Wednesday, August 20, 2008

National Fire News Report ~ 8/20/08

National Preparedness Level 4

(On a scale from 1 to 5)

Current hours for the National Fire Information Center are
(MST) 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday
This report will be updated daily.

August 20, 2008

Oregon and California continue to have the most large fire activity. Firefighters did contain the Yolla Bolly Complex in northern California at 89,994 acres.

Moderate wildland fire activity was reported throughout the western states. Eleven large fires were reported: one each in Kentucky, California, and Washington; three each in Montana and Idaho; and two in Oregon.

Weather Discussion: Gusty winds are predicted from northeast California to Montana. Showers will spread across northwest California, Oregon, Washington, northern Idaho, and western Montana. Thunderstorms are predicted over Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.

Source: National Interagency Coordination Center

Daily statistics 8/20/08

Number of new large fires


States currently reporting large fires:

Number of active large fires


California (8)
Idaho (9)
Kentucky (1)
Montana (4)
Nevada (3)
New Mexico (1)
Oregon (11)
Washington (3)
Wyoming (1)

Acres from active fires


Number of Wildland Fire Use (WFU) fires


Number of Wildland Fire Use (WFU) acres


Fires contained since 8/19/08


Year-to-date large fires contained


Year-to-date statistics

2008 (1/1/08 - 8/20/08)

Fires: 62,378

Acres: 4,402,967

2007 (1/1/07 - 8/20/07)

Fires: 62,432

Acres: 6,395,751

2006 (1/1/06 - 8/20/06)

Fires: 77,066

Acres: 6,725,169

2005 (1/1/05 - 8/20/05)

Fires: 43,166

Acres: 6,678,397

2004 (1/1/04 - 8/20/04)

Fires: 53,437

Acres: 6,212,265

2003 (1/1/03 - 8/20/03)

Fires: 42,263

Acres: 2,390,253

2002 (1/1/02 - 8/20/02)

Fires: 59,124

Acres: 5,955,038

2001 (1/1/01 - 8/20/01)

Fires: 56,044

Acres: 2,777,494

2000 (1/1/00 - 8/20/00)

Fires: 68,791

Acres: 5,459,245

5-year average

2004 - 2008

Fires: 59,696

Acres: 6,082,910

10-year average

1999 - 2008

Fires: 59,469

Acres: 5,088,221

Current Wildland Fires


Fires: 8

Acres: 284,792

New fires: 1

Fires contained: 1

Slinkard (Klamath National Forest): 170 acres at six percent contained. This fire is burning four miles southeast of Seiad Valley. Minimal fire behavior was reported. Residences and cultural sites are threatened.
Jack (Lava Beds National Monument): 6,500 acres at 60 percent contained. Evacuations and road closures are in effect.
Bear Wallow Complex (Klamath National Forest): 44,469 acres at 35 percent contained. This complex of three fires is 13 miles southeast of Happy Camp. Minimal fire activity was reported.
Information: Call 707-467-1512 or visit the web site.
Iron and Alps Complexes (Shasta-Trinity National Forest): 105,325 acres at 90 percent contained. This complex of three fires is one mile north of Junction City. Some structures remain threatened.
Information: Call 530-623-6415 or visit the web site.
Panther (Klamath National Forest): 47,910 acres at 75 percent contained. This fire is 14 miles southwest of Happy Camp. Recreation sites are currently closed.
Information: Call 530-841-4406.
Siskiyou/ Blue 2 Complex (Klamath National Forest): 79,762 acres at 75 percent contained. This complex consists of both the Siskiyou and Blue 2 complexes. The complex is 18 miles southwest of Happy Camp. Cultural sites remain threatened.
Information: Call 530-627-3532 or visit the web site.
Yolla Bolly Complex (Mendocino National Forest): The complex was contained at 89,994 acres.
Information: Call 530-833-0357 or visit the web site.
Santa Lucia Lightning Complex (Los Padres National Forest): 256 acres at 85 percent contained. This complex of three fires is located 18 miles east of Santa Maria. Minimal fire activity was reported. Area closures are in effect near the fire.
NEW Avenal (Fresno-Kings Unit, Cal Fire): 400 acres at 50 percent contained. This fire is three miles southeast of Avenal.


Fires: 4

Acres: 35,116

New fires: 1

Fires contained: 0

WFU Fires: 5

Acres: 10,975

New WFU: 2

North Minidoka (Twin Falls District, Bureau of Land Management): 31,616 acres at 85 percent contained. This fire is located three miles north of Minidoka.
NEW Pagari Bridge (Twin Falls District, Bureau of Land Management): 300 acres at 55 percent contained. This fire is eight miles northwest of Richfield. Wind driven fire activity was reported.
Porcupine (Nez Perce National Forest): 300 acres at zero percent contained. This fire is located 20 miles east of Elk City.
Snow Hole (Craig Mountain Area Office, Idaho Department of Lands): 2,900 acres at 95 percent contained. This fire is 12 miles southwest of Cottonwood.
NEW Diamond (Nez Perce National Forest): 693 acres. This fire is 18 miles northwest of Darby. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.
NEW Bargamin (Nez Perce National Forest): 525 acres. This fire is 24 miles east of Elk City. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.
Moose Creek (Nez Perce National Forest): 902 acres. This fire is five miles northwest of Rocky Bar. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.
South Barker (Sawtooth National Forest): 6,530 acres. This fire is five miles northwest of Rocky Bar. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.
Willow (Caribou-Targhee National Forest): 2,325 acres. This fire is 11 miles west of Macks Inn. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.


Fires: 1

Acres: 750

New fires: 1

Fires contained: 1

WFU Fires: 3

Acres: 1,598

New WFU: 2

Bear Gulch (Central Land Office, Montana Department of Natural Resources): 750 acres at zero percent contained. The fire is 12 miles east of Townsend.
Information: Visit the web site.
NEW Keystone (Miles City Field Office, Bureau of Land Management): The fire was contained at 320 acres.
Hell's 1/2 Saddle (Bitterroot National Forest): 1,100 acres. This previously reported fire is 24 miles southwest of Darby. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.
NEW Triangle Peak (Flathead National Forest): 270 acres. This fire is 10 miles northeast of Hungry Horse. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.
NEW Cardinal Peak (Flathead National Forest): 228 acres. This fire is 15 miles northeast of Seeley Lake. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.


Fires: 2

Acres: 700

New fires: 2

Fires contained: 0

WFU Fires: 1

Acres: 1,500

New WFU: 0

NEW Silver Creek (Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest): 400 acres at 15 percent contained. The fire is 20 miles northwest of Bridgeport.
NEW Fossil (Ely Field Office, Bureau of Land Management): 300 acres at zero percent contained. This fire is 38 miles west of Caliente
East Slide Rock Ridge (Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest): 4,691 acres. This fire is five miles northwest of Rocky Bar. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.

New Mexico

Fires: 0

Acres: 0

New fires: 0

Fires contained: 0

WFU Fires: 1

Acres: 475

New WFU: 0

Alta (Sante Fe National Forest): 475 acres. This fire is four miles northwest of Youngsville. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.


Fires: 9

Acres: 7,818

New fires: 3

Fires contained: 0

WFU Fires: 2

Acres: 2,300

New WFU: 0

Gnarl (Mount Hood National Forest): 516 acres at 25 percent contained. This fire is 24 miles south of Hood River. Structures remain threatened.
Information: Call 541-352-6002 ext. 628 or visit the web site.
North Fork (Umpqua National Forest): 450 acres at 20 percent contained. This fire is 26 miles northeast of Glide. Minimal fire behavior was reported.
Information: Visit the web site.
Bridge Creek (Ochoco National Forest): 4,902 acres at 35 percent contained. This fire is seven miles southwest of Mitchell. Structures and historical sites are threatened.
Information: Visit the web site.
Snow Creek (Deschutes National Forest): 350 acres at five percent contained. This fire is 27 miles southwest of Bend. The fire spread rapidly yesterday. Structures, power lines, and campgrounds are threatened.
Information: Visit the web site.
NEW Summit Springs (Sisters Unit, Oregon Department of Forestry): 1,350 acres at 10 percent contained. This fire is nine miles north of Sisters. Wind driven fire activity was reported.
Information: Visit the web site.
NEW Bessie Rock (Rogue River National Forest): 150 acres at zero percent contained. This fire is sevne miles east of Prospect.
Information: Visit the web site.
NEW Wildcat (Freemont National Forest): 100 acres at 10 percent contained. This fire is 11 miles west of Lakeview.
Information: Visit the web site.
Ochoco Fire Use (Ochoco National Forest): 2,000 acres. This fire is 10 miles southwest of Dayville. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.
Minam Peak (Wallowa-Whitman National Forest): 300 acres. This fire is 112 miles southwest of Joseph. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.


Fires: 2

Acres: 1,350

New fires: 0

Fires contained: 0

WFU Fires: 1

Acres: 309

New WFU: 1

Jack Creek (Okanogan/Wenatchee National Forest): 1,017 acres at zero percent contained. This fire is located 13 miles southwest of Leavenworth. Cultural sites are threatened. Areas and trails near the fire are closed.
Information: Visit the web site.
Malott (Northeast Region, Washington Department of Natural Resources): 333 acres at 80 percent contained. This fire is two miles northwest of Malott. Minimal fire activity was reported.
Information: Visit the web site.
Foam Creek (Okanogan/Wenatchee National Forest): 300 acres. This fire is 13 miles northwest of Leavenworth. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.
NEW Arctic Creek (North Cascades National Park): 110 acres. This fire is 13 miles northwest of Leavenworth. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.


Fires: 0

Acres: 0

New fires: 0

Fires contained: 0

WFU Fires: 1

Acres: 42,148

New WFU: 0

Gunbarrel (Shoshone National Forest): 42,148 acres. This fire is 40 miles west of Cody. This wildland fire use is being managed to accomplish natural resource objectives.
Information: Call 307-578-5199 or visit the web site.

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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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