Tuesday, December 4, 2007

News:Very Interesting article Re: Oakland Firefighter recruitment

Oakland mayor intervenes in fire recruitment debacle

Source article: SF Gate - Chip Johnson

Firefighters and prospective firefighters from around the Bay Area sounded all alarms Monday over an ill-conceived recruitment effort by the Oakland Fire Department last weekend that was criticized as a disgraceful display of patronage and foul play.

Apparently Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums agreed that the recruitment had gone haywire. After meeting with his city's fire chief, Dan Farrell, Dellums announced he would reopen the process to all applicants who were passed over on Saturday, said the mayor's chief of staff, David Chai.

About 2,000 applicants came from far and wide for a chance to apply for nearly two dozen jobs in the department, and half of them went away unsatisfied - and angry at the way the picks were made.

One of them was Mike Loomis, a firefighter from the Central Valley. He brought a sleeping bag and a folding chair and waited for the chance to be one of the first 1,000 people in line and an opportunity to land one of 23 coveted positions.

He showed up Friday morning, a day early, and thought he had a pretty good shot because by his own count, he was No. 173.

"It's just like any other test," Loomis, 23, said Monday. "You camp out the night before." Last month, he'd camped out in Stockton for a similar event, he said.

But in Oakland, Loomis discovered that being prepared, on time and first in line is no way to get ahead.

On Friday, fire officials informed applicants, including some who'd been queueing since Thursday evening, that the line they were standing in - which had stretched to three city blocks long - was not the line from which applicants would be selected.

That line would be established Saturday morning at 5 a.m. But hardly anyone left their spots in and around Frank Ogawa Plaza.

Saturday morning came, and after some shoving - and fighting - for position, Loomis watched as Farrell and a personnel manager from Oakland City Hall waded through the sea of humanity and started their own kind of search.

"They started walking through the crowd and hand-picking people," Loomis said. "There's no way to describe how they were doing it. There were guys who stepped in line at 10 a.m. on Saturday morning who got picked - and it seemed like (city officials) knew who they were looking for. I heard a couple of guys on a cell phone describing where they were, and they got picked.

"Had I known it was going to be like this, I never would have bothered," he said.

Karen Boyd, a spokeswoman in City Administrator Deborah Edgerly's office, said the process was compromised because people in the front of the line obtained copies of the officials' plan to establish five entry points and moved toward them.

One of a half dozen San Francisco firefighters who showed up to support friends from across the bay said they never had a chance.

An Oakland firefighter who worked the event said some colleagues standing with police officers at the entry points were visibly upset by what they regarded as an obvious display of patronage and cronyism.

"What hurt me the most was seeing black guys, regular ordinary Oakland guys, passed over for other black guys because they were connected," he said, requesting anonymity for fear of job reprisals.

And it seems there was at least a little bit of that going on as well. In some cases, Oakland firefighters wearing department-issued caps and jackets stood next to their own kids, looking to catch a glance of recognition from the chief - and ready to lobby on their behalf.

The Oakland firefighter said that at least four of the candidates selected are sons of Fire Department employees.

Officials had hoped that more locals would get in line first because of the early opening for Saturday's event. But even if they had, how do you identify an Oakland resident by appearance alone?

More importantly, being in the front of the line meant nothing. And everybody in charge should know that hiring based on physical appearance is illegal. Oakland officials know that ... don't they?

Said one city official: "I cannot imagine a worse system that these morons could have come up with."

What's most worrisome about this situation is that the Fire Department's top brass, who distributed more than 7,000 flyers announcing the event, didn't have the gumption to stand by their word.

The application form clearly spelled out that "the FIRST 1,000 applicants will be received," would-be firefighter Filip Bednarz wrote in an e-mail to dozens of city officials. "I arrived at the location stated at 3:30 a.m., anticipating a long line at the door. I was shocked and disgusted when I was informed that it didn't matter how early I'd gotten there or how much effort I'd put in."

That information was pretty disgusting and shocking to the rest of us as well, including Oakland's mayor, who intervened on behalf of fairness and did the right thing in turning this gravy train right back around.

The good news: Would-be Oakland firefighters who were issued applications but were turned away Saturday will get their chance Jan. 12, when a new recruitment event is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the city's fire training center, 250 Victory Court, Oakland.

Source article: SF Gate - Chip Johnson

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