Thursday, August 12, 2010

Russia: Wildfires threaten nuclear facilities - Burning in Chernobyl area

Russian wildfires spread to nuclear sites and Chernobyl area
  • The area around the Mayak plant – a closed nuclear facility 80 kilometres from Snezhinsk - is under a state of emergency -

    Mayak is the biggest nuclear complex in the world, and includes a reprocessing plant, nuclear waste treatment with interim storage, pilot facilities for the production of plutonium-based Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel, and a facility for the vitrification of liquid radioactive wastes. According to some experts there is 40 tons of plutonium at Mayak. Were that plutonium to burn, the consequences for the region would be catastrophic – the contamination could make the Southern Urals uninhabitable.
  • Despite the government's denials, satellite photos show fires burning in forests contaminated by the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

    This could cause the release of radioactive materials into the atmosphere. While the risks are not comparable to the Chernobyl accident itself, the radioactive materials in the smoke will increase the health risks when the smoke is inhaled. Also the materials can be dispersed over a large area, posing extra risks for people that are exposed.
  Soldiers spray water from hoses in a forest
Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: More than 7,600 square kilometers have been scorched by the fires

A forest watchdog said Wednesday the Russian wildfires have already raged across areas contaminated by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Earlier, emergency officials said they were starting to get the fires under control.

Fires: have blazed across hundreds of hectares in areas contaminated by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, an official from the Russian forest watchdog Roslesozaschita said Wednesday.

"According to data from August 6, in the Bryansk region alone 28 fires covering an area of 269 hectares (665 acres) were recorded on these radioactive lands," an official from the group told the Interfax news agency.

"There are maps of the [nuclear] contamination, there are maps of the fires. Anyone can put the two together. Why deny this information?" added the official in response to denials earlier this week that the fires had reached the Bryansk region.

There are fears that radioactive soil in contaminated areas could be swirled into the air along with ash.

The environmental group Greenpeace on Tuesday accused Russian authorities of downplaying the radioactive danger, saying that 20 fires could be seen raging in contaminated areas on satellite photos.
American tourists in Moscow wearing face masks in the smog
Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift:
  Moscow has been blanketed by thick smog from the fires for days
"The elevated radioactive radiation will not lead to new contamination as with Chernobyl," said Greenpeace activist Vladimir Chuprov. "Nevertheless, smaller radioactive quantities should not be underestimated," he said.
There have been signs of improvement on the ground however, with emergency officials saying the total area of the wildfires had halved since early Tuesday. But authorities also said the number of spot fires had increased by 55 to 612.
Government under fire
The fresh concerns come as the Russian government and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin were sharply criticized by the country's press over its reaction to the natural disaster.
"His PR engineers can think of nothing more other than to yet again sit him behind the controls of an aircraft," leading business daily Vedomosti commented, referring to reports Putin had flown a water bombing jet to douse fires in one of the worst-affected regions.
"This is a tunnel vision of the PR makers who believe that a TV picture of Putin behind the wheel of something is an eternal panacea for falling ratings," it continued.
The usually pro-Kremlin daily Moskovsky Komsomolets wrote sarcastically that the "Russian authorities are heroically (if you believe the television reports) fighting the forest fires."
"They are fighting the fires, having allowed these fires right from the start to reach a catastrophic magnitude," it added.
A Russian fire fighter takes a short break as forest fire came very close to the village of Murmino
Thousands of firefighters have been deployed to fight the blazes

Firefighters continue the battle
Russian firefighters are continuing to try and control wildfire blazes that have sprung up due to the heat and the drought.
An area 10 times that of New York City, more than 7,600 square kilometers (2,934.4 square miles), has been scorched by the fires, and so far at least 54 people have been killed.
The fires are still threatening key nuclear sites, such as Russia's main nuclear research center in Sarov and the nuclear waste processing plant at Mayak.

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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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