Wednesday, October 24, 2007

National Guard and President Bush are just in the way

The California National Guard has deployed 200 of its 610 Operation Jumpstart border troops to help at the Del Mar Fairgrounds and Qualcomm Stadium.

More National Guard troops are expected to come to the fairgrounds to comfort elderly patients who have not been sent to other facilities.

Quick Editorial: Mr. President just stay home! - What a bunch of political garbage all the Politico's calling for the National Guard to help, Just what are a bunch of untrained and unequipped troops going to do in face of fire storm? Send them back to guard the border...
And why in the hell is President Bush coming out here? What could he possibly do? Is he going to get into some Nomex and start grubbing a line? No the great decider is just going to cause a security headache in the middle of a Firestorm, this California Native son says Mr. President just stay home!
The recovery work at Ground Zero and Katrina came to a halt during his tours of those disasters Bush is a problem not a solution.
I am sure that the Fire officials are under pressure from the poloticians to use the guard for political reasons I hope they resist it...
This does not include the wonderful work that the National Guard is doing with the Black Hawk Helicopters.


  1. I know if my home was still intact and sitting there vacant I would feel much safer knowing the guard was watching over it.
    There are many things the guard can do, not just fight fire and yes their helicopters are but one of their many useful resources.
    Give Bush a break, that's what presidents do. If he doesn't show up then he's criticized also. Damed if you do, damed if you don't.

  2. Bush stay home? Absolutely. Not needed or wanted here. As for the National Guard, they can be used away from fire zones for support duties.

  3. yeah, and if he didn't come out here, you would be bashing him for that. Hypocrite. Shut up and provide news not commentary. This blog is a waste.

    Maybe at least the guard can stop the looters, or man evac centers while the police grab donuts.

  4. It could just as well be Clinton...
    Not bashing pointing out facts - Bush visiting will just cause problems not solutions. So in my humble opinion he is just creating more problems for his own political gain...

    This editor is a Ground Zero vet (9-15 thru 9-30) I saw the whole recovery come to a stop when the big shots one after another came to the site for their own selfish political reasons...

    You may feel this Blog is a waste but I work hard trying to get the facts out...Stay safe

  5. Oh Yeah you are right about one thing though I should stick to fire facts not editorials to busy for squabbling over politics...

  6. Another point this California not New Orleans - we have had a total of four looters in the whole state! And those arrests could be overzealous cops for all I know...There are more Guardsman at Qualcomm than victims and they are holding old ladies hands...
    So deploying the guard is political regardless of what side your on...Now back to work...

  7. I'm suprized you weren't aware of this, but it is the law that in order to declare a state of emergency in the state, the state govenor must tour the disaster area.

    Same thing at the federal level - it's the law that they must tour the damage to declare a state of emergency and release funds for aid. They don't have a choice - to get the state or federal funds - they have to take the tour.

    Take a look at all the next disasters where state or federal funding is released - the gov/prez takes the tour when they are going to release funds. So just keep in mind that they are just following procedeure when they do it. I'd be happy if they didn't turn it into a photo op or bug anyone other than the PIO's, but hey - we can dream, can't we?

    Personally, I think it is a good idea to get them out of Washington and back into reality for things like this. It might motivate them a little more.

  8. My husband is one of the national guardsman that was activated to help out and I find it offensive that you say they are only getting in the way! For your information, they have been providing security for road blocks to make sure people don't sneak into dangerous areas to check on their homes and also to insure that no one gets into a neighborhood that isn't supposed to be there, they have also been escorting vehicles through dangerous areas during evacuations and so much more. They are not just getting in the way, they are providing a very valuable service to our city! My husband hasn't slept for over 36 hrs because he is needed so please don't downplay what these men and women are doing within our communities because they are sacrificing for you and me!

    And your opinion about the president is unnecessary as well. Like a previous person has already commented, he is just following procedure!


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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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