1 civilian dead, 20 residences destroyed, 10 damaged,
Update: 9-27 0730 Shockey Fire CA-MVU-10383, San Diego Co., East of Campo.
2,556 acres, 98% contained. Fire lines continue to hold. No further spread expected.
CALFIRE IMT team #6 (Chaney) assigned. Continue to demob excess resources.
Update: 9-26 1750 CA-MVU- . 2,851 acres, 90% , East of Campo.
SRA (BIA and BLM Lands) No further spread expected.
CALFIRE IMT6 Evacuation lifted for Tierra Del Sol
Update: 9-25 1000 CA-MVU- 2851 acres, 55% CALFIRE IMT team #6 (Chaney). Fire lines being tested by winds today
Update: 9-24 1000 CA-MVU- #ShockeyFire CA-MVU-10383 2451 acres, 40%. #CALFIRE IMT6 (IC Chaney) assigned. No further spread expected #CaFire.
Update: 9-24 1000 CALFIRE IMT team #6 (IC Chaney) is being
mobilized with in briefing, tentative transition meeting scheduled for 1000 hours
Structure threat and evacuations remain with a threat to the Southwest Power Grid
Hwy 94 closed at Shockey Truck Trail, evacuations continue heavy cont. fuel bed
Update: 9-24 0600 Acres Burned:
2,000 acres - 10% contained., This morning the fire continues to threaten 80 homes in Eastern San Diego County.
Shockey Fire Location, Perimeters and Hotspots Map |
Conditions: The fire is burning actively towards the east. Rapid Rate of Spread.
Concerns: Structure threat to the Community of Boulevard, Threat to Sunrise and Southwest Power Grid
Evacuations: Evacuations in place for Tierra Del Sol, Jewel Valley & Boulevard area.
The Red Cross has opened an evacuation shelter at the Mountain Empire High School in Pine Valley.
Structures Destroyed: There have been an estimated 20 residences destroyed and 10 damaged. 15 outbuildings have also been destroyed.
Date/Time Started: September 23, 2012 12:16 pm
Administrative Unit: CAL FIRE San Diego Unit - Shockey CA-MVU-10383
County: San Diego County
Location: Shockey Truck Trail and Hwy 94 on the Campo Indian Reservation, east of Campo, San Diego County. SRA (BIA and BLM Lands)
Resources: Engines: 57 fire engines, Fire crews: 9 crews, Dozers: 5 dozers, Water tenders: 9 watertenders
Airtankers: 6 airtankers, Helicopters: 6 helicopters.
Cooperating Agencies: San Diego Sheriff, Indian Reservation Fire Depts, & US Forest Service