Wednesday, March 7, 2012

CA-SLU-Bonnheim Wildland Fire - Escaped burn 45+ acres west of Paso Robles

UPDATE 15:30: County/Cal Fire reports that the Bonnheim Ranch controlled burn has the potential to scorch more than 200 acres, currently 45 acre fire is within control burn lines
The fire is burning south of Nacimiento Lake off Chimney Rock Road.

UPDATE 14:30: CAL FIRE says the fire burning west of Paso Robles off Chimney Rock Road that started as a controlled burn has now charred about 45 acres. Cal Fire reports that it has 75 firefighters on the scene as of 2:30 p.m., and that the fire was caused by power lines. Cal Fire with the U.S. Forest Service are also battling a half-acre brush fire on Mount Lowe Road near Cuesta Ridge north of San Luis Obispo
Bonnheim Ranch Wildland Fire Location and Perimeter Map
California Fire News 2012

Incident Name/Type: CA-SLU-Bonnheim Last Updated: 
  • Date/Time Started:  1:30 p.m
  • Administrative Unit: 
  • County: 
  • Location: Bonnheim Ranch in the Las Tablas area west of Paso Robles. Chimney Rock Rd, south of Nacimiento Lake (San Luis Obispo County)

    Read more here:
  • GPS: 
  • Acres Burned: 45
  • ROS: rapid
  • Containment: Firefighters anticipate allowing 100 acres of the 200 acre planned project to burn. CAL FIRE says the fire is not out of control, because control lines were previously cut.
  • Conditions:   Escaped controlled burn.
  • Structure Threats: 
  • Special Hazards: 
  • Evacuations: 
  • Cause: Controlled Burn Escape, In a joint effort yesterday, the land owner and CAL FIRE crews had started burn piles. Control lines spanning 200 acres were also cut.
    On Tuesday, the burn piles spread. The land owner and CAL FIRE had originally planned a controlled burn within the 200 acres, just not for Tuesday. The land owner called the CAL FIRE station to report the fire was burning out of control.
  • Cooperating Agencies: 
  • Resources: More than 75 firefighters are battling the flames.
  • Air Resources: 
  • Comms: 
  • Injuries: 
  • Weather Info: 
  • RR Link: 
  • Agency Link:  

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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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