Sunday, June 22, 2008

North Ops: California Wildland Fires - News and Notes

California North Op's Wildland Fires - News and Notes - CAL FIRE USFS

6/22/2008 1642hrs -
ENF Fires
Description/Location: Approximately, 16 wildland fires resulted from Saturday’s
lightning storm. Most have been contained. The primary fire of concern is the
Soldier fire located 3 miles northeast of Pollock Pines and north of Highway 50. The
fire statistics below are for the Soldier Fire. The other fires were located north of
Georgetown and between Highway 50 and Highway 88 in the vicinity of the North
South road. Local communities are experiencing heavy drift smoke.
Size: 35 acres
Containment: 35% Expected Containment: Unknown
Fuel Type: Heavy timber, brush, and steep topography
Committed Fire Resources:
Engines: 5 Crews: 1 Dozers: 1 Water Tenders: 2 Tankers: 2
Weather Conditions: Hot and dry conditions. Winds from the Southwest.
Agency Jurisdiction: U.S. Forest Service
Cooperating Agencies: Cal Fire, and multiple agencies.
Threats: Research Natural Area. Residences along the White Meadows Road.
Structures Destroyed: None
Injuries: None
Evacuations: None
Road Closures: None

6/22/08- 1530 hrs
WNP 100 plus acres, unified command with SHU, moderate growth potential.

TGU Lightning complex
* 36 total fires
* West Side of Unit: One 40 acre fire
* East side of unit: Contained 450 acre fire that was burning in Mill Creek
* Working one fire with LNF in the vicinity of Boondocks, initial report was 5 acres
* New fire along Ishi road behind Finley Lake. Fire is working into Antelope Creek. Developing suppression plan.
Wild Fire, Eastern Napa County
4,000 acres
35% containment
Ops - South end of fire (Division Y) continues to threaten an estimated 250 residences in the Green Valley subdivision.
T 910 being utilized

6/22/08 - 1530
MEU Lightning
* Approx 90 fires, many in commercial timberland; about 60 unstaffed
* Total acreage at least 5000
* Majority of fires making significant runs
* Orr Fire, 200 acres, has evacuation of about Orr Springs Resort and 20 homes, no containment, 5 homes destroyed
* Navarro Fire at 1400 acres, 5% contained, potential threat to 500 homes
* Foster Fire at 60 acres, several homes threatened, 0% contained
* Table Mtn. Fire 1000 acres, 5% contained, structures threatened
* Mallo Pass Fire, 600 acres, commercial timber, unstaffed
* Juan Creek , 2 fires at 100 acres each, 8 fires at 30 acres each, 0% contain, Commercial timber

AEU Lightning
4 Active fires of concern: Vineyard, Bottle, Soldier and Deer
Deer Fire: Just broke, unknown size with structures threatened
Vineyard fire: 15 acres
Bottle fire: 22 acres
Soldier fire (USFS): 35 acres

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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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