Thursday, September 18, 2008

LODD: - Curtis Hillman - Six Rivers National Forest

15th firefighter LODD in California this summer

Cal Fire news extends our deepest sympathy to Family, Friends, Karuk Indian tribe and fellow firefighters

Update: Please see comments section for letter from family member in regards to finding out the truth regarding this accident from USFS.

Redding, Calif. — A 77-year-old contract wildland firefighter has died from injuries he suffered while battling the Siskiyou Complex wildland fire in the Northern California Six Rivers National Forest near the Oregon border last month.

The U.S. Forest Service said Tuesday that Curtis Hillman, of Happy Camp, died on Sept. 11 at Mercy Medical Center in Redding.

Forest Service spokesman Mike Ferris says Hillman sustained head injuries on Aug. 25 when he jumped or fell off a road grader, the accident reportedly resulted from the grader brake not holding, and the heavy equipment rolling backward downhill. The heavy equipment operator was rushed to Mercy Medical in Redding.

Hillman, a member of the Karuk Indian tribe, is the 15th firefighter to die in the line of duty in California this summer. Eleven firefighters were killed in a helicopter crash last month and three firefighters died in July—one of a heart attack, one after being struck by a falling tree and another of severe burns after being overrun by wildfire.

1 comment:

  1. IT IS TRULY A SAD DAY, INDEED. . If the so called leadership in the U.S. Forest Service truely wished to honor this fallen firefighter and pay respect to his family, they would stop lying and withholding information. Denying a FOIA request for the accident report (filed by his family)-who have a right to know what happened, so they can have some closure and begin to heal,is simply adding salt to the wound. The hollow words, rehersed speeches, meaningless gestures, and the cruel reality demonstrated through the actions of Forest Service Brass, is the ultimate betrayal and disrespect. Is it really that difficult for the "Big Dogs" in the Forest Service to be honest? Is it asking to much of them, to just tell the truth? Is there anyone out there who can help? Is there anything we can do? Is there no human decency left in these leaders? Firefighters are hard working, honest, and decent people who deserve far more from their leadership. The leadership in the Forest Service, SRNF SO, is rotten to the core. My Uncle (Curtis Hillman) died doing what he most loved, working. His old-school work ethic was difficult for anyone to match, and his sense of humor made being around him a joy. He loved life and his family very much and lived every day to the fullest. He lived a colorful & full life, although cut short at 77 years old. He was a man of his word, an honorable man, and he and his family deserve honorable treatment. My Aunte & the rest of Curt's family wants, needs, and deserves the truth - not fancy plaques, brass statues, folded flags and hollow, meaningless words from those who dare call themselves leaders. A SINCERE THANK YOU to all the individual firefighters, fire departments and companies from across the country who have expressed their heartfelt condolences, they are very much appreciated. - Leaf Hillman


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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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