Marc Mullenix (ICT1 trainee on Rocky Mtn Team) passed away last night.
Last year he was a Type 1 Incident Commander trainee on Kim Martin's Incident Management Team in the Rocky Mountain Geographic Area.
Marc was a veteran of Ground Zero/ 9-11 and an IC IMT2 during Katrina operations.
UPDATE: Marc Mullenix services
Services for Marc Mullenix will be held
Feb 6th, 1200 at the
Faith Bible Chapel
6250 Wright St
Arvada, CO.
Fairmount Fire
4755 Isabell Rd
Golden CO 80403.
Cards can be sent to
Shawna Legarza
PO Box 785
Mancos CO 81328
Previous employers and assignments included:
- Bureau Land Management Station Forman for the Benton Fire Station, California (1989)
- Wildland Fire Division Chief for the Boulder Fire Department, Colorado.
- Fire Management Officer for Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado.
- Fairmont Fire Protection District, Colorado.
- Ground Zero New York, New York 9-11-2001
- Katrina -Texas - IC IMT2
Here is a link to a short article of Marc recounting his work at Ground Zero
Here is a link to a short article of Marc recounting his work at the Snaking fire outside of Denver which appeared on the CNN web site.
Here is a link to a short article on Cal Fire News of Marc discussing the Neola North Fire
In regards to Ground Zero- "We saw the faces; we heard the stories; we were at the pile when they found a body," he says."In 22 years of fire service, this was by far the worst thing and the best thing ... the most psychologically draining thing I've ever done. Every nerve ending was ripped open like a scab. I'll never forget the smell. The noise was unbearable ... every one of your senses is maxed out. "
In regards to the Colorado wildfire threat - It`s like you`re a boxer You`ve knocked the guy down , but the fight`s not over yet" (s)
In regards to the Mason Fire then the No. 1 Priority In Nation - Colorado wildfire - " The fire has got the advantage right now" (s)
Marc Mullenix the optimist regarding a 80 square mile fire in Nebraska- "We've had a very productive night last night, and we've had a very productive day," (s)
Marc Mullenix the optimist regarding the Neola North Fire Utah - "Buckets of water don't do much when your humidity is in the single digits, Marc Mullenix, an incident commander-in-training, said Monday.
"This is some pretty tough weather to fight fires in."Still, crews successfully have thrown back the fire!" (s)
Join the discussion of Marcs passing at: WildlandFire.com Theysaid Forum
As friends and colleague's share remembrances about this larger than life professional wild land fire fighter's life, The following quotes in regards to Marc are from Theysaid.
" Marc was a colleague, mentor, and friend. Words fail to express our loss.
Please say a prayer for our brother, his family, and his friends.
Rest assured, his passion will live on in all of us fortunate to have worked
with him.
Godspeed, Marc, Godspeed."
"Marc was an excellent firefighter, leader, teacher, motivator, and friend"
"When someone as fine as Marc passes on it's hard to know what to say.
He was a good thinker, good strategist, cared for the troops, knew how
to communicate. He was a LEADER. It's hard to think that he won't be
around doing what he did well. Our loss, fire's loss. My condolences to
his family."
"I am deeply saddened to hear of Marc's passing. Marc was an excellent firefighter, leader, teacher, motivator, and friend. The most important thing I learned from Marc was 'always take care of your people'. It was hard not to have fun when around Marc, even when situations got to be a bit rough he had a way of keeping morale up while keeping the troops focused on the task at hand. He was a great guy that will be dearly missed.
My condolences to his family.
Godspeed, Marc."
" I met Marc at least twenty years ago in Boulder, CO and wrote a story about this larger-than-life wildland guy. Just talking with him, I could sense that this man was going places in the wildland fire world. And, he sure did! He was known far and wide in that world, thinking out of the box. Doin great things for his wildland fire folks. He reminded me of wildland fire legend, Paul Gleason. Since they knew each other, I should think that they are sittin side by side under a big old pine tree swapping fire stories up yonder. Ya, that's how I picture him and his friend, Paul."
To his wife Shawna, and to his daughter, extended family and vast numbers of friends and colleagues, the sincerest condolences on the passing of one of wildland fire's memorable and excellent personalities. He's home now.
Please leave comments here
I miss you Daddy
ReplyDelete"Marc, Marc, you leave me speachless. We have travelled the world, responded to unspeakable events and every once in a while we have the privelege of working with great people. Marc, you are not one of those people, you are the one, you above all others, it has been an honour."
ReplyDeleteChief John Green,
International Rescue
I am saddened by Marc's passing.
ReplyDeleteHe was an amazing leader, teacher and firefighter who was respected and loved by many in the fire service.
The story that comes to mind for me was many years ago. I had fought fire in Boulder county for several years and found myself on my first major dispatch in NM under Marc's command. I was not really getting any respect from my immediate squad boss and was a bit frustrated with my squad.
After one particularly rough day, I found myself eating dinner just hoping to get through the remainder of our roll.
My whole crew was together eating when IC Marc walks into the mess tent? He sees me as a familiar Boulder County firefighter and without hesitation comes over and sits down next to me. He asked how things where going and I said just okay. He spent a bit of time at the table and encouraged our crew with inspirational and kind words he often had for the crews. He must have said something to my Crew Boss because the next day my squad boss treated me a whole lot different. Marc always took the time with the soldiers and for that I always respected him. I went on to continue for several more seasons with the USFS before returning to Nederland Fire.
Long may you run Marc! We will miss you, your leadership and commitment to fire!
Marc, you were an awesome person and a wonderful leader. May you now be at peace.
ReplyDeleteYour former colleague,
Kristen Cowan
ReplyDeleteYou always had such presence where ever you went. You made a HUGE impact of my wildfire fighting career beginning at S130-190 requesting we read “Young men and Fire” and “Fire on the Mountain”. Hearing your voice over the radio at various incidents was comforting knowing you were there for us. Thank you for all you have done. May there be a good French Roast coffee where you are now.
Our thoughts and prayers to Marc’s family, fellow fire fighters, colleges and many friends, we all morn the loss together.
I just returned home this evening and read the news about Marc, I am moved beyond words and deeply saddened by his passing. Marc was truly larger than life in all aspects, not just the fire arena. I had the honor of working with him on several large fires. I was the beneficiary of his creativity on a local helicopter program that he busted his ass to help develop from inception to a really good module. To Shawna and Nicolette my thoughts and prayers are always with you!! I miss you all very much...mwb
ReplyDeleteThank you for your enduring support these past few weeks – food, cards, emails, wood, snow removal and phone calls.
The days have not been easy. This situation is not easy to understand. I have experienced emotions of which I never thought could occur in my mind. I thought working at 9/11 would be the most difficult time of my life, how wrong I was. I will never forget my Honey giving me my first tour of the pile and our conversations each night while viewing the "pile".
I have been working through the emotions as they arise.
My husband was a wonderful man and we loved each other dearly.
I realize life must go on. And I also know that life is very special and the Lord is watching over me guiding me down the right path.
Please visit the Wildland Firefighter Foundation. The “Marc Mullenix Life Challenge Program” will be nationally operated in conjunction with the Wildland Firefighter Foundation in Boise, Idaho.
Keep in touch and God Bless
I Love you Honey.....
ReplyDeleteYour the reason I do what I do!! You are a great man and we will all miss you!!
Man, I just read this and am devastated... I owned a GNC in Superior, CO and saw Marc on a regular basis and became good friends. Marc even helped me out one evening when my dog was run over as I was leaving to go home from work (I took my dog to work everyday). Marc saw me in the road, pulled over, we threw on the lights to his truck and ran every light until we got the vet...
ReplyDeleteI kept in contact w/Marc after selling my GNC, and he and I even chatted about owning a business together when he retired from fighting fires...
I had not heard from him in awhile...
I miss you buddy and I am sorry I did not know about this until now. If anyone knows if there is anything I can do please feel free to email me. waaged@msn.com.
I am sitting here at work, tears flowing, I has no idea. I am so sad for him and everyone who knew him. I went to high school with him. He was older but a great buddy. I consider myself lucky to have reconnected if only for a short time for reunions in the early 2000ish. Although it happened 3 years ago, for me it seems like right now. He loved his work. Godspeed Marc, say hi to my sis up there! Valerie
ReplyDeleteI miss you Marc. Forever.