red LED read-out on the radio, cloth seats, automatic transmission. There was a baby shoe on the front seat floor board. There were 8 ½” x 11” white pieces of paper with typing on the floor board of the front seat.
Suspect: White male, approximately 28 - 40 years, long face with a square chin, taller than 5’6” but not excessively so, very strong but not with a significantly muscular build, a belly that was described as not excessively large and firm but not flabby, an “innie” belly button, a light covering of hair on his arms, no jewelry or a watch, facial hair about a quarter to a half an inch long below his chin and was soft and not prickly as stubble normally is, unknown if he had a mustache, brown head hair of undetermined style, normal speech with no accent or regional dialect, no smoker’s breath, no alcohol, no bad breath, no cologne or after-shave.
Suspect clothing at the time of the Kidnap/Sexual assault: red (not maroon) short sleeve shirt described as being made of material similar in feel to a Fubu jersey-type shirt (silk/rayon/polyester type) with a medium blue-colored neckline, short printed (possibly embroidered) word on the upper left breast area, another shirt underneath with wrist-length sleeves, unknown color pants – regular length – not jeans. The pants reminded the victim of basketball pants as the material was smooth but they made no noise when he moved and they had an elastic waist band and no zipper.
Update #2: Possible suspect description: White male likely in his 30s, Approx 5'-6" with a long face and square chin.
- Large stomach and an "innie" belly button.
- Shaved hair around his pubic area
- Wears jersey-style shirt and workout pants with an elastic band.
Vehicle: Truck description from previous assault victim:Pickup truck or a sport utility vehicle - White male between the ages of 28 and 40 who may be driving a pickup truck or a sport utility vehicle.
The assault victim also told authorities that the truck used in her December kidnap had a dome light above the windshield, was tall enough to require a step and had a floor-mounted console with a radio featuring red and blue LED lighting. A baby's shoe was on the floor of the vehicle, as were pieces of paper with typing.
24-hour tip line at 775-745-3521.
DNA Ties Teen's Kidnap to Previous Sex Assault
Reno Police Zero In on Suspect Accused in Coed's Abduction, Attack Last Month
Reno police announced the break in the case of the missing student, Brianna Denison, late Sunday and today will begin a more focused search for a suspect described as a white male between the ages of 28 and 40 who may be driving a pickup truck or a sport utility vehicle.
"It is a huge leap for us in the case," police Cmdr. Ron Holladay said today on "Good Morning America." "What we need to do now is find the suspect and match up the DNA."
If you have any information on this case, please call the 24-hour tip line at 775-745-3521.
The same suspect is now wanted by police for a Dec. 16 sexual assault in which he allegedly abducted another young woman outside her house near the University of Nevada-Reno campus and sexually assaulted her.
The victim in the December assault was also the target of an attempted robbery on Jan. 19, the day before Denison vanished as she slept on a couch at a friend's off-campus house.
There is no hard evidence linking the attempted robbery with Denison's disappearance, or the December sexual assault.
For a week, Denison's family and friends have held onto hope that Denison will be returned by her abductor. Lauren Denison, the young woman's aunt, called the announcement about the DNA match "bittersweet."
"We have something we can focus on now without letting our minds run wild," she said on "GMA." "We're in a sense happy, but saddened by what we know this suspect is capable of doing."
Authorities reinterviewed the victim of the December attack after they made the match to DNA left behind in Denison's abduction. They hope that details provided by the victim, who has not been identified, might help them identify and apprehend the suspect.
The assault victim also told authorities that the truck used in her December kidnap had a dome light above the windshield, was tall enough to require a step and had a floor-mounted console with a radio featuring red and blue LED lighting. A baby's shoe was on the floor of the vehicle, as were pieces of paper with typing.
In addition to being a white male likely in his 30s, the suspect was described as about 5 feet 6 inches tall with a long face and square chin. He had a large stomach and an "innie" belly button, according to police. He had shaved the hair around his pubic area and was wearing jersey-style shirt and workout pants with an elastic band.
Source: ABC NewsVideo: