Controversial Move Of Supplies To LA Looks Unlikely
SAN DIEGO -- Officials said Thursday that San Diego County's stockpile of medical supplies will remain in town instead of being sent to Los Angeles in a money saving, safekeeping move.The supplies, which were used during both of the county's firestorms, is enough to treat hundreds of patients for days straight, according to officials.The federal government said Thursday it wants the stockpile moved to Los Angeles by the end of March, citing the money saving value in storing supplies in regions as opposed to specific cities.
County officials said the move would put more than 3 million citizens in the area at risk.
Congressman Releases Statement To Station
This is a statement we received from Congressman Brian Bilbray (R.)On Tuesday of this week, you ran a piece about plans by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to move a 12-ton stockpile of emergency response supplies from San Diego to Los Angeles.
In response to this and the action taken the same day by the Board of Supervisors to officially oppose this move, Congressman Bilbray spoke by phone this afternoon with Craig Vanderwagen, M.D., the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
As a result, Mr. Vanderwagen agreed today to reconsider the move and to work with local officials to identify a location in the San Diego region.
In the meantime, here's a quote from the Congressman:"I am very pleased that the Department of Health and Human Services has recognized the importance of keeping these critical supplies in the San Diego area.
By working together, I am optimistic that a suitable location will be found," said Congressman Bilbray.
Darren Pudgil Office of Congressman Brian Bilbray
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