Thursday, September 18, 2008

LAFD Blog: 911 Audio - Metrolink train accident

LOS ANGELES— Desperate screams and reports of a chaotic, bloody, and horrifying accident scene are heard on 911 calls that followed the deadly train collision last week in Los Angeles.

Twenty-five people were killed and more than 130 were injured in the accident.

Fire officials released several audio of recordings of the emergency 911 calls received on Wednesday night in the the aftermath of the collision between a Metrolink commuter train and a freight train Friday.

LAFD Fire officials say emergency 911 dispatchers received hundreds of 911 calls about the collision between the Metrolink commuter train and a freight train in the three to four hours after the collision.

LAFD Releases 9-1-1 Audio for Metrolink Collision
Article From the LAFD Blog - Article link

The recent tragedy involving a collision between a Metrolink commuter train and a freight train in the Chatsworth area of Los Angeles affected many lives both within the Los Angeles area and Nationwide. Over the course of three or four hours, the LAFD Dispatch Center received hundreds of 9-1-1 calls for assistance at the collision site, in addition to their normal call volume.

The same men and women answering the 9-1-1 calls for help also coordinated the dispatch and control of over 100 LAFD Fire Companies, Ambulances, Helicopters, Support and Command Staff, 80 private ambulances, and numerous resources from allied agencies.

9-1-1 calls for help can be heartbreaking and extremely stressful under the best of conditions. Many times, we forget to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of those Firefighters and Paramedics working behind the scene to provide a safety net for those living, working, and visiting our fine City.

The Los Angeles Fire Department has received dozens of requests for the release of the 9-1-1 tapes related to the Metrolink incident. Since it would take hundreds of hours to assemble, edit and distribute this information, the probability of fulfilling this request within a reasonable period of time would be doubtful.

Therefore, the LAFD has assembled a small sampling of 9-1-1 calls which are reflective of the type of calls being received during this event. Certain information, such as names, phone numbers, and personally identifiable information has been redacted for privacy reasons.

With such a traumatic event, it is respectfully requested that any reproduction or distribution of these audio files be done in a dignified and respectful manner. These will be the only 9-1-1 audio files released by the Fire Department and they may be withdrawn without notice.

(911 Audio) (911 Audio) (911 Audio)

Submitted by Ron Myers, Spokesman
Los Angeles Fire Department

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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

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