Sunday, June 21, 2009

World News: Iran - Photojournalist missing

LIFE magazine Photojournalist missing in Tehran

Tehran, Iranian Revolution, Iran, Photojournalist, LIFE magazineCourage on Tehran's Streets; A Photographer Is Missing
The Iranian photojournalist, whose pictures appear here, is missing. He has not been in contact with LIFE magazine; this morning LIFE magazine received the following email from one of his relatives.

THE EMAIL: Hi im [photographer’s relative], when he go out side yester day for he never came back home and also his friend and a lot of our young brave people, government arrested them [. . .] don’t let them suffer in those bloody hands. With thanks.

We will update this space when we have more details.
Pictured: Defiance in the streets the day after the disputed results of the June 12, 2009, election.
Great pictures From Tehran's Streets at: LIFE magazine - Link
Hope and Rage As protests and counter-protests unlike anything seen in Iran since the 1979 Revolution roil the country and captivate the world, LIFE presents photographs taken by an Iranian who is there, in the midst of the action.

Editors note: I know this is off topic but the Tehran-based photojournalist who made this pictures is now missing. Whether a war zone, revolution or wildland urban interface fire I felt it was important photojournalism news, and I wanted to share these very powerful photographs...

New details at LIFE magazine: - Link.
All Photos: LIFE magazine - An Iranian Photojournalist -Link

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