Wednesday, June 25, 2008

California Fire News Morning Report

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 – 0530 MDT - Currently being updated

National Fire Activity
National Preparedness Level: 3
Large fires contained: 8
Uncontained large fires: 52
Area Command Teams committed: 1
NIMOs committed: 3
Type 1 IMTs committed: 12
Type 2 IMTs committed: 15
Fire Use Teams committed: 0
** Uncontained large fires do not include WFU or confine/contain incidents. **

California Notes:
Four MAFFS C-130 air tankers have been requested in support of the State of California in Chico, California.

Two aircraft from the 145th Airlift Wing, Charlotte, North Carolina are operational. Two C-130 MAFFS units from
the 302nd Airlift Wing, Colorado Springs CO have been requested to be operational Wednesday, June 25. The
Mission Commander is LTC Roger Williams, 145th Air Wing, North Carolina.

Area Command Team (Zimmerman). NIMO (Gage) assigned to Shasta-Trinity NF.
Northern California Area (PL 4)
New fires: 176
New large fires: 3
Uncontained large fires: 27
Area Command Teams committed: 1
NIMOs committed: 1
Type 1 IMTs committed: 8
Type 2 IMTs committed: 6

BTU Lightning Complex (27 fires),
Butte Unit, Cal Fire. Cal Fire IMT 1 (Lewin). Butte County, CA. Timber, brush
and grass. Active fire behavior with torching and spotting. Communities of Jonesville, Butte Meadows and Concow threatened. Evacuations in effect. Highway 70 closed.
SHU Lightning Complex (157 fires), Shasta-Trinity Unit, Cal Fire. Cal Fire IMT 1 (Kerschen). Shasta and Trinity counties, CA. Timber, brush and grass. Active fire behavior. Residences, commercial property and power transmission lines threatened. Communities of Shingletown and Burney threatened. Evacuations and road closures in effect.
Mendocino Lightning Complex (107 fires), Mendocino Unit, Cal Fire. Cal Fire IMT 1 (Waterman). Mendocino County, CA. Timber and grass. Active fire behavior with rapid rates of spread, torching and spotting. Numerous residences threatened. Communities of Greenfield, Chicken Ridge and Orr Springs. Evacuations in effect.
Whiskeytown Complex (3 fires), Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, NPS. Twelve miles west of Redding, CA. Timber and brush. Moderate backing fire activity with upslope runs. Structures, communication infrastructure and power lines threatened. Road closures in effect.
American River Complex (3 fires), Tahoe NF. Eleven miles northeast of Foresthill, CA. Timber, brush and chaparral. Moderate to rapid rates of spread with slope-driven runs. Power lines and cultural resources threatened.
Yuba River Complex (28 fires), Tahoe NF. IMT 1 (Summerfelt) and IMT 2 (Joseph). Thirteen miles northeast of Nevada City, CA. Timber and brush. Moderate backing fire activity. Residences, hydroelectric facilities and powerlines threatened. Road closures in effect.
Iron Complex (27 fires), Shasta-Trinity NF. IMT 2 (Swartzlander). One mile north of Junction City, CA. Heavy timber, brush and grass. Moderate rates of spread with uphill runs and occasional torching. Residences threatened.
Lime Complex (53 fires), Shasta-Trinity NF. IMT 1 (Opliger) and IMT 2 (Kaage). Fourteen miles west of Hayfork, CA. Timber. Active fire behavior with short duration crown runs, single and group tree torching and short-range spotting. Numerous residences and structures threatened. Evacuations in effect.
Wild, Sonoma-Lake Napa Unit, Cal Fire. Cal Fire IMT 1 (Morris). Five miles east of Napa, CA. Brush. Residences threatened. No further information received.
Walker, Sonoma-Lake Napa Unit, Cal Fire. Ten miles northeast of Clearlake Oaks, CA. Chaparral. Active torching and spotting. Residences threatened.
Mill, Lassen NF. Sixteen miles northeast of Los Molinos, CA. Timber. No further information received.
Antelope, Lassen NF. Seven miles southeast of Paynes Creek, CA. Timber. No further information received.
Peterson, Lassen NF. IMT 1 (Ruggiero). IMT will also manage the Popcorn fire. Ten miles east of Cassell, CA. Timber and grass. Community of Little Valley threatened. Evacuations in effect. Reduction in acreage due to more accurate mapping. No further information received.
Popcorn, Lassen-Modoc Unit, Cal Fire. Nine miles northwest of Little Valley, CA. Timber, brush and grass. Spotting. Community of Little Valley threatened. Evacuations in effect.
Corral, Lassen-Modoc Unit, Cal Fire. Twenty-three miles west of Termo, CA. Timber and grass. Smoldering.
LNF June Lightning Complex, Lassen NF. Sixteen miles southwest of Chester, CA. Timber. Smoke impacting area communities. Reduction in acreage due to more accurate mapping. No further information received.
Cub Complex (4 fires), Lassen NF. IMT 2 (Batten). Sixteen miles southwest of Chester, CA. Timber. Backing fire with spotting. Smoke impacting communities.
Humboldt Complex, Humboldt-Del Norte Unit, Cal Fire. Humboldt County, CA. Timber, slash and grass. Spotting. Numerous residences threatened.
Canyon Complex (34 fires), Plumas NF. IMT 1 (Pincha-Tulley). Sixteen miles northeast of Paradise, CA. Timber. Surface fire with moderate rates of spread, backing fire with isolated torching. Residences and archeological sites threatened. Road closures in effect.
June ABCD Misc Complex (2 fires), Mendocino NF. Twenty-four miles southwest of Chico, CA. Chaparral, timber and grass. Backing fire with short runs. Residences and structures threatened.
TGU Lightning Complex (3 fires), Tehama-Glenn Unit, Cal Fire. Tehama County, CA. Chaparral. Moderate rates
of spread.
Siskiyou Complex (5 fires), Klamath NF. IMT 2 (Paul). Eighteen miles southwest of Happy Camp, CA. Conifer and hardwood overstory with heavy timber litter. Active backing fire with moderate rates of spread, short uphill runs and spotting. Historical and cultural resources threatened.
Mad Complex (4 fires), Six Rivers NF. Humboldt County, CA. Timber, brush and grass. Moderate rates of spreadwith occasional torching. Residences threatened.
Ukonom Complex (6 fires), Six Rivers NF. IMT 2 (Lund). IMT is also managing the Blue fires. Previously reported as the Orleans/Ukonom Complex. Three miles southwest of Somes Bar, CA. Timber. Active fire behavior with wind-driven runs. Structures threatened.
Blue, Six Rivers NF. Twelve miles northeast of Klamath, CA. Heavy timber and brush. No further information received.
Hell’s Half Complex (2 fires), Six Rivers NF. Eight miles southwest of Burnt Ranch, CA. Timber. Short uphill runs and spotting. Structures threatened.
SRF Lightning Complex (8 fires), Six Rivers NF. Fifteen miles northeast of Willow Creek, CA. Timber. No new information. Last report unless new information is received.
Southern California Area (PL 4)
New fires: 46
New large fires: 1
Uncontained large fires: 6
NIMOs committed: 1
Type 1 IMTs committed: 3
Type 2 IMTs committed: 3

Indians, Los Padres NF. IMT 1 (Molumby). Eighteen miles west of King City, CA. Timber, chaparral and grass. Flanking and backing fire. Numerous residences and cultural resources threatened. Evacuations in effect.
Basin Complex (2 fires), Los Padres NF. IMT 1 (Dietrich). Five miles southeast of Big Sur, CA. Timber, brush and slash. Active backing fire with short uphill runs, torching and spotting. Numerous residences threatened. Evacuations in effect. Highway 1 closed.
Clover, Sequoia NF. IMT 2 (Johnson and Harvey). Thirty-two miles north of Weldon, CA. Timber and brush. Single and group tree torching with spotting. Residences threatened.
Oliver, Merced-Mariposa Unit, Cal Fire. Cal Fire IMT 1 (Hodson). Twelve miles east of Mariposa, CA. Timber, heavy brush and downed fuels. Structures threatened.
Oliver Complex (4 fires), Sierra NF. NIMO (Cable). Seven miles west of Fish Camp, CA. Timber, heavy brush and downed fuels. Moderate fire activity. Structures threatened.
North Mountain, Stanislaus NF. IMT 2 (Woychak). Seven miles northeast of Groveland, CA. Chaparral and timber. Backing fire with stringer runs. Residences threatened.

Summary of California Fires by Unit

Siskiyou Unit: All fires have been contained. The Klamath National Forest has the Siskiyou Complex which is near Happy Camp that is 600 acres with no containment. The Siskiyou Fire Information Number is (530) 82-2266.

Humboldt-Del Norte Unit: The complex has 52 fires that have burned for more than 950 acres. There are currently 9 active fires in this complex. The Paradise Fire is Northeast of Shelter Cove and is 500 acres and 15% contained, The Redcrest Fire is 35 acres and 100% contained, the High Fire is in Humboldt Redwood State Park is 45 acres and 100% contained, the Carson Fire is 66 acres and 100% contained, the Hansen Fire is 6 acres and 100% contained, the Williams Fire is 40 acres and 100% contained, the Larabee Fire is 45 acres and 100% contained, the Lone Fire is 80 acres and 100% contained, the Williams Fire is 40 acres and 100% contained, and all the remaining fires of 5 acres or less have been contained. The Humboldt-Del Norte Fire Information Number is (707) 725-4413.

Mendocino Unit: 106 fires have burned more than 19,000 acres. Incident Command Team #4 has been assigned to this complex. The Orr Fire is 100 acres and has evacuations of the Orr Springs Resort and 50 homes in the area, the Navarro Fire is 1,400 acres and 5% contained, the Cherry fire is 50 acres and 50% contained, the Foster Fire is 50 acres and 50% contained, the Table Mtn. Fire is 1,000 acres and 5% contained, the Mallo Pass Fire is 800 acres, and the Juan Creek fires (2) are at 100 acres each. There are 8 additional fires at 30 acres each. The Mendocino Fire Information Number is (707) 972-3846.

Santa Clara Unit: Click Whitehurst/Hummingbird Incident for more information on these fires.

San Mateo-Santa Cruz Unit: All fires have been contained.

Amador-El Dorado Unit: All fires have been contained.

Nevada-Yuba-Placer Unit: All fires have been contained.

Butte Unit: The Butte Lightning Complex consists of 27 fires burning more than 3,900 acres. The fires are evaluated each day to determine potential risk. Click Butte Lightning Complex for more specific information regarding the fires, closures and evacuations within this incident. The Butte Fire Information Number is (530) 538-7826.

Tehama-Glenn Unit: The Tehama-Glenn Lightning Complex consists of 41 fires for a total of 4,629 acres. 39 fires are contained. There are two actives fires burning with the complex. The Antelope Fire is 900 acres and 10% contained, the Mill Creek Fire is 1,500 acres with no containment, the Vestal fire is 181 acres and is 85% contained. The Tehama-Glenn Unit Information Number is (530) 528-5124.

Shasta-Trinity Unit: Over 156 fires for a total of 10,000 acres. The Shingletown fire is 455 acres with evacuations in place, the Venture fire is 1,000 acres, the Donkey fire is 360 acres with the potential to evacuate, the Democrat fire is 360 acres, the Kirkwick fire is 1,500 acres, and the Pine fire is 750 acres. Incident Command Team #10 has been assigned to this complex. Shasta-Trinity Unit Information (530) 225-2510.

Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit: The Sonoma-Lake-Napa Lightning Complex consists of 6 fires. Two fires are still burning for a total of more than 12,686 acres. Click on Wild Fire Incident or Walker Fire Incident for more information on these incidents.

Lassen-Modoc Unit (including Plumas County): The Lassen-Modoc Lightning Complex consists of 49 fires burning more than 2,800 acres. Click Popcorn Fire for more information on this incident.

Tuolumne-Calaveras Unit: 9 fires for a total of 5,720 acres. All fires have been contained. Currently the counties of Tuolumne and Calaveras are experiencing heavy smoke in low lying areas due to fires caused by heavy lightning activity yesterday. The Tuolumne-Calaveras Information Number is (209) 754-5527.

Madera-Mariposa-Merced Unit: 15 fires have been reported for more than 6,000 acres.
The Cunningham Complex (5 fires total) are burning 3,150 acres total, the Stumpfield Fire is burning 2 acres, the Indian Peak Fire is burning 60 acres, Mariposa Complex is 100% contained at 2,500 acres and the Oliver Fire is burning in the Sequoia National Forest. The Sequoia National Forest has reported 25 fires. The Madera-Mariposa-Merced Fire Information Number is (209) 966-4784.

Major Federal Incidents

Basin Complex (Gallery and Basin Fires):
County: Monterey County
Location: 5 miles south of Big Sur
Administrative Unit: Monterey Ranger District---Los Padres National Forest
Status/Notes: 3% contained - 8,500 acres
Phone Numbers (805) 961-5770 (Basin Complex Information Number)

Lime Complex:

County: Trinity County
Location: 5 miles south of Hyampom
Administrative Unit: Shasta National Forest
Status/Notes: 10% contained - 7,000 acres
Phone Numbers (530) 225-2510 (Lime Complex Fire Information Number)

Indians Fire:

County: Monterey County
Location: 10 miles west of King City in Ventana Wilderness of the Los Padres National Forest
Administrative Unit: Los Padres National Forest
Status/Notes: 66% contained - 57,943 acres
A voluntary evacuation is in place for upper Pine Canyon and Arroyo Seco. An evacuation advisory is in place for lower Pine Canyon and Thompson Canyon. Reliz Canyon Road and upper Pine Canyon Road remain open to residents only. Although no evacuations orders have been issued at this time, decision points have been established. An evacuation center has been established at the King City High School.
Phone Numbers (805) 961-5770 (Indians Fire Information)

Condensed from: National Interagency Coordination Center - Incident Management Situation Report - Cal Fire Home -

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****REMINDER**** Every fire has the ability to be catastrophic. The wildland fire management environment has profoundly changed. Growing numbers of communities, across the nation, are experiencing longer fire seasons; more frequent, bigger, and more severe, fires are a real threat. Be careful with all campfires and equipment.

"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." --Abraham Lincoln

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