Friday, July 25, 2008

CA-MMU- Telegraph fire - 1000+ acres at 5% contained

MIDPINES AREA - VEGETATION FIRE - Cal Fire working wildfire

Evacuations: Evacuation warnings are in place for residences in the immediate area of the fire.
The Community of Midpines, main electrical distribution Lines into Yosemite National Park , and Natural Resources remain threatened. There is a threat to approximately 300 homes. Evacuation warnings are in place for residences in the immediate area of the fire.

The following is condensed from the recorded message on the Mariposa County Event Information Line:
The Telegraph Fire, Pre-evacuation area -
Telegraph Fire Pre-Evacuation Notice
Saturday July 26, 2008

The pre-evacuation area consists of residents residing on the following roadways:

Fire is burning in the Merced River Canyon in the area of Telegraph ridge: This is a Pre-Evacuation Advisement for residents living in the following areas. If you reside in these listed areas please be prepared to evacuate upon notice by emergency services within one hour of notice.

Evacuations from this area will be dictated by fire movement and behavior. According to Fire Services, we should have more information regarding fire movement later today.

If you reside in the pre-evacuation notice area and have special needs, such as large or small animal needs, medical needs, transportation needs, please report this to sheriff officers in the area, or phone the sheriff’s dispatch center at 209.966.3615.

Sheriff’s deputies and sheriff’s office volunteers have been making contact with residents in the pre-evacuation area since last evening to make face to face advisements and confirm any special needs. This morning, officers will be continuing these contacts on Colorado Road and Colorado Road cross roads within the pre-evacuation area. If you reside in this area please expect a visit from the sheriff’s office and please secure dogs or other animals that may interfere with this operation.
The BLM Recreational Campgrounds below Briceburg have been evacuated and this area is closed to public traffic.
  • The Mariposa Kiwanis Club’s 4th of July celibration to be held at the Mariposa County Fairgrounds tonight, Saturday, has been cancelled.
If you are driving in the fire area, please drive slowly and alertly to allow emergency services to operate in a safe environment. If conditions are smoky, drive with your headlights on. Also, be alert for emergency vehicles in and around the Mariposa County Fair Grounds and on state routes 49 and 140 in the Mariposa County area. Mosher Road, Telegraph Road, Whitlock Road between Mosher Road to Colorado Road, Cory Pine Road, Sherlock Road, Salamandar Road, Colorado Road from Whitlock to Davis Road, Lakeside Road, Davis Road, Rumbly Mine Road and Rancheria Creek Road.
Updates: 0900 7-26 - 1000+ acres, Air Attack over the fire at 0800, Fire camp being established at Mariposa County Fairgrounds
Updates: 0700 7-26 - 950 acres at 5% contained Fire is burning in the Merced River Drainage near the Briceburg Bridge. ICT # 8 assumed command at 0700 on 7/26/08.
Updates: 2200 7 -25 - 900 acres - Current Threat to Community of Midpines, Main Electrical Distribution Lines into Yosemite National Park, Natural Resources could be threatened within the next 12 hours.
Updates: 2200 7 -25 1830hrs - DC10 firefighting tanker 910 flew fire creating large firebreak. Incident Commander Bill Hodson said there was still no way to get personnel on the blaze and CAL FIRE along with all of the other firefighting agencies were determining "how to build a Box around the fire to let it burn out".

Telegraph Fire
Geo Mac/Modis fire perimeters
Map of active fire last 12 hours - California fire news

Location: Several miles northwest of Midpines, Mariposa County - near Telegraph and Sherlock roads about 40 miles northeast of Merced.
ICP: ICT # 8 - Fire camp being established at Mariposa County Fairgrounds.

Fire GPS: Latitude and Longitude
Lat: 37° 34´ 3" Long: 119° 59´ 49"
Cause: Undetermined
Initial Attack: 7-25-08-15:00hrs - 50 acres, Rapid ROS, well established on both sides of the Merced River, Strike teams ordered code 3, fire still on state DPA but headed towards the forest.
Current Sizeup: 1000 acres, Accessibility problems due to steep, rocky and isolated terrain.
Terrain: Rugged, Steep, remote area of Mariposa County,
Fuels: Heavy vegetation and oak trees in steep terrain , according to a Cal Fire news release. As of 7 p.m., the fire was not threatening structures.
Fire Behavior: Fire is on the north and south sides of the Merced River Canyon and showing extreme rates of spread.
Threats: Future Threat to Community of Midpines, Main Electrical Distribution Lines into Yosemite National Park, Natural Resources could be threatened within the next 12 hours.
Comms: MMU Local- 151.460, Air 151.310.
Resources: Large resource orders in process, State Team ICT # 8 on order, 20 Type-3 Engines, 8 Hand Crews, and 10 Dozers, 4 water tenders,
Air resources: 1 Air Attack, 5 Air Tankers, - T100, T82, T80, T81, T78 and four helicopters C404, C406, C551 and C1109. Tanker 910 called in last afternoon.
Critical Resource Needs: Type I Handcrews, Type 3 Engines, Type 2 Dozers and critical overhead.

News and notes: OSCC - GACC

7-26-08-0800 - Telegraph (CA-MMU-009779) The fire is approximately 950 acres with 5% containment and continues to burn on the north and south sides of the Merced River Canyon. Accessibility problems are hampering suppression efforts due to steep, rocky and isolated terrain. The Community of Midpines, main electrical distribution Lines into Yosemite National Park , and Natural Resources remain threatened. There is a threat to approximately 300 homes. Evacuation warnings are in place for residences in the immediate area of the fire.

7-25-08-1800 - Telegraph (CA-MMU-009779) Fire is burning in the vicinity of Hwy 140 X briceburg bridge in Mariposa County. Fire has burned 800 + acres of heavy brush in the Merced River Drainage with fire on both sides of the River. The South side of fire has major structure loss potential in the Mid Pines subdivision area. The north side is burning unchecked with moderate to rapid rate of spread. CAL FIRE Incident Command Team 8 (IC Rambo) is being mobilized with a in briefing scheduled for 0700 7/26/08 .


  1. It would be awesome if this information were updated at least every 12 hours. Rather than call for information, the net is the best option for people in Midpines (my family included) to keep informed.

    Thank you.

  2. I agree! Other than the county representitive who came by last night and the recorded message (which really hasn't been updated since last night) there is very little news. - A Whitlock Rd. neighbor.

  3. I agree too, since the sheriff came by to get a census on our property there has been no updated info.....A lakeside rd neighbor

  4. I work for the Forest service on the Stanislaus, Groveland ranger district. We are all thinking that it will burn onto the forest by todays burning period or tomorrows. When that happens The forest will initiate what little else they can do.... contingency, Many of our professionals are working in the area adjacent to the Merced canyon to determine a plan. E 43 out of McDiarmid (Greely Hill) is on scene at this time. A type one handcrew will become available for resource needs tomorrow, as well as my 10 man crew. We are all standing by watching the ash fall out of the sky and praying nobody gets hurt as well as no one is injured.

  5. I have video of the fire as seen from bootjack with up to date info updated every hour. I will posting the info on youtube at:

  6. New video and info about Fire at
    I will keep you all updated with new video as the fire progresses. I was on the line and the fire has surpassed a saddle on Mt. Bullion.

  7. Went out tonight and I got some more footage for 2 new updates and here they are

    This first one is of the ash raining down in the Town of Mariposa and the smoke that blocked out the sun.

    This second one gives you a view of the Aerial attack on the wets side of Mt. Bullion.

    Remember stay safe and god bless those firefighters out there.


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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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