Monday, August 4, 2008

CA-INF- Sherwin IC - lake Oroville - 250+ acres

Update on the fire: CALFIRE Team 5 activated transitioning 2000hrs - Craig AA reports fire heating up, making runs.... The Sherwin Fire is 2 miles south of Mammoth Lakes.
Lead Bravo 2 from the Angeles (South Ops-Fox)
Click here for an video noon update on the fire! this video includes footage of the fire area along with tanker drops!
Update on the fire:
The fire made a run downhill toward the Mammoth Motocross track located just a little over a mile from the town last night or early this morning.
The first wave of some monsoonal moisture is predicted to arrive today and give us some scattered thunderhead buildup with possible dry lightning.

Evacuations: Several campgrounds have been evacuated.
The YMCA camp, Voorhis-Viking Campground owned by the Boys and Girls Club, Sherwin Creek campground, were ordered to evacuate on Sunday 5:30pm.
Evacuation center at the High School in Mammoth
Road closures: Sherwin Creek road, Laurel Lake road.
A new start on the Inyo National Forest, Mammoth Ranger District,
Location: Two miles southeast of the Town of Mammoth Lakes, The point of origin is near the west shore of the series of lakes called Sherwin Lakes. Southeast of the Town of Mammoth Lakes, West of 395, Sherwin Lakes area
37 36 49N x 118 56 48W
Cause: Human caused and is under investigation.
Weather Forecast: Crews can expect trouble from dry lightning and erratic winds, and possible assistance if rains come. Air support might be grounded.
IA: 8-3 1530hrs - 20-25 acres, with spotting, structures threatened. Very large visible header, Size as of 1900 Sunday was about 50-60 acres. ud: 40 acres with potential for 100 plus. 0% containment.
IC: SoCal Team 1 - Joseph ordered
Fuels: The fire is burning in heavy fuels of manzanita, jeffrey pine, lodgepole pine, white fir, and western Juniper on a bench overlooking the town. The north facing slope below the bench has significant tree mortality, much of it in the white fir type.
Fire behavior: A strong southwest breeze pushing the fire to the northeast yesterday afternoon. The fire was spotting prolifically even after sunset. If the wind shifts to a southeast or east direction this fire would threaten the town, fire moving to the north, with preplaning for the fire to jump the N Fork of the Feather River and head towards Berry Creek.
Significant threats: Homes, Cabins, outbuildings,YMCA camp,Sherwin Creek campground,Mammoth Motocross track

Ground Resources: Heavy resource orders in place, Five CDF engines, Three CDF hand crews, one water tender (Mammoth Lakes FD WT-3381 filling helo buckets), 3 Forest Service engines, and 1 BLM engine. For the engine crews this is a walk in show, so portable pumps have been set up to pump water out of the lakes and onto the fire. A staging area for ground resources was set up at the Mammoth Motocross area. update:
Resource update: PNF WildCAD - Engine #'s 15, 20, 31, 33, & 34, Dozer 3
Resource update: HUU ECC (Fortuna) - Large resource oder has been requested for this incident. HUU Type 3 ST-9120C (E1284, E1277, E1283, E1285, E1279) is enroute immediate need to the Valley. Three engine via Hwy 36 and two engine via Hwy 299.
Air Resources: 4 helicopters - the two Type II's that worked the fire yesterday plus two Type I's.
Two helicopters (Bridgeport Ranger District ship and the call-when-needed helo brought in due to the use of Helicopter 525 on an off Forest assignment), about 7 air tankers, a SEAT (single engine air tanker), air attack (Air Attack 15 from the Sierra National Forest), lead plane (Lead Bravo 5 a BLM ship stationed at Fox Field),
Comm Frequencies:
Command - 168.125 Tone 3 - Glass Mountain
Tactical - 168.200 NIFC Tac 2
Air-Air Tactics - 166.675 National Air Tactics 1 - pre-assigned to the Inyo
Air to Ground - 170.000 National Air Tactics 4 and Region 5 air to ground
Air to Air AM - 135.975 - being used occasionally for helicopter coordination - pre-assigned to the aircraft dispatched from Bishop
Victor - 128.475
Resource orders: Two helitankers (Type I) have been ordered and will be on the fire at 0800 Today, one from the San Bernardino NF and one from the Los Padres NF. The Bishop air tanker reload base could not be staffed yesterday because of the lack of qualified personnel to run it.
A Type II incident management team
4 helicopters - the two Type II's that worked the fire yesterday plus the two Type I's I mentioned above.
7 engines
5 hand crews
4 heavy air tankers
2 single engine air tankers - 1 based at Bishop


  1. What happened to the Voorhis-Viking Campground owned by the Boys and Girls Club of San Gabriel Valley? We were camping and were ordered to evacuate on Sunday the 3rd around 5:30pm. Can you provide any news about the campground?

  2. What news is there of day-hikers or back-packers who could have been in the area? Do they have a safe route down? How come the press didn't ask about them?


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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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